When I first heard this, word “windows are closing”, from my best American
movie so far, 24 hours, I have to rewind the disc, increase my attention to the
incidents in the movie so as to grasp into the minutest details the meaning of
the word.

During one of my dreams in the recent time I heard that “the windows are
getting close”, on waking up, I brought the word back to my mind in
synchronicity with what I have seen in the 24 hours movie and I know the

What does it mean by the Windows are closing? The beaneath words will help
you grasp what this phrase means.

A student who has been seeking admission was given admission by an
institution of higher learning and he was expected to resume with others who
have been offered admission in 4 months time. The given time for preparation is
the opened window. As each day passes, the width with which the window is opened
gets narrower until the D-Day, which is the resumption day.

Two person who have been dating each other for sometime decided to formalize
everything, they decided to get married, as such they contacted their parents,
chose a date for when the wonderful feat would take place, assuming they
decided that they would be married the following year, it means that they have
12 calendar months to prepare. The time that they need for this running around
is the opened window, and as each second pass the window gets closer.

A woman who is pregnant as from the time she knows that she is pregnant the
window has been opened and with each passing centiseconds, the window gets

In the same wise is the issue of Jesus’ appearance in the firmament. Jesus left
the world centuries back and he says he will come back and take to himself
those who believed in him. Up until now he has not arrived, but we have got to
know that as each day passes so draweth nigh his coming, in other words as each
day passes, the window gets closer.

Everything that one needs to do should be done before the window is finally
closed anyone who fails to do what she or he needs to do during the time of the
opened window would become a spectacle of reproach and by word by the society
most especially if they have been aware of the situation on hand before.

You may also have something that you have set so and so time to achieve, you
do not have to delay the time you will start planning, time you will start
preparing for the thing do not think you still have time, for the more you
think you have time, the more you will just discover that the day will come
suddenly and would caught you unprepared.

Many if not all the people of the world know the story of ten virgins as
shared by Jesus Christ in the Gospel according to saint matthew 25, what we
discover from the story is that half of the virgins started preparing from the
day one while half of the virgins delayed their preparation by the time the half
virgins who have been procrastinating their preparations start preparing the
window got closed and they missed their husband.

The above word clearly shows when a window is opened the best bet is for the
person to start preparing, the person should on the immediate start contacting
all the people she or he wants to contact, after doing all the needful and it
seems as if what the person was thinking of did not click, the person will know
that she/he has tried, but if the person delays further, the person himself
would have no one to blame other than him/herself when the window has been


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