
Every human being wants be promoted in the world. In the quest for being promoted in the world we do look unto some for assistance to be promoted. Some of us do this neglecting in totality the input of God and as we do this we injure ourselves if such a one fails in his/her promise for us.
I had a friend years back, who have been promised by one of his rich uncle that immediately he finishes his degree he will get him connected to those that matter in the society so that his rise in the civil service would be accelerated. This friend of mine finished his service and his uncle and the entire family celebrated him. However, the man told this friend of mine that he would be coming to take him to those he had talked about on a certain day, on his way to my friend’s place he had an accident and died on the spot.
When this friend of mine heard of the incident, he was downcasted because he had put all his hopes in the man that he would assist him to break boundaries and barriers.
Yes, God do use people to promote one, but the sure promotion comes from God if God has not promoted anyone it does not matter the effort of man because the person would not be promoted. The bible says,
Psa 75:6  For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
Psa 75:7  But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

It is god who promotes we as humans therefore need not to rely or rest all our hopes on man, but we have to rest and place all our hopes on the Lord God who has the power to lift up and to pull down. The person we hoped would be used by God may after all not be used, such a one may be substituted and the Lord will use someone else to promote and lift our heads. Who is it that you are putting your trust in for promotion? I want to suggest that you reduce your trust in that person but rather put your trust in the Lord, if you put your trust in the Lord, he knows the best person to use to bring to pass that which he has in mind for you, he knows how to make the promotion happen and the time to make the promotion happen.


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