Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight
Years ago, in a city called Lovely there was a Youngman of about 36years of age, called Ayonge, he was single and seriously searching for a female partner.
There were high schools and universities in Lovely city. In one of the Universities of this city, admission process has just been completed and the new entrants into this university were busy running here and there for registration in their respective departments and faculties. At those registration points, different fellowships’ members will be on hand to give helping hands to those new entrees as well as using that occasion to invite them to their fellowships. The world is becoming a dangerous place to live in each passing day and it is the believe of many a one that many of those people who become terrorists and join different cult groups do join those groups when they were in the institutions of higher learning. Thus, to catch them young, because many who joined those occult and terrorist groups were lured into the circuits when they could not see someone to help them almost immediately that they entered into the institutions of higher learning. Being naïve and young, they wouldn’t know anything until they have been deep necked into the occult groups.
Young man

Non Christians are invited to join any of those fellowships during this once a session catch them young program that the on-campus brethren used to do when the institutions have admitted new students into their schools, but the main focus of the members of those fellowships was to get those who have Christian background from their parents homes, who will be encouraged and advised to join their fellowships.
They do focus Christian because there have been ceaseless fighting between the religious bodies in the city which have resulted in loss of lives and properties. About 5 years ago, such fighting between religious bodies broke out within the centre of the town and before anyone knows it, it has crept in to different institutions of higher learning within the city. Before this fight could be put off it took the intervention of the international bodies and one of the resolutions was that no one should invite anyone she or he knows to their fellowships again. If anyone however discovers that she or he wants to have a taste of other religion and maybe change religion outrightly the person should do so at his or her own volition without being invited by anyone for peace to reign in the city.

Meanwhile during the period that the fighting lasted, all the institutions within the city was closed because they do not want the religion bodies to use that as an avenue to kill, maim and destroy properties again until the problem is resolved.
Having resolved the problem and the resolution passed across that no one should be found inviting anyone to his or her program calm has returned to the city. Since this time, all the fellowship brethren never invites anyone of other religion immediately a person is being talked to and the person says she or he does not belong to the Christian religion such would be left alone for peace to reign because war is better read on pages of books or newspapers than being experienced. Those who experienced those civil unrests were yet to get out of the shock, in fact the debris of the burnt houses damaged cars can still be seen in the city centre and other places within the city.
First Contact
Ayonge, the young guy who was seriously searching for a lady to be engaged to, being one of the Christian brothers who is always invited by the on-campus brethren to minister unto them, he was also on ground during one of the days to give a support to the campus brethren inviting people to fellowships and while he was there with them, he saw a lady whom he loved on sighting her. Love at first sight!
This lady whom he saw, is being talked to by someone from another fellowship to which Ayonge does not belong soon enough the person talking to the lady left her and he walked up to her to also talk to her of the need to join one of the on-campus fellowships for that would be good for her, that would assist her not only spiritually but also academically he said unto the lady.
On getting to her, he introduced himself, my name is Ayonge, a computer scientist, can I know your name sister? The sister did not answer him. When she did not answer, he continued talking to her, I have come to invite you to join our campus fellowship, where God used to raise the superstars in their various fields.

While he was talking with the lady, all that was running through his mind was that the lady would be in his arms forever. He was able to successfully hide this feeling from being known unto the lady and other brethren around during the course of his discussion with the lady. This lady did not answer with a word, she was just looking at him too, but Ayonge did not know what was running through her mind.
After he finished talking with the lady, he asked her if she will be fellowshipping with them on their fellowship days. The lady, again did not reply him, this makes him to start thinking that the lady may belong to another religion, thus he did not press her further and just handed to her one of the handbills of the fellowship, “this is my fellowship’s handbill, you will find our fellowship site’s address on the handbill, in case you want to have a taste of God in our midst you are always welcome”, he said as the lady collected the handbill from him and he left her for another person to be talked to.
Days after this, this lady was looking forward to meet the guy, Ayonge, on the walkways of the campus, after all he said he is a computer scientist, and the department he later find out that it was not far from her department. She used to look forward to meeting him but this never happened. “Could he be lying?” she asked herself this question one day and the answer that came to her mind is such lie would be terrible considering the fact that they are in academic environment and not outside the campus. Later, she got to know that they said there are some who have been asked to withdraw from the institution but who yet continue to parade themselves as a student, could be one of those? If he is one of such people that would be a dent on the image of the fellowship he speaks about she said unto herself.
Her mind keeps searching for him as if she has lost something which she needs to find. She does see others with whom Ayonge walked that day, though those people hardly recognize her again, but she does recognize them.
“This should be his department”, she said one day as she walks through the department with a mind that may be luck could come her path to see him but all to no avail, she did not see him. She remembers his name, he is her senior, except that seniority is not used in Universities as it is being used in the secondary schools. She is yet to know much people on campus except about two people from her department, Microbiology whom they registered together at the department. 
Weeks after their meeting, Ayonge was invited to minister at the fellowship the program was well publicized by the members of that fellowship distributing several handbills to students and different banners and posters were placed at strategic positions on campus and outside the campus. Because of the program’s well advertisement, the lady has been moved to attend the program to see what it’s all about. This lady, Honest, remembers that it is the fellowship to which Ayonge has invited her to some weeks back is the fellowship that’s organizing the program. “At last my chance of meeting with him in their fellowship is here”, Honest says to herself, “for this program will not be held on weekend neither in the night when I am supposed to be in the class reading my books or doing assignments” she has made up her mind to attend the program, saying, at the program she will come across Ayonge again, since she has not been able to see him in his department neither on any of the walkways on campus. She wants to know why she has been unable to come across him on campus. Having made up her mind, she has been praying in her closets that the day comes quickly.
Despite praying for the program, she did not pay close attention to the name of the invited minister on the handbills on her and the well displayed banners all around the campus.
The biggest Lecture Theatre on campus which is Lecture Theatre 1 with is a 2000 seating capacity has been secured for the program. The news heard about the program before the day is suggestive that if there is a Lecture Theatre that has more capacity than this, the students would have secured the place, because the program is one of its kinds on their campus and over the years the tempo of the program has not gone down it keeps improving.
Lady Showing Surprise

She was one of the first students to get to the Lecture Theatre 1 where the program will hold. That is her nature, that is how her parents have brought her up, if you will be going to any place, ensure that you get there early, never should you get to a program you wish to attend late, their parents used to tell them.
Another thing that she has imbibed in her has been gotten from the rules stated in the baptismal card which has been given her by the minister in charge of her parent’s church after her baptism. There are about twenty rules stated in the card for anyone who has been baptized, the rules they said will show that one is a true believer. One of the instructions on the card is that “ensure that you get to your seat early to be a good example to those who usually come late and the nonchalant ones”.
This rule, coupled with how she has been raised up makes her make it a point of duty to get to any Christian program early or at least at the dot of the starting time. In the case of unforeseen circumstances that forces her to be going to any program late, she won’t exceed 15 minutes of the starting time before she gets there, anything outside this, it means she will not attending that program that day.
When Honest got to the Lecture Theatre, she saw some of the brethren gathered at a corner praying, this is called pre-program prayer before the program starts. As those assigned to prayers were praying, she saw other members of the fellowship arranging speakers, engines and other instruments that would be used at the program. Honest went to the front seat to sit down, to wait for when the program will earnestly start.
The Lecture Theatre has speakers situated at the four corners of the hall so that all in the hall would be able to hear what the speaker in front is saying. There are central microphones too for lecturers’ use while lecturing the students or when a special seminar or inaugural lecture would be given in which the hall will be filled to its maximum capacity.
Despite all of these, Honest sees that there are certain students, members of the fellowship who organize the program still carrying speakers to some other parts of the hall, joining the wires to the speakers, fixing flood lights at specific positions in the hall and other special lights to make the place well illuminated.
Special lights are fixed to face the podium to clearly reveal the speakers as well as other ministers who are on the podium when ministering.
Five generators and other instruments were brought to the Lecture Theatre by the mini-bus of the fellowship. Honest got to know at the venue of the program that the fellowship has about six generators and when they wanted to do special programs as this, they will carry those generators to the venue of the program to avoid embarrassment and disappointments from the company supplying electricity to the island. That day is not different as they came with those generators too, and four of them were put into use. One is fixed to the systems and engines, the second is fixed to the lights that have been fixed to the hall to make the place well illuminated, the third is for the instruments of the choristers while the fourth one is fixed to different projectors, projecting the program to all and sundry, those within and some passers-by outside were not left alone to catch the glimpse of what is on-going in the hall. The last one is not put into use, it is said to be a standby generator, in case something happens to one of the generators, before it is put in order by the mechanical engineers among them, they would start using that.
Since the wall of the Lecture Theatre is painted in white, the Publicity and Broadcasting section of the fellowship are projecting the events as it is happening on the wall of the hall. The program is also connected to different social media live feed such that people who are not opportune to be at the venue of the program could follow them and watch the event as it is ongoing in the hall.
Honest was surprised to see all of these, the organization of the students and was thinking about how they come about those generators and costly lights that illumine the hall as if the program is being held in the broad-daylight when the sun is at the peak of its illumination in the firmament, until she started seeing the instruments that they brought into the program. When she sees those musical instruments when they are being arranged, she could not but say “wow!” where she was, because it is biggest churches full of Politicians and business moguls who could afford to purchase all those kinds of musical instruments. That has been her thought well before seeing all of these at the program. “No wonder, people call this program one of its kind on the campus and that the tempo has been improving and increasing since the time the program has begun. With the little I have seen, I cannot but agree that it is one of its kind.” Honest said to herself on her seat as she keeps watching.
The musical instruments are arranged accordingly: the strings section comprising of violin, viola and double bass; the brass section – tuba, trombone, trumpet and saxophone; Wood wind section which is made up of flute, piccolo and recorder; those in the percussion section has these - congas, drum-kit, cymbals, tambourines (which is also present among the students), glockenspiel, xylophone, kettledrum and steel-drum (these last two are being handled by a single person who is an expert in it); the Guitar section has electric guitar, acoustic guitar, balalaika and sitar; there is piano which is being handled by a young lady, perhaps younger than Honest or about her age; harmonica and synthesizer by amplifier.
Lecture Theatre

