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Text: Lamentations 3:27
“It is good for a man that he bears the yoke in his youth” (KJV)
“And it is good for people to submit at an early age to the yoke of his discipline” (NIV)
More often than not the preachers used this verse of the bible on a negative instance, when something terrible has befallen someone, most especially a Christian, a Believer. They will use this verse as a reference point of consolation for the person, or may be I should say as a word of comfort for the person. I need to equally add that, this verse is essentially used for young persons, those who are just coming up, people between the ages of 18 and 45 mostly. They, preachers, hardly use this verse for those who are elders in faith when they are passing through unpleasant times. I think this is a misnomer and a bible verse and or verses ought to be applicable to all and sundry irrespective of age or sex.
In this brief discuss I shall define some words, answer some questions before we examine the topic under this spiritual radar.
INCIDENT: is something that happens especially something unusual or unpleasant.
A MAN: Is an adult male human being
BEAR: (1) To be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant (2) To take responsibility for something (3) To show something; to carry something so that it can be seen
YOKE: (1) Rough treatment or something that restricts yopur freedom and makes your life very difficult to bear (2) A long piece of wood that is fastened across the necks of animals, especially oxen, so that they can pu;; heavy loads.
YOUTH: The time of life when a person is young, especially the time before a child becomes an adult.
GOOD: High quality/acceptable standard (2) Sensible or strong etc.
What is the incident talked about here?
I have decided to remodify the bible verse using the definitions above, and what I arrived at from the remodification is this “it is of high quality (or acceptable standard) that young human beings take responsibility (or accept and deal with something) for something that restricts his freedom (or roughly treated him) in the time of life when the person is yet to become adult.
1.      What can we get from this redefinition vizaviz this verse?
i.                    Life is in levels, when one leaves a stage one moves to another,
ii.                  This writer flashed back his mind to the past incidents,
iii.                He discovered something of high quality so to say from his experience,
iv.                What was the thing he discovered? The incident
2.      The incident he discovered was the yoke
i.                    Yoke is present at each level
ii.                  The yokes that appeared early and dealt with are better
iii.                Seeing from the definitions above we shall see that
(a)    Rough treatment: The sources of this are three: God, Devil and man (David and Nabal (I Samuel 25)). However it is expedient to add that Devil cannot malhandle God’s children except God permitted it eg Job.
(b)   Restricted Freedom: See Luke 15:15ff. we shall see in this book that the elder’s freedom was restricted as long as he was still under the roof of his father/parents. See also Mark 10:21
(c)    Something that makes life unpleasant or difficult to bear (Luke 9:60)
(d)   It could be putting on you more responsibilities (or loads)  e.g Matthew 21:28 In this book, the father of those two sons put on them additional responsibilities. Luke 10:25 ff
3.      When is it good for all these changes to take place?
(a)    At the lower cadre/level. What I mean is take as instance the followings: problem at the lower level in civil service is good than problem that develops at the latter stage of the civil service; withdrawal at the early stage in University or any institution of higher learning is good than when it happens at the tail end of the person’s studentship; failed courtship is better than collapsed marriage etc
(b)   Accepting jesus Christ as one’s Lord and savior at early stage is better (Proverb 22:6; Matthew 11:29)
(c)    Knowing the Word of God at the early stage is good (II Tim. 1:5; 3:5; Jeremiah 5:5)
(d)   Being tutored in God’s Word from the Youth is good (Proverbs 3:1-4)
(e)    Poverty at early stage is good;
(f)    Sickness at early stage is good
(g)   More responsibilities at early stage is good, eg, marriage, shouldering the responsiblities of siblings at early stage is good; giving your life to hours of prayers at the early stage is good etc.
4.      At this stage opinions about life have not been fully formed in the person
5.      Why is it good (that one bears his/her yoke in the Youth)?
i.                    One by this learns to be silent (I Thess. 4:11)
ii.                  One learns to be responsible
iii.                One learns to choose the top priority between variable options that is choosing needs from wants…. Or better still learns to itemize one’s wants in order of importance (Matthew 21:28)
iv.                One learns to love (Luke 15:32)
v.                  One learns to let go (Luke 15:32)
vi.                One learns to respect one’s parents and elders
vii.              It makes one grow in faith eg prophet Elisha (II Kings 2)
viii.            One learns that best vengeance belongs unto God (I Samuel 25; Deut. 32:35)
ix.                Learn not to take laws into one’s hands
x.                  Many times if not all the times it prevents untimely death eg Joseph (Genesis 39 & 41; Proverb 3:1-4)
xi.                It gives one better qualifications than one’s mates or colleagues or peers eg Noah (Genesis 6); Moses (Numbers 12)
xii.              Gives one experience (Romans 5:3-5a)
xiii.            Makes one know God the more (Jeremiah 42:7, 10, 20)
xiv.            Establishes one’s feet (Colossians 1:23; 2:7)
xv.              One becomes verily useful for God and man/humanity (II Corinthians 1:4)
xvi.            etc
6.      What is the yoke you are carrying now?
7.      It is equally good for you now to become saved irrespective of your age, this is because we are ever young in the world before the Lord Almighty, and he wants us all to be saved… are you 60/70/80 or more years old? Before the Lord you are still young.


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