I once know a lady, about 10 years ago (were I to write apostolically, I would say whether in the spirit or flesh, I cannot say as apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Cortinthians, but my knowing is in the flesh) in ilorin. She graduated from the University at approximately 20 years. In other words she wasnt 20 years when she finished.
While going for service, she was proposed to by a brother, the lady's response was that she has been engaged. Both parties parted.
Not long ago, I met the lass again. I was surprise to see her because I wasnt thinking I would see her. We had a brief chat, it was during our chat that I discovered that she was single.
I was kept aback. I then asked her of what could have probably happen between her & d person she claimed she was engaged to years back.
No concrete reasons were given, other than, her parents being believers & who believed in Thus saith the Lord asked her 2 let them pray God about it. Her parents after praying about it said what they received 4 her wasnt d person she brought.
"I had no other spouse", she claimed 2 have replied her parents, then her parents told her to wait.
The following day or there about according 2 her, her parents called her again, telling her that what they received again was that she had been proposed to by a man, she said d man was described to her & she knew quite well d person they were talking about.
She said she replied them that, it was true, but that d man even though they were not too close, but they were not distance too then. What brought them together was the fellowship. The man was one of their elders & leaders in the fellowship she attended while on campus. "I like him as a leader, an Evangelist but I do not love him" she said she told her parents.
Her parents there and then told her that she being a believer too should go & talk 2 God about this 2 re-ascertain what d Lord is saying because they have given friends, prophets, seers... and they all seem to be saying the the same thing, this neglected and or rejected man seems to be the aple of God's eyes for this sister.

The sister too said she started praying but she didnt receive anything concrete. She therefore confided in one of her friends, asking her to join he
r in prayers on this crucial issue.
This close friend of hers' also knew the person she was engaged to, and naturally speaking, she also likes his friend's choice of man, d person she was courting & had given her, her full support for d relationship. This essentially was known 2 dis guy too. So, d guy has also believed dat except thru some diabolisms, "ọrun ebè ni aparo oun ati ololufẹ oun yio ku si" (translation: the sparrows of his spouse & him would die on the ridges). So he never believed any other thing could bring about separation to him & his spouse, bc her friend is supportive obviously monitoring her 4 him.

So, dis friend too had no other revelations except dis guy. So that they will not tend to their own intelligence alone, they decided to consult a prophetess whom they knew & dis prophetess affirmed what her parents had been saying...

She wouldnt let him go in her mind, so she decided 2 continue with him irrespective of those heard messages, but now being careful lest one thing leads to another & the ring would have entered the priests' hand... This was how she continued to live with her spouse.

Her parents however having ascertained & settled their minds on dis issue started telling her to try & get d man in question back, bc anything short of good & Godly home for you we will not accept, they said, because she was the most loved of all the children of her parents.

She also tried 2 re-connect d man, but she did not add more zeal to it as she should, bc she was yet 2 let go d man.

As time passes, dis man too got transfered 4m Ilorin & for the 1st five years no one knew his whereabout. Thus, neither d lady nor anyone could monitor d man again.

During this period, d person dis lady was engaged to travel
travel out of d country, even though before he travelled, he promised 2 come back 4 her. His travelling had stimulated her & she had been thinking that, "now my parents will agree that I marry him, because he has travelled out" & almost all parents want their children to go overseas. This had been her thoughts but she discovered that despite d fact dat her parents want her to travel out, but they didnt support her to marry d guy, their faith was, she could also travel out herself, after all she was also brilliant.

This now position of her parents jolted her, it was a great surprise unto her.

Other indications came afterwards suggestive of the fact that d person she had in mind wasnt hers', but she wouldnt let him go.

Her spouse when she got overseas because of Permits & all what not decided to marry someone who will give him a safe landing there, after all he had heard dat her spouse's parents did not want dem 2 marry, else they should have been married even before he travelled out.

The news of his marriage gor to d lady, even though it pained her, but it wasnt a total surprise unto her. Since her spouse had left, she is now in look 4 anoda person. The man whom seers said was hers' she knew nothing about. His parents said they would still come together, some other people thru revelations also said, "they saw them coming together". She also said she dreamt and discovered that she met d man & they started going out. But this so called man, neither she nor closed friends who knew him know his present whereabout. As such they believed he ought to be married by now.

Other attempts to get some other persons, guys, havent yield any good fruits, she said, and my age is not stopping she added.

I cannot be of much help 2 her, bc, it is quite a while that I heard of d man last... We will keep praying, I said, bc there is nothing prayer cannot do. Have you now gotten feelings 4 d man? I asked.

"If it is God, it will work", she replied.

Ok. I replied, may God perfect it.


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