Honest did not know the name of some of the instruments, though she used to see some of it while watching foreign musicals, but seeing them live and direct in the hall, within her vicinity beats her hollow, for she never for once imagine what she was seeing. It was as if they were professionals who were singing to win award or at the international concert.
While she continues to look baffled with what she was seeing she then sees another luxurious bus drove in and students started alighting from the bus, she could spot the name of the fellowship on the bus, then she said to no one in particular, “now, I now that I am indeed in a University setting, this is magnificent”.
Blessed Twins
A lady who sits by her side who is obviously a member of the fellowship replied her, “sister, are you new on campus?” Honest replied that she is one of the new students around. The lady whose name she later got to know to be Funmi replied her that, “no wonder you are surprised seeing all of these, this fellowship is a unique one on campus in all respects”. “I can see that now. When on campus students are talking about this program, I was thinking what could be so special about it, but on getting here now, I know it is special and we need to celebrate our things”, Honest replied her.
“Over the sessions, this fellowship has been known for musical exploits on campus and students being lovers of good music have been drawn to this fellowship with many a one becoming member over the years…”
Honest interrupting Funmi says, “Oh I see”. They continue to interact as the organizing members of the fellowship keep working, keep arranging the instruments and other things putting everything in place.
“The most wondrous thing about the fellowship is that they have not allow their music prowess to dwindle over the years”
Non-identical Twins

“Uhm mm”
“In the stead of dwindling they keep improving. According to history that I have been able to gather from some senior students on campus, this fellowship broke forth among the comity of musicians and choristers during the time of a twin called Elizabeth and Elias. Elizabeth and Elias are not identical twins because Elizabeth is female while Elias is a male. Both however were music students on campus.”
“Okay” Honest says looking at Funmi
“During their days they started musical concert. In preparing for the musical concert, those blessed twins as they were popularly called by friends and brethren ensured that they trained other members of choir how to handle some of the musical instruments very well. It was being said that, that program organized that year was spectacular such that one of their professors in the music school had to give them some instruments after the concert.”
“Was that so?” Honest asks in surprise.
“Oh yeah. This happened when they were semi-finalists. During their final year, it was stated that, two of the private broadcasting stations in the island and the only broadcasting station on campus even aired the event. That was how they have been improving.”
“After the twins’ graduation, they left the country for developed country and there they in association with others started sending instruments to the fellowship to ensure that the tempo they left behind would not dwindle”
“Uhm”, Honest said, “so all of these things are from the alumni of the fellowship?” she asked
People start entering the hall like ants walking together and the population of the people in the hall increased drastically.
“At least 89 percent of it is from them.”
“Alright. That is good”.
“Did you know that another thing now happened about two years after the twins’ left the scene and members of the fellowship present and past are saying that is one of the best thing that has happened to the fellowship since its inception”, Funmi said looking at people entering the hall as they keep talking as they walk to take their seats.
“What is it that happened?” Honest looking curious asked
“What happened was centered on the person invited to preach today. It was said that he was yet one of the best if not the best thing that has happened to the fellowship since inception”
“Is he also a great musician like the twins’?” Honest asked
“No he is neither a musician nor an instrumentalist”.
“Who is he then?”
“People said he is a great teacher full with God’s Power to heal infirmities and sicknesses.”
“Heh, Heh”
“He is being called apostle by many of them because they believed he was full of different kinds of gifts of the spirit. He has been used on countless number of times for the people students and lecturers while a student and now that he has graduated, he is still doing exploits for the Lord.”
“Wow! Is he now into the ministry proper?” Honest asked
“No, he is not oh”
Ladies sited side by side in Lecture Theatre

“But why?” Honest asked her.
“I don’t know because I am not close to any of the leaderships of the fellowship. All I am saying and can say is what I heard people say about him, but I know he yet does some works having finished from the Computer Department here” Funmi enthused
Honest did not think that the person Funmi is talking about is the person she has been longing to see all these while because she didn’t pay close attention to the name of the person invited to minister at the program, all that is in her mind is that she wants to see him. Why she wants to see him she couldn’t say, but she is sure that there is a larger part of him in her since the day they talked despite her keeping mute to all he was saying that day. She hasn’t felt like that before and up until this moment, she is yet to see anyone who has left something in her heart like he did that day. She has been hoping that may be she will come across one person who will leave something like that in her heart after he left her that day, may be University is where people leave something great in a lady’s heart she thought, but alas, she has been mistaken as not a single male after him has been able to make such impact in her heart, arresting her heart with his mien and the way he talks, in fact everything about Ayonge arrests her heart.
Having been unable to find a similitude, that was when she started looking for him, that was when she started passing through his department to see if she will be able to stumble across him one day, but alas, she couldn’t find him, even his shadow could not be traced. She tried night classes, different ones, but all to no avail until when the publicity department started publicizing the program of Ayonge’s fellowship. She was not given to going against her parents’ orders, that was why she did not make attempt at attending their fellowship, trying to locate him by herself, in the class and thereby develop some rapport with him. “That would be easy” she has said to herself. “I know he would be my senior and there is a general course that all science students offer in first year, I know he would have offered that, through that I would develop rapport with him when I know where he used to study and would be asking him to teach me some of the topics and from there, I will know him more and deeply” Honest had reasoned only to discover that all those thoughts wouldn’t work. It did not work because she did not for once come across him on campus until the program.
His thoughts having subsumed her mind, she could not but decide to attend the program because of him. After this resolution when people start saying the program is a must attend for people especially those who belong to the Christian faith on campus, she could not but wish to try what they are saying out to know whether it is true or false. On getting to the venue now, she has seen that they weren’t lying.
Sound Mixer

Since she did not pay attention to who will be ministering, she did not know that the person Funmi is talking about is the one for whom she has primarily come to the program. Honest says, “this person you are talking about may have a reason for still being whom he is”
“Oh yes, he has and some of us have been figuring it out that it may be because he is yet to be married, that is one of the probable reasons many of us arrived at for him being as he is” She replied her.
“Oh, I see”.
“He is still said to be one of the greatest products of all times of the fellowship because of the spiritual gifts God has blessed him with. Despite all these gifts he still finds time to associate with us and attend our programs” Funmi said
Everything in Right Proportion
The program ought to have started before now, because on the handbill that has been distributed by members of the fellowship and different posters that have been pasted all over the campus, what was written on it is that the program will start at 17:00 hours. She got to the venue of the program at 17:10 hours but the program was yet to be started. She was thinking that maybe this fellowship is one of the fellowships who hardly keeps to time, “if this fellowship belongs to that class, I possibly will not be joining them after all, let me just give them today and see what will come out of here”, she said to herself.
Lady Speaking into Microphone

The hall that has been scanty by the time she entered, when it was 17:18 hours, students have started to fill up the hall as they entered in groups. Those arranging the engines are almost through and one of them is now speaking into the microphone “tweh-tweh, testing-testing microphone”, while a second person says, “Praise the Lord”, the lady among them answered “Halleluiah”.
They switch off the microphones while the person who sat by the drum set also beat it round to show it has also been set for use, arranging the microphones that would be conveying the sound of the drum to the outside to fit perfectly to the drum.
As all the people handling the instruments tested round their instruments, signaling to those operating the engines what to do either to give it more volume or reduce it such that everything would be in order. After those people operating the engine see that everything, the sound is now in right proportion, a Christian album is being aired to the public while students keep entering the hall for the program.

When it was 17:25 hours, a lady walks to the podium took the microphone and she says “Praise Ye The Lord”, the people in the hall replied “Alleluiah”, she seems unsatisfied with the way we have responded and she says, “I am not asking you to praise me, neither am I asking you to praise yourself, but I am saying you should praise the King of kings, the Lord of lords”, as she was saying this, a lady who was on the piano started pressing the keys, while the man by the drum sets started beating it too, a lady and a guy were the ones with the local drum called “talking drum” and they were beating it into the microphone, a brother with the congas was not left behind in beating it, guitarists, trumpet blowers, a brother with “Shekere (a local musical instrument with beads (or cowries) netted around a big or small calabash) was also making a sound of his instrument into the microphone, about four members of the choir started walking to the podium each to a microphone on its stand, they are those who will back her up on stage while others walked to the section of the choir to stand and to start singing. Everywhere becomes agog, she however did not stop to mention the titles of Jesus, “rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, the Lion of the tribe Judah, the Unchanging changer, the Omnipresent, omnipotent, Omniscience, the I am that I am, Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Rapha, Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Consuming Fire, Holy One, Mighty God, The Almighty, The Great Supplier, Our All in All, The beginning and the Ending, Miracle Worker, God of Glory, God who specializes in Impossibilities, The Supreme Ruler, Our Savior, Alpha and Omega” as she continues to say this students started jumping, some were shouting, some knelt down, few ones with tambourines started waving them, some started saying “Oh yes”, ‘thank you sis.’”, “ride on sis.’”, “oh glory”, then I heard this is the One I asked you to praise so, Praise Ye the Lord”, and the entire people in the hall replied at the top of their voice, “Alleluiah”, the hall became vibrated by the sound of their response and the echo of the reply went loud and far and while the shout was dying down, she busted into this song, “You are the Alpha and Omega, we worship you our God, you are worthy to be praised…” the anointing could be felt, it was palpable as the entire people in the hall joined her in singing the worship song and the instrumentalists
Choir on stage

After a wonderful worship session with this lady, a short prayer was offered by one of the brothers after which the Emcee of the program mounted the podium and profusely apologized to us that the program started behind the time schedule because Lecture Theater was not free until 16:50 hours that was when the lecturer left the hall. However, I need to let you know that when we booked for this place, it was free on the time schedule, but according to the information gathered, the Professor has a national engagement which will take him out of the University for weeks, by the time he returns it is likely we would have started our examination by then. So as to be fair to the students and his conscience that is the reason for him arranging for this lecture with his students before he leaves. I do hope you can understand with us.
The Lecturer couldn’t finish with the students earlier than the time he finishes. The Emcee continues it was when he was through with them that we have access to this place, that is when we start bringing in our things arranging the instruments and putting things in order here. I hope you understand with us now, why we started behind time schedule? Be that as it may, I want you all to know that we won’t exceed the time that we shall finish, as some of you are well aware of our brother and father who has been invited here, one of the alumni of the school and fellowship, we know him to be a time conscious man, he won’t exceed the time because we all need to rest or go to class and read, preparing for tomorrow’s lectures, he said.
But before I call to the podium our brother in the Lord, which the president of the fellowship has asked me to do to save time, I will want those who are fellowshipping with us for the first time to stand to their feet to be welcomed and recognized.
Tens of people stood up including me, and we were welcomed to the program. We were given a form to fill the data about ourselves on. After receiving the forms, the president prayed for us while we were asked to take our seats.

