Mr Bodmas as he was popularly called by us when we were in Secondary School those days has travelled out of the country called Nigeria for quite a while, the news I had about him was that he has been secretive and discretional in given out his phone numbers, even to some of the closest friends of his.
Why was this? It was due to the fact that he was yet struggling, he was yet to find his feet in the States, so giving out his fone number to friends who may wish to call him at any time will put him at risk let alone that this may also turn him to a liar because of the instability this instability has made him to be on his toes in the States moving from a place to another until he has a stay. 
Having heard this from friends, I cannot but take his matter of my heart just internally joining others to pray with him that God prospers his way. 

Not long ago, I saw an old secondary school mate who told me that Mr Bodmas is in Nigeria and specifically in the town. He thus wants us to visit him, and relive some of the pasts together. 
We agreed on the time to pay him a visit, which was the following day. 
We got to his father's house, there were people outside, visitors who have come to rejoice with his father on his son's arrival... After greeting his father they called his junior brother who also happened to have come home with his wife to spend the weekend with their father and obviously to play with his elder brother who happens to be our friend. 
He was called out because they thought he was the one we have come to greet because it has been a while that our friend left and his father was not even thinking he would have a friend around because he was in another state working before he travelled out of the country. 
His junior one on seeing us recognised us instantly and having paid obeisance to us from the entrance to the living room he just turned back to call out our friend for us. 
"He will soon join you sirs", his junior one said to us. 
"Thank you sir "we chorused 
About 60 seconds after this our friend, Bodmas came out, 
" Sege! Whao! Dee did not tell me that you will be accompanying him "as he stretched out his hands and we hugged ourselves 
" We want it to be a surprise ", Dee said. 
" Uhmn, it is really a surprise" he replied as he shook hand with Dee, using his left palm to pat the right palm of Dee, 
"You are glitering like gold," I said as we all laughed, I can hear his father saying to his friends who have come to greet him that "my son will come out of his shell today, because of his friends, since the time he arrived he has keep to himself" 
"Is that so ?" One of his daddy's friends asked. 
"Yes oh", he replied. 
Another  friend said, there nothing like good friendship 
"Eniyan laso mi", another added
"When my first son who lives in London also returned home, he was not himself until Elder Aduralagba's son who is his friend came around... 
Bodmas said to us, "shall we go to the balcony to give our parents some privacy"
" Oh yea", I said, he actually was not waiting for our response because he has opened the door... "Shade "he called 
" Sir " She responded from her room
" Please you and Tee should get my friends and I plastic chairs, table and wine 
"Yes sir" She replied. 
"Can't we take chairs along instead of waiting for them" Dee said 
"I think it is a good idea", I said as we entered pulled out three chairs while Shade went for the drinks. 
"I have been thinking of tracing out your Daddy's shop today or tomorrow, because I was told that you have relocated to another state, I said when I get to Daddy he will give me your phone number because I was unable to get it from our friends "Bodmas said as we put the chairs down to sit while Tee and Shade bring out the table and drinks 
" Thanks " Bodmas said turning to Shade as we continued with our discussion. 
" Dee branched at my place yesterday and told me that you are in town, although he has informed me earlier that you send message to him on that you will be coming home and I told him that when you arrive we shall see you together ", I replied
I am verily elated seeing you around he said as he opened the Chivita fruit juice poured it in the wine cups of the three of us, taking a sip, then said" em, tell me something why are you in town? "
" That is a million dolar question"I replied, throwing some chinchin into my mouth while Dee sipped his drink laughing.. As well as Bodmas and I 

(Watch out for IV )


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