Experience is what one gathers from the incidents that have happened to the
person in the pasts. This gathered things modify ones behaviours, it becomes
formed in the person’s brain/cerebral cortexes via which the person would be
able to react, form opinion about situations and instances in the bearest
future. Experiences could be used by the person who has gathered it to arrive
at judgment on certain issues, give counsels to people/groups who come to the
person for advice or someone the person saw and who did not even come to the
person, the experienced one could advice the person based on his/her experience
if the person is loved so that the person would not become a vicitim, would
not fall into where she/he does not desired to fall into.

Sometimes naïve people look at the ones who gave them counsels as if they
did not want them to assist them and such people would not take to the
offered counsels, it is obviously true that many of such people do afterwards
live in regrets for not taking to the offered counsels based on the proffered experience
of the person.

Early morning yesterday, rain started falling in my environment, this time
coincides with the time the students are going to school. Three primary school
pupils whose ages should be 7years, 5years and 3 years were on their ways to their
school when the rain started. I guessed they are the children of the same
parents because they were attending the same school as shown on the dress they
put on, as well as how they were walking to the school because they walked hand
in hand so as to be guided in their walks and not to run “amok” on the road
where vehicles ply often.

As this rain began, the children waited a while under a shade, obviously
because of inexperienced thought the rain would soon stop. But when they
noticed that the rain did not stopped in 10 minutes or even lesser time, they
entered the rain again and started moving, started walking to school. They had
no covering, what I mean is, they were without umbrella, and it was not as if
their school bags were made up of nylons that could protect what they were

On seeing the action of these children, I said to myself where I was looking
at them that they thought they had late, they thought their teachers would have
gotten to the school, they did not want to be beaten by their teachers on
getting to the school…. At this time, I know their teachers too would have been
cornered by the rain if any of them has left his or her house before the rain
starts in the first instance. I continued to reason within myself that if
anyone should tell these children that they should not go to school now, or
better still that they should wait until the rain subsides they would not yiled
to the person’s counsel, they would think the person is misleading them, they
would think the person is giving them false counsel.

On coming to this realization, then I said to myself this is lack of
experience, the bible in the book of Hoshea calls this lack of knowledge (Hos.
4:6). When one lacks knowledge, when one lacks experience and did not see
anyone around to offer such a one experience, how the person would go about the
situation one would needlessly suffer, and at times one may lose his/her life
in the process.

I remembered when I was in Ekiti state of Nigeria, just as it happened to
these children (whose story is shared above) some school children too started
trekking to their school in the rain like that because they wanted to be good
pupils they did not want to be beaten by their class teachers nor head
teachers, however the way they were taken to the school has a river, they
assumed the level of water in the river during and in the rain was same as the
level when it was not raining, they walked into the river and they were all
taken away by the river, they were later to be found dead after they had been
drown in the river.

These happened to the children because of lack of experience.

It is good to play good, it is good to be obedient, but while doing these,
we have to take note of the presenting circumstances, we have to take note of
the people’s counsel and experience at that point in time, if someone with
experience is admonishing and counseling you at the moment, it is always
adviseable not to go against such counsels, but rather to yield to it, at the
initial it may look as if the person’s counsels were not good it may seem as if
the person’s counsel was in form of envying but on critical studies and look,
one would discover that the person is offering the counsel based on the greater
good of the person, in other words the person has in his/her mind the greater
interest of the person for offering such counsels.

On what things have you been offered counsels but you are not yielding? You
may likely have to reconsider your stance today if you see, reading beyond now
that the person does not offer that to put your life in jeopardy.


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