While all these were on going, my heart races round to see brother Ayonge, I thought he would be among the choir who have been rendering wonderful songs since, looking amongst the instrumentalists but he isn’t there, neither among all the officials that I have been seeing. Since I cannot isolate him, I decide that I will leave that to concentrate on what is going on. Since I am sitting in the front seat, I said to myself, when the fellowship is over, I will wait behind to search for him, but in case he did not come to the program what will you do? Something within me asks me that question. And I was saying that is not possible, this isn’t a regular program, it is a special one which have won many reports from all and sundry, he would be here, because he looks like one of their leaders to me when he was talking with me that day, I replied the thing talking to me within me. But this mind would not let me be, he says again what will you do if he is not here today? Then I said again I may ask from someone, after all I remember his name. after saying this, the spirit talking to me seems contented with this reply and did not talk again as the program continues, then I heard the Emcee saying can you join me by welcoming brother Peace Ayonge to the podium? He as you are all aware of is our guest minister today.
The people in the hall started clapping, but I could not believe my ears when the Emcee said “Peace Ayonge”, I was thinking well maybe it is another Ayonge and not the person who has welcomed me during the Catch Them Young Program at the bursary department. As the hall becomes alive, the Emcee soon adds that we all stand to our feet to honor God in the life of our brother, the guest minister, the sound of the seats is being heard here and there as people rise to their feet to welcome Peace Ayonge.
Invited Minister Gets to The Podium
The person coming seems to be at the extreme end of the hall, as he struggles to get out of the seats to come forward to the podium the Emcee says again, “you can do better, you can do better, know that he is not the one you are clapping for, but the God in him is the one you are praising”, then the brethren in the hall clapped the more and the clapping continues until this guest minister walks up to the podium. On getting to the podium, he bent his torso a bit to greet the Emcee, then embraced him after which he collected the microphone from him, the congregation is yet clapping with happiness expressed on the faces of some brethren who have known him. The Emcee hands him a piece of paper, which is likely going to be the expected time he should use for his ministration, he says something to the Emcee and they both smile as the Emcee leaves the podium.

Who am I seeing? I asked myself. It is the same person who has talked to me now, I replied myself, still looking at him in his sky-blue suit, with white shirt, tie to match, black shoe on and a shining metal wrist watch on his left wrist. On seeing him the brethren clapped the more, while he takes his time to get his papers arranged before talking. He is the same man, I said to myself where I am clapping with others.
I cannot hide my surprise as I asked sister Funmi who has been telling something about the guest minister before, “is this the person you were talking about?”
Ecstatically she replied me, “oh yea, that is him. I am sure you will enjoy his ministration” she replied still clapping, raised her hands above her head and laughing.
Then he said, “Thank you. Thank you. Maybe I should start on this note, shall we sing again the song you all know me with? “When I come into your presence am so happy” as he says this, the selected members of the choir are up on the podium with him again to back him up in the song, and those who know the song have joined him in singing the song, but I did not know the song, so I keep looking, then suddenly on the hall the song’s wording was projected by the communication department for those of us who do not know the song or those who have not mastered it and the song continues
“When I come into your presence, I am glad, In your presence there is anointing, when the Spirit Moves around me, in your presence anointing breaks the yokes”
We all could sing this song without hassles now and the presence of God could again be felt as we sing the song.
After this song, we prayed for about 10 minutes and he asked us to take our seats.
When everything becomes calm, he greeted the executives of the fellowship for holding forth the forth, greeted those of us worshiping with the fellowship for the first time and everyone on seat in the name of the Lord. After this, he said to those of us who have come for the special program but who are not members of the fellowship holding the program that, “this is where spiritual superstars are made manifesting physically and spiritually. I want to assure you all that you have not make a mistake of worshipping with us here today because I am sure you will be touched at the very point of your needs. If you have not been touched since, I am positive that you will be touched in the word, none of us can escape being touched by the word of God, and those of you who have been touched before, you will again receive a superlative touch in the word, I am sure of that”.
I want to again reiterate that, those of you who are not members of the fellowship but who have come because of this special program should not to leave again but make the fellowship your homes. “Here, everyone is somebody”. He concludes as he starts his ministration.
Where I am sited listening to him, I am still wondering if I am dreaming or it is happening in life. This is because I never thought he has graduated, how he approached me to talk to me that day did not show he is a graduate, he was talking like one of the undergraduates, having seen some of them talked to me before he comes and talks to me, I was thinking he would be in 300 Level or at most a final year student. Nothing about him suggested a graduate to me then. He again is not a fresh graduate but someone who has graduated two or more years ago. I said to myself as he continues to talk that “I now know that a big cloth does not signify a big person”.
Guy and lady talking and laughing
Couldn’t See Him
He did not dwell much on praying for needs of the people as he says, the time is far spent and dwelling on that would take additional time. “I do not wish to stay long here, I know your God and my God will touch you at that point where you need him most while teaching. The only thing you need do is touch the hems of his garment through the word and you will be healed”, he said as he teaches. He finished his word well before the time given room for the president of the fellowship to address the congregation before the grace was shared.
After the grace has been shared, students were leaving the hall one after the other leaving only the executives of the fellowship behind to pack the fellowship’s properties as the hall will be used by students to study in the night and it will be used the following day for lectures. The bus is seen conveying people who are not residing on campus outside the campus.
Since Honest’s primary aim of attending the program is seeing Ayonge who now happens to be the minister of the day, she decided that she will have to wait behind to see him and she moved to the back of the hall to wait for him. As she walks to the back of the hall, she sees him talking with another lady, both sat by each other. Honest thought he will soon round up with the lady and decided that she will hang on a bit longer till he finishes with her before walking to him to introduce herself unto him maybe he will still remember her.
However, she discovered that this would not be so because both were deep into their discussions and they were laughing ecstatically. This continued for minutes and it was certain that they were not ready to end their discussion that was when Honest decides to leave the hall for her hostel.

They Met Again
On her way to her hostel she started thinking about him bringing to her mind the discussion had with Funmi that it is because he is yet to be married that is why he is yet to be fully involved in the ministry. Though, he is yet to be married, but she thinks from what she saw after the program that he is not single, he is engaged. Look at how he was deep necked into discussion with the sister, such could not be an ordinary sister after all she reasoned within herself.
Two weeks after this, Ayonge came to the University during the lecture hours, and he headed straight for the Microbiology department. He has been asked by the department secretary to get for the department two new desktop computers and to service the photocopier of the department that is not printing properly.
He has chartered one of the intra-campus tricycles to carry the computers and the photocopier machine for him to Microbiology department. After the tricycle driver has parked at the parking space, he started carrying the desktop computers inside with the help of the tricycle driver. As he was about to carry one of the flat screens from the tricycle, he sees Honest in company of her colleagues walking into the parking space of the Microbiology department. He paused a while to have a proper look at her and he immediately remember where he met her for the first time and the thought that ran through his mind then. The same thought and feelings still run through his mind now on seeing her again after months. However, he could not hold it further today because of the limited time that he has and above all he does not know whether this department is her department or that she has accompanied her friends to the department. That is what students do, he has once been like them and has done something similar on many occasions when a student.
Honest has also seen him even before they moved near into the parking space in front of the department, but she kept on talking with her colleagues as they walked into the perimeter of the parking lot.
Ayonge left what he was doing asking the driver to give him a second as he walks towards them, “excuse me sister,” he said. The three sisters walking looked at his side, halt their movement momentarily as he walks up to them, and he greeted them. Their response was chorused and then he faces Honest, saying, this is the lady I want to see. Being in a matured setting, the two ladies walk up a bit giving Honest and Ayonge some privacies. “I remember I saw you at the bursary department during the Catch Them Young Program organized by the fellowships”, Ayonge said. This time around Honest did not behave as she did the first time, she answered him, “Yes sir, you are correct sir”.
“Heh heh, I cannot miss it”, he said, “but you have not been coming to our fellowship or are you not a Christian?” He asked looking at her.
“By the special grace of God, I am a Christian”
“But why have you not been coming to our fellowship or have you been attending one of the other fellowships?”
“Actually, I do not plan to attend your fellowship, because from home I have been told by my parents that I should be attending the general fellowship but not a fellowship that is not recognized by the university’s authority” she replied him
“Wow! That is good. Did your parents finish from this university?” he asked looking at her, then her friends asked her to hurry up so that they will not miss the lecturers and as if they planned it together the tricycle rider also said “master, hurry up now because morning business is vital to those of us who are intra-campus transporters”.
He turned to the man and said, “Oh, I am sorry sir. just give me a minute more”, while Honest turned to his friend, raised up her voice a bit so that she will be heard, “sorry, this will take but a moment, in the meanwhile can you please be going to his office I will catch up with you”. As she was replying her friends, Ayonge, said in his mind, “what a beautiful voice, matched up with beautiful gait, everything about her is perfect to me”. Having finished her talk with her friends, he said
“It seems both of us are on a tight schedule this morning and we may not be able to continue this discussion any further, for obvious reasons. Can you please give me your phone number so that I will talk to you later and we can arrange where to meet?”
“That is a good idea.”
He takes out of his pocket his small phone and she asks, “are you set sir?” “Oh Yes,” he replied as she started calling the digits to him as he started pressing the buttons on his phone. After he has typed the numbers, he called it out to her again and she said you are right sir. “Is your phone here?” he asks her. “Oh yes, but I do put it off when I wanted to start lectures because I do not want to be distracted, you will have to wait a while as I put it on”
“My number ends with 17, when you see it know it is me. Please what name will I use to save the number?” he asked
“My names are Honest Love” she replied
“Uhm mm. It is love indeed. I will keep trying it and may send message to you if I couldn’t get through so that when it is put on it will be delivered straightaway.
“I think that is better because I will not want to put it on before I get to my lecturers office so that I will not be rude to him” she responded.
“Okay that is lovely” he said, stretching out his hand for a handshake, “it is nice meeting you sister Honest Love”, she was kept aback to stretch out her hand but so that it won’t be as if she is disgracing him, she received his warm hand in hers, looking at his face with love written all over her, “It is an honor shaking hand with a respected pastor today” she said. Bowing a bit, then taking her hand off his as she turns to leave.
Microbiology Student in the laboratory

