
Years ago a broda in d land of ASIKO-AWA-ODO(YOUTH) went n marry a lady who dey were attendin d same church 2geda..The lass was an NCE holder den, while d broda was an HND holder...
Some years afta d marriage, d man became a minister of d custom of d church was, he was transferred 2 nooks n cranies of d land..when d founder discovered dat he was good n dat where ever he was transfered 2 changes usualy occur @ dose places, d founder decided dat it is time he reaps d reward of his labour, so he transfered him 2 anoda country, a country dat is civilized n more developed..his wife resigned 4m her work place & off dey left 4 d country..When dey were dia, how Christianity was being practiced dia was difft 4m how it was being practiced back home, the education there too was also dift 4m d one in their land, hence his wife got herself enrolled in an institution..& God really helped her as she obtained many certificates..About 5 years afta dis, God told his son, d pastor, of d need 2 return 2 ASIKO-AWA-ODO'S land 2 establish his own ministry..afta much argument with God, he returned home..
On getting home, his wife havin acquired oda certificates now, applied 4 jobs and soon enof she was employed by her state govt, and placed @ a special establishment dat world body estab in d land...she was in obvious wealth..and d ministry of her hubby is yet 2 stand...
As blessed as dis woman was, she preffered using the credit on her phone 2 call her junior brothers, her uncle, etc, but when it comes 2 calling her husband, d pastor, she will flash him, not even sending text msg...
The hubby, on seeing his wife's flash one day said 2 one his friends who was with him, dat it is my wife dat has just flashed o, do u know dat irrespective of d amount of credit on her fone, she wont call me, wat she wil only do is flashing...
His friend also replied dat i think it is everywoman dat is doing dat, bc dat is how my wife behaves too...
May God save us 4m women dey chorused, dey never believe we also want n love dem 2 call us...
You women, try n sacrifice some calls 4 your hubbies too, dont make d callings a one way traffick, let it be bi-traffick
Remember except u are saved u are on your own, u are not safe!


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