A fairly old man who used to eat fruits to enhance his bowel movements was unable to receive financial support that he used to receive from his children because of recession and the fact that his children’s salaries were not paid as at when due. Because their salaries were not paid they also could not send things to their parents again. Thus the man could not afford to buy those fruits that would keep him actively healthy as he used to before. Soon enough this man took ill, and the children started running here and there on behalf of their father started buying several drugs etc. after all said and done the man got well. The children after the discharge of their father started talking that assuming they had been sending the money home even if meagre, their father perhaps would not have been hospitalized and one of them said, “prevention is always better than cure”
In all respects on shall discover that prevention is better than cure. The money one will spend in preventing a situation from emanating would be lesser than the money one would spend if the unfortunate has happened. Apart from that, the stress that would be involved, emotional and psychological disturbances that would be involved during recuperation would not be there if the situation has been prevented.
In this part of the world, we do not cherish prevention, what we cherish most is cure, where as it is prevention that is cost effective as well as better. The government of our land would keep on looking at craters on the road until it becomes so deep such that accidents there would be fatal before they would decide to do something about it.
A friend of mine who travelled to Sweden some years back when he returned told me that it is not as if the roads there too do not get spoilt but what they used to do immediately they see something like that is that, those apportioned to maintain the road would during the midnight visit those areas and would repair them so that it wont affect the next day’s activities and work. But in this part of the land that wont be done, even if the case is being taken to the appropriate quarters they wont respond until things have gone bad.
As our government, so also is some private establishments they wont mind an instrument that has been spoilt to put it in order until that instrument started injuring the members of staff, making them disable people.
If you are one of those who hardly respond to situation before it goes bad, you have to have another mind and a rethinking today, know that it is always better to prevent something from happening than wanting to fix the situation or thing after it might have happened


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