“What?! Who told you that?!” he asked shaking his head, but she did not wait as she started running to catch up with her colleagues while Ayonge walked to the driver, profusely apologizing but the driver said, “assuming I have not known you before I would have put down your loads off my car and leave, but I know you don’t do that, you have been a wonderful customer to me” he said as he assisted him to take the photocopier into the departmental office. After helping him he paid him, and the man said when is he leaving the department so that he will come and carry him on his way back from the Pharmacy Department. He replied that he is not too sure of when, but in case he will need his service he will call his number. “Okay sir” the driver replied, turns and leaves him while he started discussing with the department’s members of staff on the products, he has gotten for them.
The Connection
The new secretary to the department was the secretary at the computer department before she was transferred to microbiology department during the ended session. On getting to the department she discovered that the photocopier’s print out was not good, it used to have black stripes on it running through the length of the paper, on noticing this she told the head of department of the need to call technicians to service the photocopier and do the needful changes on the machine. The head of department asked her if she has anyone who can do the servicing perfectly well for her, because the person they have been using has not been able to fix the problem. Mrs. Teginah replied that she has someone a graduate of the university from computer department whom she has been using and he has not been disappointing her neither the department and she knows that he will do the repairs well.
When she told the head of department this, the man said he will give the person in question a trial that he should invite him to his office for negotiations. She immediately placed a call to Ayonge using the department’s phone. Ayonge however could not make it that day, because he was out of the city, but he told Mrs. Teginah that he will be the first person she will be seeing immediately she opens her office’s door the following morning.

The following morning as said, he has been on the campus premises before the secretary opens her office. After seeing Mrs. Teginah, he was told to wait until Professor Shagilogbe, the head of department arrives.
Professor Shagilogbe usually gets to the office at 08:15 hours, but that day he was not in his office and the secretary was thinking that it was unusual of him not to be around by that time. She tried to call him, but his phone was ringing it was not answered. Then she decided to check his schedule for the day and discovered that he has an early morning lecture with the 100 Level students. “Oh! That must be it, the head of department is with the students you will have to wait a bit longer”, Mrs. Teginah said unto Ayonge.
“I do not think I have another option”, he said sitting down in the secretary’s office watching the television program and discussing with the woman.
At 09:06 hours the professor enters the department and he was being greeted by members of staff here and there and students, then Mrs. Teginah told Ayonge that the head of department is around. Soon, he got into the office, giving the office clerk the key to his vehicle to go and get for him his food flask from the car.
“Good morning sir”, the Secretary greeted.
“Good morning ma. I was with the students when you called, I hope there is no problem?” he asked half-heartedly as he opens his office door, walking in
Professor lecturing students in Lecture Theatre

“No sir, there is no problem sir. When I did not see you at 08:20 hours and since you have not been doing like that before, at least since I started working with you here, that was when I decide to call you to ask after your welfare sir.”
“Don’t mind my wife oh, she was the architect of everything today, she woke up late and insisted that I should take food to the office when I wanted to bolt out, he locked the door and kept the key.”
“Why would she do that?”
“Don’t mind her, she knows I don’t use to take meals outside she said she would not allow me to starve myself in the office. I promised her that I won’t starve myself, that I will sort myself out, “because I don’t use to, that does not mean I cannot at least when I travel I used to eat outside” I said to her, but she will not agree, Professor Shagilogbe imitating his wife changed his voice to hers, said, “have I just married you? I know you my love, I will not allow any work to kill you for me, we are still young””
“Wow! She may be true after all sir”
“What are you saying? Am I a child? I told her that I am a new person, I won’t starve myself, but she will not agree, and I have to comply. I thence sat and started watching sports news until she is done”
“It seems as if you have a wonderful morning with madam today” Mrs. Teginah replied
“Wonderful indeed? You women, we always learn to live each day with you, because every day you come up with new things”, Professor Shagilogbe said
“That is it sir”
“So, immediately she opens the door, puts the flask in the car, after kissing her, I told her, I will not allow you to keep me here so that I will be sacked by my boss and she started laughing. I switched on the car engine and as I was about to put it in gear, she will stop me again saying, you have not said what you used to say to me when leaving the house. Oh woman! I said. Have a wonderful time today at your office oh, “heh heh, honey” she replied, “don’t miss me too much oh”. Missing you already. I replied her as I drove out of our compound. On seeing that the time is 08:15 hours when I drove into the campus, remembering that the 100 level students would be waiting for me in the lecture hall, I decide to drive straight to the lecture theater to lecture them before coming here, that is what happened. So how was your night?” Professor Shagilogbe asked

“It was wonderful sir. I do not need to ask you about yours for you have just narrated what happened this morning to me”, Mrs. Teginah replied
“But what I said did not happen during the night, it started during the day, this very morning.” He said without waiting for my response, he pushes his seat backwards, sits on it, bow down his head to have words of prayers after which he raised his head and opened his eyes, “em, what about the guy that said he will be here this morning, has he gotten here?” Professor Shagilogbe asked.
“He is here already sir”
“Wow! He must be a time conscious man”
“That is very correct sir”
“Apart from him do I have any message that I need to attend to before attending to him?” he asked from his secretary.
“None so far sir”
“That is good then. Could you please go and make me a small green tea and ask him to come in”?
“Yes sir”, she responded as she turns from him heading towards the door, while Professor Shagilogbe is seen putting on his spectacles and he took out an international journal that he has just received out of his bag, opening to the table of contents of the journal as he heard a knock on the door, “Please come on in”, he said without taking his face off the journal, “good morning sir”, Ayonge greeted bending his torso to greet the professor as he closes the door gently behind him and walked to stand before the table of the professor. “Please take your seat”, he said closing the journal and looking to the young man who has entered his office. “Thank you, sir,”, Ayonge replied him.
“You are welcome. I am the one who asks my secretary to invite you here because he says you are the one who has been repairing the Photocopier machine that she was using when she was in Computer department”
“Yes sir”

“Our photocopier is not working properly, and we have invited two engineers to repair it but they were unable to fix it well. We have been managing it until she was transferred here, on getting here she said the photocopier needs to be repaired since the authority of the school is yet to release money to buy another one…”
“Okay sir”
“I cannot agree less with her summation, but the question I asked her is who will repair it well because the money we have spent on it, if we can add the same amount together, we would be able to buy new one. When I said this that was when she said she has someone who is very good in servicing and repairing photocopiers and that she is confident that if we can give you a trial you will do a perfect job for us”
“Okay sir”
“This is why I have asked her to invite you to hear from you if you truly can do the work or not”, Professor Shagilogbe said on a note of finality.
“As she has said sir, I will do the work to your satisfaction sir.”
“Have you seen the machine?”
“Yes, I have sir before your arrival, we just need to change its roller and the machine will be okay.”
“The roller? It is the exact same thing the former engineers said needed to be changed and we paid for it to be changed but the situation remains the same”, he said as the secretary knocks and enters without waiting for a response with boiled water in hot kettle which she gently put down on a table at the south end of the room.
She moved to the place where tea cups are, take two out of the cups and rinsed them. The rinsed tea cups are covered with a lid and placed on a tray side by side with cruets containing cubes of sugar and green tea and tins of milk and spoons.
“Here they are sir”, she said. “Thanks a bunch”, Professor Shagilogbe replied looked at her briefly and then face Ayonge back.
“So, as I was saying young man, may be the machine has another problem that you and perhaps the earlier engineers are yet to discover”
“Roller is the problem sir, but maybe the ones bought are not the original ones, because if they do not buy the original ones or one whose number is not the same with the one the machine is using, the machine will work for days then it will return to how it was before”, Ayonge replied
“Are you now telling me that you can get for me, for the department, original one that will serve us long?”
“Yes, I can sir”
“I hope I will not be disappointed with this”
“No, you will not be disappointed sir. You will indubitably like the work sir. In fact, I am sure that if you have other photocopier machines by the time you see the work of this you will invite me to service them for you sir”
“That is one side of the deal. Another side of the deal is this, the department needs two desktop computers, the money to get this has just been released and I have been thinking of the person who will get it for the department until Mrs. Teginah said you can get for us a better one? Can you also do this?”
“Yes, I can do that too. I am a graduate of computer science from this university and I know the ones that would serve you better sir”
“Okay, I will want you to take one A4 sheet there and write out the total cost of what you want to do for us including the price you will get the desktop computers for the department.  Note however that, I have a rough estimate of what a desktop computer will cost, because I recently priced laptops and desktop computers of different brands from High Crown Help Business Ventures. I hope you are aware that they are also well known in computer sales and accessories within the island? So, what I am saying is give us moderate prices on all as if it is your department that you are supplying, after all, this department is part of the school too. I will also want you to state the brand of desktop that you want to supply us” Professor said
“Okay sir”, Ayonge replied as he stretches his right hand and take a piece of A4 paper from where they are packed, and he started writing on it while the Professor continues to flip through the international journal that he was earlier on looking at before Ayonge entered. He writes out the prices of desktop computers, stating the brands before it, but asterisks the one he knows is the best for the department, the price that the roller will cost and what his charges will be for repairing and servicing the Photocopier.
International College

