Marital Delay 5

13. AGE: as a guy stated one day that “age is just a number”. You have to know that the state of the mind really matters in everything in life. Individual’s state of the mind would determine whether the person would still look fresh and young, even younger than his or her numerical age. If the state of mind of someone has outgrown his/her age, the person would look frail and older than his/her numerical age, and that is when problem arises, because the person may actually been looking at the age while the body would be telling another thing to the outsiders, check the state of heart of the person who loves you and whom you are in love with, this will go a long way
14. EXPERIENCE: we cannot totally rule out the fact that lack of experience in the past too have been a cause of this delay in you getting someone lack of experience in the sense that you think waiting for someone for years really matter, it is a mistake which is largely caused by lack of experience. Well in the case of making some covenants with someone one may wait, but if otherwise, it is not advisable that one waits for anyone, human beings would come and give you stories after they have jilted you after they have gone with someone else, and if you are the one waiting you will be on the losers end so to say, because to start with someone again, to begin afresh with a spinster or a guy may not be easy, the time may have passed over, so many developments may have happened that you will find it extremely hard for you to fit in to if the Lord does not be on your side. Look at this recent technological developments and changes all over the world, who could have said something like this would be in place today about thirty years ago? Such is what I am saying. Therefore, always know that no human being is like Jesus Christ who said we should wait for his arrival and which belivers are doing up until now, know that humans and humans and any for myriadas of reasons I tell you, human beings would change their decisions, and would come only to be begging you after wards and you wouldn’t be able to do anything other than seeing yourself being fooled all these while.
15. DREAMS/VISIONS/REVELATIONS: The belief that God will always reveal the person one wants to marry too has also brought this set back and people need to learn from you too. If one sees anything and the concerned person or persons feel otherwise about the revelation, then one needs to go ahead with his/her life, one needs to get to another person, but you have lingered on this for too long and this cannot be totally rule out as one of the things that bring about delay in some people getting married early. Delay in this crucial aspect gives the affected persons restlessness, and you have to advanced over such status

(Marital 6)


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