On Business 9

v. Some do complain about enemies, demons, witches, wizards etc affecting their businesses. The bible says there are witches, there are demons, I believe those, but none the less, what about our partnership with our spouses is it cordial? If the partnership we have with our spouses in the past has been far from a cordial one, we already have an opening through which the business would not be able to make appreciable growth and development. For all we know, it may not have been enemies at work, the problems we have on the business may essentially have been originated by lack of cordiality with our spouses, our partner. And as we all know, the enemies are like ghecko or lizards which are always looking for a crack in the wall through which they could enter into the wall. Any small crack they noticed would be used to penetrate into the walls of a building. The problems we are seeing may have been caused by the gap between us and our partners, thus we need to do something about it, we need to close the gap/s.
vi. AVOID DUBIOUS DEALINGS WITH YOUR SPOUSE: Some spouses are not ready to assist their spouses again because those spouses whenever they are borrowed money by their spouses they will not pay back the money, they hide under the assumption that “sebi”, she or he is my spouse? “Sebi” she or he is my partner? “Sebi” she or he is my flesh or body? Thus, based on this assumption they will deliberately not pay back the loans taken from their partners. This kind of assumption or action has generated a lot of uproar in some families such that external bodies would be invited to resolve the issues for them.
Although the issue is resolved, but the partner has also resolved in his/her mind never to borrow her partner money for any reasons again.
As lovers, as husbands and wives, we need to know that we are all human beings, and when our partner irrespective of how wealthy she/he is says this money she is giving you, she is borrowing you to help you in boosting your business, we have to respect what she says, while respecting what she says, we equally have to abide by what she says. This is a sense of responsibility, this will bring more interactions between both of you.
Now, as business persons, there are some occasions when the money our spouse borrows us will be used to get some goods, with the hope that the goods will get we shall be able to sell them before the day she expects us to pay her back, but things may turn around, such that we shall not be able to make the very day again. When that happens we need to quickly open up unto her, tell her of your miscalculation and that when they goods are offered for sales you will pay her back instantly.
Your partner will love that, this is because you have carried her along in the scheme of things, on the other hand, if you decide not to carry her along, thinking she should understand, it means you are taking her for granted as well as playing on her intelligence, which invariably would suggest to her that you do not wish to pay back the money right from the outset. This will injure her mind of assisting your business and which shall inevitably tell on the business negatively.
Think about this for a moment. Assuming you are the one who borrows your spouse the money, won’t you be expectant of her to pay you back? Even if you had it in mind to eventually give her the money later you will still expect her to say, “honey, the money you borrowed me the other day for the business here is it”, and after offering that you may now say, “okay, I do not have it in mind to take it back before, I just wanna know how you will manage it, that was why I said I borrowed you in the first instance”. Isn’t this what you will expect? If this is what you will expect, then do unto your partner too what you expected her to do unto you assuming you are in her shoes (position).
“And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” (Luke 6:31)
This bible verse is called the golden rule by some authors, do unto others as we want them or expect them to do unto us.
So any loans we take, either from our spouse, from our friends, from our siblings, from our colleagues, immediately the person has not said this he gives us, we should learn to treat that loan as if we took a co-operative or a bank loan. And we know no bank would write off our loans, we shall be expected to pay back the loan at a specific time and date, failure of which may result in stiffer penalties.
vii. Etc


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