What he wrote was in seven rows and four columns. He stated the three best brands and their prices before them and the price of the roller and his workmanship. The last row has the total cost for each of the brands and his workmanship. “This is it sir”, as he stands up and hands over the piece of paper which is self-explanatory unto him to go through. The Professor after receiving the paper says, “okay”, puts on his spectacles again, and started looking at the listed items and the total cost. “This seems to be moderate indeed, but are you sure you will get these for us at these prices? I will neither want excuses nor add any money later”, Professor Shagilogbe said. “I am confident that I can get any of these for you or the department at the said prices sir. This is the work I now do for a living sir’.
“Uhm mm”, Professor Shagilogbe said as he continues
“Sir, I supplied 10 desktops and 3 photocopiers to Segzy International College last week so the prices I am giving you is mostly recent and fair prices sir, that even if you order it directly from the companies the differences there would be minimal. This may prompt you to ask me where and how I get my consignment at such a price sir”, Ayonge replied the Professor.
“The proprietor of Segzy International college is my friend, we attend the same church and belong to the same group in the church, he has been telling me that he wants to get some computers for his school and he thought I have a reputable person who will do the job for him, but I told him that the person I know I cannot guarantee him, he said if you can’t guarantee the person then it is a no go area to him. If you have just supplied his college, that is an added feather to you, because I will talk to him about it this evening when we get to church council meeting” Professor Shagilogbe said
“That will be good sir. This is one of the reasons why, it is not good to tell lies, how would I know that you know him? It was one of my customers who introduced me to him that I won’t disappoint him. So, I am sure he will not hesitate to recommend me to you when you discuss with him today or later of what you want me to do for the department or from anyone at that”, Ayonge said
“That will be lovely. If this first deal could be a success, then be sure that some of my friends too and some other departments would soon need your assistance….”
“Okay sir”
“So, when do we expect the supply of those things Mr….?” trying to remember Ayonge’s name
“Ayonge sir”, he completes the sentence for him, telling him his name.
“Thank you, Mr. Ayonge, when will you supply them and finish with the repair cum servicing of the photocopier?” Professor asked
“If I receive mobilization fee today, which is Wednesday, I can authoritatively tell you that latest Monday morning I will come with everything and then get my balance”
“How much will you need as mobilization fee?”
“About 80% of the total cost sir”

“Alright. That would be no problem. What I will do is this, so that there won’t be any delay because the photocopier is really setting us back, there are some reports that we ought to have typed and sent to some professional bodies, locally and internationally, but because the department has no good desktop computers those works cannot be done. They are department’s work not mine, it is not good for me to be taken them home. In fact other lecturers during the departmental meeting have said that taken the department’s works home by anyone is unacceptable, and they have put the responsibility of getting everything that the department needs on me as soon as possible so that we would be able to work fast, better, contribute our quota which is the reason for University’s establishment globally to the world of Science better and of course move this department to an enviable position locally and globally.”
“Okay sir”
“You can see that we need it very fast”
“Yes sir”
“The inability to get those systems is like a cog to our wheel, it is not only hindering our movement, it is setting us back. And now that we have a good secretary in the department who will assist and see that the work is done to time, we need to make the most use of this time and her. I hope you are following what I am saying?”
Yes sir”, Ayonge replied
“To avoid delay, I will transfer the required 80% of the money into your account from my account now, by tomorrow, my secretary will get the money from the bank and you will have your balance when you bring everything on Monday morning as you have said, could you please give me your account details?” Professor Shagilogbe asks as he takes his Android phone while Ayonge too started calling his account digit.
“What are the numbers?”
“00…6”, Ayonge said
“Which bank?”
Having typed those account numbers into the phone and the bank, he called the name, “Ayonge Peace, is that correct?” Professor asked looking at him
“Yes sir. It is correct sir”
“That is good.” He approved the transfer by supplying his secret code. He received an alert afterwards, then said, “the money has been transferred.”
“Okay sir”
“Please do not disappoint me” Professor Shagilogbe said
“If not for the Photocopier’s repair that will take minimum of two days, I would have said tomorrow I will bring everything because I still have 12 new desktops and 5 new Photocopiers in my store, part of which was supplied to Segzy international college…”
“That is great. This confirms what you have said that you are doing this for a living now, for some business people would not have goods like these in their store, it is the part-payment that they received that they will use in placing the order.
“I used to do that when I first begin the business sir”
“But now, you do not do that again or are you?” Professor Shagilogbe inquires
“No sir”
“That is good. That is how someone who wants to do business on a fulltime basis should be doing, you should leave elementary stages to a more mature stage…”
“Uhm mm”
“It is the same thing with anyone who wants to be a lecturer. There is a starting phase. One should strive to leave the starting phase by undergoing other studies and trainings to become a Ph.D. holder after which one would continue to work and submit papers to be promoted and become a professor…”
“Failing to do this, you know that person’s colleagues and those who become employed after him or her will leave the person behind”
“That’s right sir”
“And when something like this happens, some will be crying foul when there is none”
“That is true sir”
“As you have gotten these now, do you know that some who have been twenty or more years in the business like you will not have such things in their stores?”
“It is God’s grace sir”
“Thank God for God’s grace, but it requires commitment, dedication, focus if God has not allowed the person to be sick neither allow for thieves to burgle the shop nor fire to destroy the store, it needs all and more of those things stated”
“Okay sir”
“But do you know the problem of our people?” Professor Shagilogbe stands up from where he sits to go and make the tea
Money Transfer Through Phone

“No, I don’t sir.”
“The problem with our people is that, they place the cart before the horse”
“I am still at a loss sir”
Professor Shagilogbe takes one of the cups and poured boiled water in it, adds a cube of sugar, said to no one in particular, “Nutritionists say too much of sugar is bad”, without waiting for Ayonge’s comment said, “do you mind a cup of tea young man?”
“No sir, thank you”, Ayonge replied.
“Alright.” He stirred the contents and walked back to his seat as he sips the tea, then cleared his throat and continues, “What I am saying is, our business people like to imitate, what they cannot achieve in two years, they will start pursuing. When they see salary earners do something some of them will be tempted to imitate and do what those people are doing, they have forgotten that salary earners are different from them, they ought to be spending from their gains not from their capital, but when they start to imitate they will dip their hands into their capitals all because they are imitating, all because they want to satisfy some people, and when they continue to do this, their business suffers, becomes affected and before you know it they start going down and down and would not be able to catch up again…” he takes the cup to his mouth again to sip the tea,
“Uhm, I understand what you are saying sir”
“A business person should learn to improve his business before pursuing other things, and that is what you have done which I am crediting”, Professor Shagilogbe said
“I see sir”
“In any case, I want you to take your time. Do a very good job so that I can also join others to be recommending you to people”
“Yes, I will sir”
“If I may?”
“Go ahead sir”
“Do you consider furthering you academics at all in the future?”
“Before now, I love being a lecturer” Ayonge replied
“But what about now?” Professor Shagilogbe asked
“I don’t love lecturing again”
“Uhm, I see. Business has taken over”
“Not really sir. I have other plans apart from business which do not involve additional certificates”
“Okay. That is good but know that no knowledge is wasted. What you think will not be useful today may be useful tomorrow” Professor Shagilogbe said
“Okay sir, I will think about it”
“That is the spirit. And please come with your receipt on Monday because we will need to file it for future references and auditing” Professor Shagilogbe said.
“I will definitely do that sir”, Ayonge dips his hand into his pocket and take out his business card, “sir?” Professor Shagilogbe looks at his direction, “this is my business card sir”, “okay. That is good” as Professor Professor Shagilogbe stretches his hand to receive his card from him, “Peace Business Venture?” he said, “Yes sir, that is my business name sir.”
“This is good. You can go to the secretary and take the photocopier”, Professor said
“Yes sir. Thank you, sir,” he said standing up, dragged the chair gently to its position as he takes his leave off the office of the head of department. Professor Shagilogbe takes the cup to his mouth drinking the tea again as the door to his office opens and closes gently behind Ayonge. Professor Shagilogbe faintly hears the voice of secretary and other members of staff talking in the general office as Ayonge joined them.
After removing from the socket, the photocopier plug he place a call to the tricycle driver to come and carry him from Microbiology department.
Tray containing tea cups and others

The tricycle driver arrived, and he took him from the department to his workshop. After dropping the Photocopier machine, he quickly ordered for a new roller of the size of the Photocopier. The following day he got the roller around 13:00 hours, repaired and service the machine as stated in the agreement and tested the machine over the weekend, by Monday morning he has packed everything and brought them to the department and that was when he saw Honest Love.
After supplying the machines ordered for by the department, he sets it up for them in the department office and tested the photocopier for them. The secretary is contented with what he has done. Ayonge asks of the head of department and he was told that he accompanied the Vice Chancellor to a function and would not be coming to the office that day. The secretary then draws out a box from the cabinet and gives him the envelope containing the balance as being directed by the Head of the department before he traveled.
After receiving the money, he also gives the secretary the invoice of the product supplied and repaired. The Secretary of the department after reading the content in the issued invoice signed the needful portions of the invoice on behalf of the department while he also signed his own column.
On seeing that the deal has been completed, he asked the Secretary to please take a walk with him that he will like to tell her something. The Secretary excused herself from the other members of staff and walked with him for about two minutes and they were discussing as they were going. Before they got to the balcony, he brought out an envelope and gave it to the secretary “this is for you to buy credit ma” he said.
Showing appreciation

