On business 7

the business’ rapid growth buy the regularly demanded for goods at this stage.
3. SPOUSE: This I sectionalized to assist our understanding.
(i) Carry your spouse along, let him or her know that busines is different from salary earning and or artisan, because if you do not have goods in your shop, there would be nothing to sell and if you have nothing to sell, how would you make gains? You will not even be happy to go to shop the following day or week, why? It is simply because you do not have goods in your shop to sell. You will be back to square zero if that happens. But in the case of salary earners or artisans this is not so. They are not selling anything. It does not matter whether files are treated or not treated for Salary earners, it does not matter whether the employers take loans to pay the salaries of their employees at the end of the month for salary earners. Salary earners do not pay for the offices they are using, they hardly pay for the ball pens (biros), but for business people she/he would pay for those things. What about Artisans? Many of the Artisans will get part payment of the work they want to do before they start doing the work at all. Sometimes that part payment would be enough to complete the work they wanted to do. But this is not true of Business people, no one will pay you before you put up your shop or offices, no one will pay you up for getting your shops stocked with goods you wanted to be selling, even after getting started with your business rarely will you find anyone paying you before hand before getting the goods they wanted to purchase from you. The onus is on you to get the goods while they walk in to buy. On any rare occasion that anyone pays a business person to assist him/her get something, it may be due to the fact that the person has walked through the nooks and cranies of the town but she or could not find those things; on another note, it may be because the person is your very good customer and she/he believes you will make do what you said, getting him/her the stuff or it may be because the person wants that thing in high quantity as such he wants it quickly that would be when she/he will find it fit to pay you before hand for getting such goods for him/her. Outside these, it is verily rare for a business person to be paid before hand by customers.
The above thus shows you some of the differences between Artisans and Business Persons (Traders); Salary earners and Business persons, thus you as a business woman or man should not in anyway and by any means compare yourself with those people, do not say you are equal. No, at that initial position of starting you are not equal ma, you are not equal sir. You are verily different.
(ii) If both of you are in business together, perhaps doing the same business, you must discipline yourself on spendings, how you spend, what you spend money on.
We all know the nature of women or ladies, only 0.01% of them or even less could live a life of I do not care. What I mean is women would want to buy this and that, they will love to look gorgeous, they will want to be at par with their mates who are earning salaries, but business that is just evolving, a metamorphosizing business does not allow for that. These kinds of frivolous and unnecessary spendings at the initial stage of business should be avoided as best as possible by both partners. If they can discipline themselves, limit what they are purchasing at this stage, the business would evolve great, becoming envious one to all and sundry.
(iii) To increase your business, a partner may look for people who can borrow them money devoid of interests, this is essentially outside the loans they have taken or are taking. (Although such people are verily rare, because not everyone wants it well with his or her partners, what majority of people want is someone who shall be kowtoying to them, someone who shall be running to them to ask of assistance always and which they will after the person has left be mocking. But despite that, I still believe we could get rare people who can be of assistance, rare people who can say, yes, I want it well with my friend, my sibling etc. It such rare people that such a partner will contact to borrow money from.)
How could this be achieved? Take as instance may be the husband has a rich sister or friend or uncle etc. The husband may contact that rich sister to borrow him money for a project, the hubby does not necessarily have to tell the person what he wants to use the money for, the money would be borrowed him on mutual trust and love with the promise of paying back his friend or whomsoever it is that the money is borrowed from with promise to pay back at so and so date. This borrowed money would now be used to buy goods into the shop/store or whatever.


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