Our fore-fathers cherished name, Protect the same, as such they could support their wards to pursue what she or he is pursuing @ d moment, even if such things are yet to be productive...
But when the so called civilization enters and money becomes the rule of everything, then problems started and there and then our development got stalled bc people now pursue money more than anything.
When you do not have money, friends will mock and deride you. Wife or spouses will leave you. Family members will labelled you as unserious etc as such many of the things that ought to yield us good things, transform our lifes and the nation were left undone, were being sacrificed @ d altar of securing money.
If a son after graduation says he wants to start some researches into some unknown field/s, his/her parents would be d 1st persons to stop him/her telling him/her about his/her many friends who have gotten this and that...but those whose commerce improves and increases wouldnt do that, they will give such a one support either morally or otherwise, they wont discourage him/her...and when such person eventually made it she or he will bc celebrated...and if otherwise, his/her people would have respite in d fact dat dey have supported their wards in moving close to their dreams, as such those coming behind would learn 4m his/her failures and ofcourse make remarkable advancements.
In d same format is this applicable to someone who is pursuing a just cause at some law court or some form of local courts...Many people usually discourage those who are pursuing their cause at some courts when they thought she/he is fighting a war which cannot be won, they start labelling, they start ranting perhaps bc dey thought such a one is wasting his/her time...and if d person eventually losses, they wouldnt appreciate him/her but started saying nonsense here and there...
all these have really eroded our senses of judgment, placing shadows before us instead of substances, and ofcourse leading us into gloom and doom as it becomes evident in the present world.
It is verily essential that we look into this for our development...


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