The Secretary looked at the envelope, received it and prayed, “Oh thank you oh, may the Lord continue to bless the works of your hands in Jesus name”, as Ayonge said “Amen. It is you that I have to thank ma, because if you did not introduce me to Professor, how would I get this contract neither make a gain? Outside this, what he promised, how would I have the promise?” Mrs. Teginah interjecting, “What did Professor promise you?”
“He promised that more is in the offing if after trying the computers and the photocopiers for weeks and they are without issues that he will connect me with others within and without to make supplies to them”
“Wow! That is good. Professor Shagilogbe is a trustworthy person he will do what he has said, what he will not do he will neither promise nor say”, Mrs. Teginah replied.
“I can see from my discussion with him that day. So, once again ma, thank you ma, may God always place you there for us ma”, he bends his torso a bit as a sign of appreciation to her.
“You do not have to do this. It is your work that is speaking for you, bible says your work will make room for you and take you to great men, this is what happened to you now. Assuming your work is not good or maybe you have been arrogant when I got to know you, do you think I will talk to him about you? No, I will not have done that” Ayonge listens to her as she speaks nodding his head in agreement as she continues, “My counsel to you is you should keep it up, do not deviate to right or left and with time, things shall take shape for you in Jesus name.”
“Amen ma” he says the keep walking and on getting to the balcony, he asks her to return to the office as she turns back, he continues to walk on the walkway.
They Talked on Phone
While going he was looking right and left as if he could see lady Honest again, but he did not see her. He took out his phone and called, but the number was not going. “She has not put on her phone”, he silently muttered to himself. After trying the number again, because sometimes the network providers used to do that such that the phone would be on and the answering machine would say “the line is not available now or out of reach” and he discovered that it is the same he left dialing the number and decided to call one of the executives of the fellowship to see if he could see him. The number of the executive was through, but he did not answer the call, after trying the second time and the recipient did not answer the call, he tried another one fellowship member, that person also did not answer his call. He left trying them, walked outside the campus gate and board a bus to his shop.
Phone conversation

The thought of Honest filled his mind, while working he was thinking about her. He stopped working and sent a text to her, so that when she opens her phone she will see and know her number and by the time he will be calling the introduction won’t be much, the text reads, “I hope your day is not tedious? I have returned to my shop. Talk later-Brother Ayonge P”.
The message did not deliver immediately, showing that she is yet in the lecture room or yet to put on her phone as she said earlier. He continues with his work, playing a Christian song to which, he is gently dancing to.
He looked at the time, it was 17:00 hours, the work he was doing and the thought of Honest overwhelmed him such that he skipped afternoon meal. He woke up late today and he couldn’t prepare meal, he just took two slices of bread and a cup of tea, rushed out of his house to go and supply Microbiology department the computers and photocopiers, “first impression lasts longer if nor forever”, he said to himself while rushing to meet the appointment, for he did not want to disappoint the Professor. His thought was that after finishing with him, he will branch at any of the cafeteria to buy food, but the lady he meets, Honest, subsumed him such that he forgot that he has a plan like that, that day. And now it is some minutes after 17:00 hours, the day is almost over, I cannot buy any food again, I will wait till I get home he said to himself, and then decides to call Honest number again. He scrolled to the number, dialed it, and it started ringing, he heaved a sigh of relief, “thanks to God” he said to himself before the lady answers the phone. As if the lady has been expecting the call, it was answered immediately
“Hello” Honest replied at the other end
“Hello, is that sister Honest?”
“Yes, it is me. Is this not Pastor Ayonge?” she asked
“Yes, it is me. But this voice did not sound as the voice I talked to in the morning”, he said
“Oh! Is that so? How is the voice you talk to in the morning different from this?” she asked
“I don’t know. I can’t say. But it seems as if the voice is thinner than this”, he replied.
“Uhm. This is me oh, the person you talked to earlier”, she replied
Ayonge drawing a seat out to sit on as he talks with her “What is that?” she asked
“It’s nothing”
“But I heard something scratching the ground” she said
“Yes, I draw out a chair to sit on” he replied.
“Okay sir”
“Did you see my message?”
“No, I have not received any message from you” she replied
“I don’t know what is wrong with these networks. I have sent a message to you…”
“I will receive it later, what is it about? If I may?”
“You remember I said I will send a message to you if I can’t reach you so that you will know my number” he replied
“Oh, that is true, I have forgotten, but never mind, it will be delivered. How is work today?”.
“Fine oh. Thanks to God. And how were your lectures?” he asked her
“Not bad. Normal. As it used to be” she replied
“If people like me can scale through the system, I know you can”, he replied
“Thanks. That is a word of encouragement”, she replied
“But who told you that I am a Pastor?”
“Ain’t you one?”
“No, I am not”
“Will a pastor do better than what I have seen you do?”
“What do you see me do? And where?”
“Leave that sir. To me oh, you are a pastor”, she replied
“I want to know where you get your wrong information from”
“Really? Is it wrong?? What I see with my two eyes you call wrong???”
“It is misnomer” he replied
“It is not to me, it may though be like that to some”, she replied
“Earlier you said your parents told you to be going to the fellowship the authorities of the institution support, and I asked are your parents alumni of the University, but you did not reply. Are they?” he asked again
“No, they are not. But they have friends who lecture in our university and my father being an education official, he knows there is always a fellowship approved by the school authority. That is why I have been instructed not to attend a fellowship that has neither be sealed nor stamped by the management of the institution.” She replied
“Oh, I see. But some of the fellowships on campus if not all have a means of registering with the authority too.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, it is. Such registration is being handled by the religious body instituted by the management”, he said, looking at his wrist watch
“That is good then. The fear of my parents is that it is through unregistered fellowships that different things happen on campus and they do not want such to happen to me, they will say, we have send you to study in the university and that you should face, do not dabble into some other things not stated in your provisional admission letter” she replied
“That is okay. It is precautionary. Every parent says that to their wards while leaving home so that they will face what they have been sent there to do. I think it is fair on their part, because spending such money on a child for the child to now return home with stories because of a fellowship, it won’t be fair on them…”
“That is it”
“But we still have a means of balancing everything because without God we cannot do much in the world and the world does not exclude campuses.” He said
“Uhm mm”
“Let me give you time to relax and prepare for evening class”
“Thanks sir”
“I will though be coming to the fellowship on Sunday, maybe we can see then if you don’t mind” he said
“I am not sure that I will be around then, because I use to go home every weekend”
“Is that so? Are you based in Lovely island?” he inquired
“Yes, I am born and bred here. Every Friday my mum’s driver used to come and pick me home”, she said.
“Wow! You don’t look like one of us here.”
“How do people who are born and bred here look like if I may ask sir?”
“Can’t say specifically, but to me you look like a lady from one of the developed countries”
Honest cannot help but laughed over the phone. “You make me laugh sir”
“Well, laughter is good for the body, good for our health so the scientists say now”
“If I tell you that I have not even get out of the shores of Lovely island will you believe me?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Why would I sir?”
“Is that so?”
“Yes sir”
“That is great. When you finished from University you will have time for traveling then and who knows your husband may not be residing here too”
“First thing first my dad would say”
“That is true. Since you won’t be around on Sunday, maybe some other day then”,
“Or may be Sunday evening if you will still be around then, we shall see because I used to return to campus Sunday evening, but I can tell them that I have work to do with my mates Sunday evening and they will bring me to campus early”, she replied.
“That would be alright by me, though I may for that not attend morning service with the campus brethren again, and will just come around 16:00 hours, play with anyone of them and then wait for you at the Students Union Building” he said
“That would be alright. I will return to campus around 16:00 hours because of you and by 16:30 hours I should be at the Students Union Building, just make sure you stay where I can easily find you because I dread that place oh”
“Why do you? The place is built with our money” he said
“I don’t like those I use to see there, and all of their circumvolution that is all”
“Alright. Just flash me when you arrive and I will place a call to you to know where you are so that we meet”, he replied.
“Okay. That is good. I will surely do that sir.”
“It is nice meeting you today sister Honest”, he said
“It is an honor meeting with you too sir” she replied
“Do have a wonderful night”
“Bye bye sir”, she replied, and the phone conversation ends.
Students' Union Building

