On Business 10

4. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES: Greater percentage of the inhabitants of the earth practises one religion or another. In practising a religion, we do have time when we shall leave our places to go to the place of worship. Sometimes the time when we shall leave for worship place would be during the time we ought to be making some business transactions, or better put will be the time when we ought to be in our shops. Because of our belief, we will have no option other than closing the shop up to go to the worship venue, particularly when we do not have assistants, when we are still starting up. Here are some of the things I will like us to pay attention to on this issue:
(a) Do not close your shop or stall any how based on the pretext that you are going for XYZ programs. How do I mean? Take as instance some will close their shops for weeks, months and say they are going to PPP mountain for prayers. I believe in Prayer. I am a man of Prayer. But I do believe everything has time and seasons. You cannot keep on closing your shops for months with the hope that your business will keep on booming. If yoy are not ready for business, go into the wilderness or mountain or whichever camp you wish to go to for months and even years before you embark on your business, but immediately you start your business, limit the numbers of days you will be closing up your shops base on the excuse that your church has “A 14-Day”, special vigil, your ministry has 21 days Revival in XYZ town, your Pastor asked all the workers to come for 30 days fasting and prayers.
All these are good, but they do not help the business to grow. As stated earlier, you must remember that a business person is different from a civil servant. A civil servant could take a leave for 30 days, some even take aggregated leave running up to three months or more. These people could decide to be on the mountain for 90 days and yet they be paid salaries by the government, but this can never happen to a business person. When you do not go to your shop, there wouldn’t be sales and when there is no sales how will you feed yourself, let alone your family.
What people used to say that it is God who is feeding us should not be misconstrued for laziness because God did not condone laziness. The apostle says, a person who does not work should not eat.
“For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would NOT WORK, neither should he eat” (II Thessalonians 3;10)
So many of us in the south west, so many of us believers have been hiding under this canopy of lie and we would endlessly go for a program closing our shops and we shall expect everything to look normal when we return to the shop, such is not possible.
What we have just done is acting like a farmer who knows that weeds are contesting with his germinated seedlings but yet instead of hoeing the farmland, or applying chemicals to kill and dry those weeds as it is currently being practised, the farmer now leaves for special mountain, by the time the farmer returns those weeds would have outgrown those crops making them not to yield adequate fruits as they ought to.
Put that in your view that is how it is with business people. Immediately you travel without caution, those customers of yours would not wait until you return before they look for other places to buy their needs from. The places gotten may even be customer friendly than your are and apart from that, they would may have been pissed off by this incosistency of yours such that they won’t return. If anyone would return at all, it will take months, not even days before such a customer returns.
Oh! That sister wants to say, I am antagonising their church activities. No ma’am. No sir. I am not, I am just painting for you the reality as far as business is concerned. Before you start your business you may go for months or years and seek the face of the Lord, but immediately you start your business, limit your hours and days of attending special programs. Do you equally recalled that before Jesus started his ministry he went for days, weeks seeking God’s face? But immediately he started he couldn’t retrieve for that length of days into wilderness again, assuming he did that may be he wouldn’t have succeeded. Jesus whom you claim to be following has laid an example for you, why won’t you follow it? Why will you decide to believe some sets of people who are not Jesus than following Jesus’ foot paths?
That business is a ministry, through your business you can reach out to people for Jesus Christ. Do you remember Dorcas? (Acts 9) She reached unto people for Jesus through what she was doing. God has placed you and I in the business field to equally reach unto people for Jesus, by laying examples, selling with good measures etc.


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