
Showing posts from July, 2019

Scientific Insight To My Observation on Beans

Scientific Insight To My Observation on Beans Note: This article is the view of the author/writer as based on his physiological and biological knowledge based on his studies and observation of the food over the years. He made some contacts with people, old and young on what they feel about what he is writing into before penciling down this. This observation is in no wise authoritative, but it is to the writer’s views that what he raises here could be researched into by the authorities to arrive at a more verifiable conclusions for the world. Beans Introduction Food in biology is any substance containing nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, that can be ingested by a living organism and metabolized into energy and body tissue. It is a well developed finding and fact that when foods enter our bodies they are broken down into their constituents before being absorbed into the body or blood stream. One food well recommended for all and sundry globally t

Cooperative And Thrift Society

Cooperative And Thrift Society Introduction/Definitions Cooperative is an association or group persons who voluntarily come together in order to achieve a targeted social, economic and cultural goals. Thrift and Credit society is an organization that provides its members with convenient and secured means of saving money and obtaining credits (loans) at a reasonable interest rate on monthly basis. Thrift and credit society started in Germany by Fredrick Wilhelm Raiffersen in 1818 and he is considered as the father of modern cooperative societies. Fredrick Wilhelm Raiffersen In Nigeria, this society is started by the Roman Catholic Teachers in 1940s for salary earners and to take care of their aged ones during retirement. It is being aimed at improving the standard of living of the people in the communities. Before now, this society is commoner among the rural dwellers, but now it is not like that. Members make contributions into the purse of the society on a monthl

Secret of Prosperity And Abundance

Secret of Prosperity And Abundance Every human being on earth desires prosperity. After being prosperous, we won’t want it to end like that, thus, we would strive to have more of it, we would want it to be in abundance, wanting it to continue to flow, because it is when something continues to flow that one can have it in abundance. Consider a business person who has X material in stock, maybe this person has gotten the material in stock for weeks or months, but the demand for it has not been high and suddenly something happens and the demand for the thing soar. If this business person cannot be replacing the quantity being sold, it is sure that he will soon run out of stock of the material and he will have to go to the market. If for any reasons this business person does not know that the price of the good has changed and increased and he sold the material at the old and lower price he would have himself to blame, because the gains made, and his initial capital may not be able