On Campus
Students Union Building is a two storey building that accommodates the offices of the elected officers of the students. On the ground floor there are different activities going on there, different kinds of music are being played, some indoor games, snooker, television at different angles, there are small stores where different drinks could be bought. The place is usually filled up with the smokes being puffed out by smokers, different characters fill this area. It is modernized garage so to say. Some students who could not get accommodation also make this place their hostel keeping their cloths somewhere and sleeping there.
It was as if Sunday is a 365-day before Ayonge, it seems long to him. On Wednesday he sends text to her to greet her and ask of how her studies was. She also replied him, thanking him for finding time to check on her. He skipped Thursday and Friday and texted her again on Saturday, by that time she has gotten home. She replied him that everything is fine, she is busy reading her note, but it has not been easy because of the temptation to want to watch movies she replied. “You have to endure and skip those distractions”, he replied her, “I will do my best sir”, she responded.
By 15:50 hours, Ayonge has reached the campus, he though is a time conscious man. He checked his watch and decided against visiting any of the campus brethren because if he does, he knows he won’t be able to leave them even at 17:00 hours. “It is better I go there and be relaxing, watching the activities there until she gets here” he said to himself as he heads for the Student Union Building straight from the bus-stop. He was though lucky because no one among the campus brethren who knows him sees until he gets to the Student Building.
At 16:27 hours, he received her call, he initially did not want to answer the call, but he later answered it, “Hello?” he said.
“Hello sir”, the thin voice replied at the other end, “have you gotten there?” she asked
“Yes, I am”, he replied, he was thinking, maybe she will not be able to come again. Her voice brings him back to life, “I will be late, because I have just been dropped by my parents, I want to go and drop my bags inside the hostel after which I will come and meet you there, that may take about 15 or 20 minutes” she said.
“That will be okay by me, I will be here waiting for you”, he replied
“Okay. I won’t take long, I will be with you shortly”, she replied as the line drops and she bends down to pick her bags, walking to the hostel. On getting to her hostel her room mates are not around, she just opened her wardrobe, put her things there and within seconds gets out of her room in a hurry.
She was walking fast to the students’ union building; she was cleaning her face with her white handkerchief. When she was about 10 meters from the place, she flashed Brother Ayonge, and he went out of the building to see where she was. He spotted her coming from the south side of the building, he stepped out to go and meet her.
“Good evening sir”, genuflecting, “I am sorry for keeping you waiting and for the inconveniences”, she said
“Oh, come off that. It is no problem. How was your trip back?” he asked
“It is fine oh.”
“Where do we go now? Since you said you do not like Students’ Union Building” he asked
“You know this place more than I do, but I will prefer another place apart from Students’ Union Building, but if there is no other option, then I will go with the place for today”, she replied cleaning the perspiration on her face
“Alright. I know there used to be a place called Coolant building, foods and drinks are being sold there, but when I was on campus, we used to look at those going to the place as rich people and…”
“You are also rich now”, interjecting she said
“Amen oh. In Jesus name, I am” he replied
“Amen oh”
“Shall we?” he asked looking at her face
“Yes”, she answered as they turned to face the road leading to the place, and she drags from his hand the black folder with zip at its edge which he is carrying. He releases it for her, saying, “thank you” and they started walking to the place, talking as they were going.
Fast Food Building

At Coolant Building
Coolant Building is a building compartmentalized into different sections. There is a security man who opens and closes door for customers entering the building. This security man after welcoming Honest and Ayonge, he opened the door of the building for them to enter as they were responding to his greeting.
 “What will you like to take?” Ayonge asked her.
“Nothing because it was after I ate that dad and mum drove me to campus, the food is yet to be fully digested” she responded
“You cannot but take something”
“Is it compulsory?” she asked him
“Oh yes, it is”
“Why would it be a must?” She inquired further as they walked towards the service desk
“You know this is neither a Students’ Union Building nor city’s relaxation center…”
“Yes, I know”
“So, the person who owns this place established it for business purposes, to make profit…”
“It means one cannot enter here without buying something?” She asked
“You will not want to do that too, because you will want the business to keep flourishing”, he replied Honest.
“Uhm mm, you are right in that”, she replied him
“Again, I asked, what will you like to take?”
“Since it is a must from your analysis, I will like to take bottled water”, she said
“That won’t be enough. You will have to add some snacks to it.” He said
“Another must?”
“Not necessarily. It’s me who desires that you add something to bottled water now” he said
“I do not want you to buy what I won’t be able to eat. Bottled water would be enough”, she insisted
“Okay. Let me make a work around that for you”
“How do you mean?”
“You will buy one doughnut with your bottled water because I cannot be eating while you will be looking at my mouth, it’s unethical, if you cannot finish it, I will finish it for you let it not be said that on the day of our first meeting you did not take anything” he said while Honest shrugged her shoulders “does that really matter?” she said smiling. “That is the first work around.” “May I know what the second work around is?” She asked looking at his face as they joined the queue to buy what they want from the attendant
“Thanks for asking. Now, the second work around is we shall buy some inside a take away so that you will give your colleagues and friends when you get to your room…”
“But I told you earlier that I met none of them inside the room when I dropped my luggage neither did I tell anyone that I have a date with anyone” she replied
“I know and remember what you said, but isn’t it good if you get them something?”
“I am not saying it is a bad idea, what I am trying to say is, I am not the type who keeps many friends. I am yet to have a stable friend amongst any of my colleagues neither roomies”
“Well, that is fair enough. It means we are similar because I don’t keep friends too, having learnt lessons from my uncle who has so many friends but when his trials began, they all left him”. He replied
“You can see that. I do not wish to draw unnecessary attention to myself”
“I understand. When I was a student, I was always happy when I see a friend buy something like this for me, because I come from a below average home”
“I am therefore sure that there will be someone like me in your room who will be happy receiving something like this from you today.”
 “Okay oh. If you insist, no problem”
“Yes, I insist. I want you to have something today, our first day of meeting, some other times you may reject the offer and also take to your friends in your room something for I know by the time we finish here, one of them would have gotten to the room and when they see you entering the room with something they will know you have come here”, he said conclusively.
They are the next to be attended to by the attendant. He told the attendant to get him doughnuts, bottled water in a tray and a meat pie and Pepsi cola in another tray. While the attendant was getting those, he silently asked her, “do you live in room of four or eight? “Room of four” she replied. “Alright” he said and turned to the attendant telling her to put two meat-pies, two doughnuts, and a small bottle of juice into five different packages that they will be leaving with later.
The attendant asked, “are those different from the ones you will take here sir?”
“Yes, they are” he replied her.
“Or do you want any other things apart from the ones stated to be included in yours?” he asked Honest.
“That would be alright by me”, she replied.
This was done and they took the tray containing the snacks into a corner where they will be alone.
“I still want to know why you are calling me a pastor”, he said as they sat facing each other
“So, you are still on this? I thought men don’t use to repeat the same thing”
“Oh yeah. And sometimes men need to repeat the same thing over and over to become clear.”
“What happened was after we met and you told me your department, I used to pass through the department with the hope that I will come across you one day, but I discovered that I did not. This baffles me. Why can someone lie to me in the name of the Gospel, I said to myself that would be unfair…”
“And since I am relatively new, and all of us living in the same room are new students I couldn’t ask anyone of them. I therefore think I will have to attend the fellowship you introduced to me one day.”
“I see”, he said
“When God would seal up everything, the fellowship started publicizing a program. I checked for when the program would be held and discovered that it is during the week when I would still be on campus, and I said to myself, “my prayer has finally been answered by God, I will attend the program and know why on earth this brother lied to me in the name of the Gospel.”
“Uhm mm”
“I did not bother to check for the details of the program neither check for whom the minister would be, even if I checked I may be confused, thinking may be the name of the minister resembles yours or something.”
“So, all I was doing was preparing for the D-day, following your brethren’s daily publicities about the program. They really did a wonderful publicity on the program”
“Was that so?”
“Yes, it was.”
“That is wonderful” He replied.
“So, on the day of the program, I was one of those who got there early.”
“Wow!” He exclaimed, “You wanted to expose my secret”
“Isn’t it good?”
“Oh yeah, it is. One needs to be sure of what and whom one is dealing with, not forgetting that your parents have even warned you against fellowships that have “neither received the authorities seal nor stamps” according to your word” Ayonge replied
“You get it. I have been growing in confusion about your estate on campus, having heard so many things about those who are non-students but who yet paraded themselves as students to some people on campus, I keep saying could you be one of those liars? If you are one of them, it sure means that the fellowship you have introduced to me is a bad fellowship and I would have confirmed what my parents have told me before moving to the hostel.”
“That is true”
“The inquisitiveness in me keeps pressing me to find out what could be up, searching for the missing link”
“I get you” Ayonge said
“When I got to the Lecture Theatre people were still praying, preprogram prayer and I told myself as one of the executives you should be there praying with them, only to discover that I was in gross error. Sitting in the front did not give me room to look back, but I said I will after the program hang around to see you or at best ask of you from members of the executives in case, I couldn’t see you. While ruminating on what to do, just then the emcee introduced you as the speaker. I said it couldn’t be you, but when you came to the podium that was when I discovered that you are the one, that was how I know you are a pastor no one told me”
“Uhm. I see”
“But you did not look like a graduate to me you know”
“How do I look if I may ask?” Ayonge asks
“You look like someone who is a semifinalist or at most in his final year. That was what I thought of about you” Honest replies.
“How does a semifinalist or a finalist look like?”
“Can’t explain it. But sincerely that was what has been in my mind, coupled with the fact that you were around for the fresher’s program or something, I couldn’t imagine that someone who has graduated could be indulging in such activities with the undergraduates…”
“Oh!” He raised up his finger, points the index finger at her, “I now get what you are saying”
“You were involved in the program not as if you are trying to invite new students to your fellowship or church but assisting the students and talking that they join the students fellowship. These thoughts made me think, oh, you are one of them and in the final year trying to draw people to your fellowship”
Christian Association

