Because You Ask

Because You Ask Question: What is an Altar (not alter, because alter means changing something from its place, original location to another place or changing what you have said before etc. Some people make mistake of writing alter when they mean altar ) ? Altar Having clarified the word altar and alter, I now which to answer your question based on altar because I presume it is altar you want to know something on. Altar is defined as a structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship. Bible dictionary defines it (altar) as structure on which offerings are made to a deity. The Hebrew word for altar is mizbeah (,ebzim) which means to slaughter while the Greek word for altar is thusiasterion (qusiasthveion) both words mean altar is a place of sacrifice. Question: What makes up an altar? Answer: Altar before God takes Israel out of the land of Egypt has no special components. (A) Altar After the flood: first reco...