“It has been my nature and about two other members whom we finished together to be assisting them during the Catch Them Young Program. Those two brothers and I use to divide ourselves during those welcoming days. All we want is that the younger generations would see it as we are doing it before so that they won’t be afraid neither do it in a slipshod manner…”
“O..o..okay” she stammers
“That day which I came with other brethren to welcome you and others was the day assigned for me by others to be present to give a helping hand to the campus brethren.”
“That is wondrous”
“Immediately I finished talking to you that day, I received a call from my neighbor in my workplace that I have a customer, thus, I cannot finish with them, I had to excuse myself from the program head straight for my work place…”
“Were you able to meet the person by the time you get to the place” She curiously asked
“Oh yes. The man waited for me.”
“Thanks to God for that”
“Since that day, I have not been able to come back to campus, because I have been on my toes, attending to customers. Assuming I have, I am sure you would have met me once, because I used to visit one of my lecturers in my department. In fact the man called to ask after me when he couldn’t see me for weeks and he knows I have not been doing like that before”
“This has been the situation with me until when the general secretary of the fellowship and another brother came to me that I have been chosen to handle that program and since it will come up after working hours, all I need to do is cancel all other appointments for that day, which I did to be able to grace the program” Ayonge said
“Wow! That is good. Your coming really clears many doubts off my mind” she said.
“Do you know what I thought about you the day I was talking to you?”
“No, I did not”
“I asked of your name, you did not answer, all other questions asked you did not reply. I said maybe you are not a Christian and we have been cautioned along the line that when we see or talk to someone who does not answer, we should leave the person alone so that there won’t be religious riot…”
“Yes oh. That is common. When people don’t respond they will soon go to their camps and say someone is forcing them raising false alarms and before you know it everything would have gotten out of hand.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh yes, it is. Therefore we have been cautioned that when you talk to anyone who is not showing interest, don’t allow it to lead to another thing, just leave the person alone and go to someone else, you have done your part let the Lord continue from there, if the person is a child of God, God knows how to touch his or her heart. It was after we reach this status that we start having peace on the campus”, he said.
“So, that was what prompted you to ask me that day we met that am I a Christian?”
“Yes, that is it.”
“Okay. I understand.”
“But after the program why can’t you wait to see me that day?” Ayonge asked.
“I did wait for about 20 or more minutes…”
“It took me some seconds to locate you where you were sited. After locating you, I discovered that you were attending to a lady and there are other students still hanging around to see you. I said to myself, I will just greet you to see if you can recognize me and leave. But then you were so subsumed in your discussion with the lady such that for close to 30 minutes you were with her talking and laughing. I said to myself, this must be your fiancée having known that you have graduated. I sum one plus one together in my heart that you have use the opportunity of ministering that day to also see your spouse and play with her before you leave. Having thought like this, I decide to leave the hall, saying to myself, I have achieved the purposes of coming…”
“Which were?”
“Knowing if indeed you are a student and knowing the kind of fellowship you introduce to me…”
“That was what happened. I did not even dream of seeing you as early as this again”
“Because I am not a member of the fellowship and since it is that fellowship you used to attend and you have finished from the school, how could I think of seeing you days after that?” she said
“I understand. Let me start by apologizing for keeping you waiting that day. Before I left campus that day, it was close to 22:00 hours, because all those students you said you see waiting to see me, I make sure I see all of them before I leave, because I know I may not be able to see them the following day if I did not wait to see them that night…”
“Was that so?”
“Yes, it was. And the lady with whom I was chatting that day we graduated the same session from the University. After our graduation we lost contacts. She also said she saw the poster of the program when she was on campus to see her lecturer and having known that she will still be around when the program will be held, she decided to fix it in her calendar. Immediately I entered the hall even before ministration she has spotted me, she walked to where I was sited and greeted me, and we fixed our discussion till after the program. After the program that you wanted to see me, she has walked up to me before every other person and we were reliving what life is after graduation, that is why you see us talking and laughing that day.”
“Okay. To God who made me I thought she was your fiancée”, she said.
“No, she is not” he replied.
They talked a bit about other issues after this and when it was 19:30 hours they decide to leave the place. They walked until they got to the entrance of her hall where he boarded a tricycle to the main gate of the campus from where he boarded a bus to his house.
On getting home he called her to let her know that he has gotten to his room.
This was what began their intimacy, and hardly could a day pass by that they won’t talk on phone or any of the social media, asking about each other’s welfare, progress academically and business wise.
Ayonge being a member of the City’s Christian Association used to receive invitation from the Youths of some churches, which he will tell Honest about. After Honest’s second semester she used to attend some of the programs Ayonge is being invited to. And he used to see that after the programs he used to wait behind to attend to those who want to see him for counselling.
Ayonge again received an invitation to minister to the Youths of the Fire Brand Church. The church is on the same street as Honest’s parent’s house. Honest was elated to hear that he would be ministering there for 3 days and she promised to attend the programs.
On the second day, after Ayonge finished the program Honest waited for him and while they were going home, that was when Honest proposed to her.
She was speechless after Ayonge told her that they should be going out. They parted that day. A week after the program the returnee students resume to campus again. Three weeks after the resumption, Ayonge and Honest met again and Honest told him that she has consider his proposal carefully but the only but she has is that she still has about 3 years to spend on campus before graduation.
Ayonge said, the year would not be a problem if she can agree to be his’ forever.
That was how they started their relationship. She usually accompanies him to all the program he has except those that’s out of the town and or clashed with her academics.
But after the end of his ministrations she notices something, and it was the way people usually wait to see him. She has been enduring this for a while but when their love was 15 months old after a program and she saw how people lined up to see him, she could not hold herself as she burst into tears.
One of the Youths who accompanied them to the program, brother Jack, who sat beside her looked confused and had to ask her what the matter with her was. She told Jack that she is beginning to have feelings that she will lose her spouse in no distant time. Jack asked to know why such feelings and thoughts should come to her mind. And she replied that she remembered different stories of how ladies and women lose their spouses to another woman during the course of counseling and all that.
Jack smiled and heaved a sigh of relief telling her that such would not happen. She was not contented with what Jack told her and when she was alone with her spouse, Ayonge she has to tell him what her feelings for some weeks have been.
Ayonge asked him why he was having such a feeling and she repeated what she told Jack to him that she remembered how ladies have snatched popular figures from their spouses and I have been having that repeated thought over the months now. Today with the increased number of people who waited to see you after the ministration I cannot but agree with my mind that she is telling the truth after all.
Ayonge laughed after hearing what she said, she did not wait for him to speak before saying, “I should have seen this ahead, I should not have agree to your proposal in the first place, because it was not as if when you came to me your fame has not been on the rise then” Ayonge continue to laugh while she continues to talk, “I do not want you to break my tender heart, I have heard of what used to happen to different ladies who their spouses break their hearts it is better imagined than experienced.” She conclusively said.
“I am loss of words. Let me ask you a question”
“Have you found me with any strange ladies since the time we have started dating?” he asked her
“No, I have not”, she replied.
“Why now do you think I can suddenly change?” Honest did not answer him as he continues “let me reassure you my love, I will not disappoint you neither will I ever break your heart” she walks close to him, as they continued to walk along the campus street with street light on, resting her head on his shoulder and he uses his right hand to draw her close to him as they keep going. “Have I not told you that I am not exposed to ladies before you? I tried to be exposed to ladies when my colleagues were doing that in the secondary school days, but something keeps pulling back, and what was pulling me back was the words of my uncle, that if I hope to be something in life I should distance myself from illicit affairs with ladies until I am ripe for it” Honest did not talk but was listening to him, “so when they were all getting attached to different ladies, I will say to myself, “my uncle says I must not do this. I continued in this estate until I got saved in my junior class in the secondary school. And since the time I have given myself to Jesus Christ until this moment I have not looked back, not to now talk of when God has released on me some gifts and commission some things into my hands. If I do any of those, I have not only broken thine heart, but I will equally be breaking the heart of God who has counted me worthy of his grace”
“Uhm mm. I am still afraid oh. I have been thinking that may be we shall need to solidify this relationship before my graduation”
Ayonge was not sure if he was hearing right, he thence asked, “what did you just say”
“I know you heard me. I don’t think I want to wait again till my graduation, that is about 15 more months, anything could happen before then, but when the relationship has been solidified, then I will be assured that you are mine and I am yours forever”, she enthused.
“Are you kidding me?”
Lady resting head on man's shoulder

“I am in no way kidding oh. I want to be sincere to myself and be as practical as possible to myself. I have neither have any relationship before yours nor be close to any male before you. This is because it was girls’ school that I attended before getting to University and coupled with the fact that my parents do not allow me to mingle, even before the school closes the driver would be by the gate to pick me up to our house. So, I don’t have any experience except those we watch in movies, but then they said what we watch in movies should be considered good for movies alone as many of those are not practicable and I think it is true because when we have been seeing each other, I have been learning what it is to relate with opposite sex, it is not straightforward as being painted in movies neither reading novels…”
“This is a surprise. It seems to me as if someone has been talking to you” Ayonge said
“Well, you know me better. You know if I am not chatting with you, I will be by my books or reading bible or Christian books. No one has been discussing with me, not even my mum who should be counseling me on marital issues for she said, what works to lady A may not work for lady B, and the best thing she can do is to tell you general things about relationship, that is what she used to say. But telling me that you will break my heart, she has not, and I know she will not. All these are my thoughts and this thought pressed me hard today on seeing many ladies waiting behind to see you. My Love let us do the right thing, the honorable thing. After all it isn’t as if you do not have job that would cater for us all I am saying is I don’t want my heart to be broken, it is good to learn from others but when one begins to learn from what happens to him or her people say that is an act of foolishness. I do not want to be a fool, I want to be enlisted among those who are proactive, an adage says it is from a far place that a person with a sunken socket begins to cry”
“You have caught me off guard I need to tell you this. What will your parents say? Won’t they say I am the one who does not want their daughter to finish their academics having finished mine?” he asked
“Leave my parents to me. All they want for me and my siblings is happy home. When to them does not as much matter. Yes, they may look at it from a perspective you have painted, but I will tell them that I am not stopping my academics, I will finish it, but will finish it happily knowing that I am forever in your arms” she enthused.
“I will think about this, because this is hot” Ayonge replied him
“I know you love me, and you know I love you. People have been saying there is hardly anything called love at first instance, but you and I have proved those people wrong for on seeing me you love me and the same thing with me and as fate would have it, it works for us. I don’t want it to die on the road like a smoke. I do not want people to say haven’t we say that there is nothing like love at first instance! I want us to prove there is love at first instance and that it is real and working and that what works for person B may not work for person G”
“As I said give me time to think about this, it is not in my agenda at all, not so early” he enthused.
“Okay. Thanks.”
Their love continued. Ayonge agrees to what she said and asked her to feel the pulse of her parents. She informed her parents and they will not agree to what she said immediately telling her to break off with Ayonge and she told them that he was not the one who initiated the move, the move for her to be married was initiated by her and if they really want happiness for her as they have been saying they should allow her to go ahead with what is in her heart.
After much deliberations and consultations with friends and family members they agree to what she said and ask her to bring the guy home so that they know him.
During the lady’s first semester in her final year she got married to her heartthrob, Ayonge…


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