Some Prayer Points From The Book of Isaiah

Some Prayer Points From The Book of Isaiah

Writer’s Note
A singular verse or at most two verses is/are taken from each chapter of the 66 chapters that make up this book and it is this verse of the chapter that prayer points are drawn out from. In some if not all instances explanations are given which would give anyone who wants to use such a chapter for prayer. These explanations (called Prayer knuckle, Prayer nuggets etc.) are related to other verses that make up the chapter and the entire books that make up the bible for lines must be upon lines and precepts upon precepts, here a little, there a little.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little (Isa. 28:10)
It is God’s prerogative to answer prayers, it is our duties to pray unto the Lord. Therefore, do not relent in praying to your heavenly father, Jesus.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.(Matt. 6:6)
The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.(Psa. 34:15)
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. (Isa. 65:24)
The verse that is taken from a chapter which the writer expatiated upon and which is used to raise some prayer points are copied out for believers to see at the beginning of the chapter before the expatiation and prayer points raised follow.
It would be of interest to you knowing that this write up does not talk about the means of prayer, methods of prayer, types of prayer etc. it just lists out some prayer points which expectedly the reader could add to as he or she uses this to commune with his heavenly father, who has called for his children to pray unto him.
The name which should be used in talking to our heavenly father has been stated in unmistaken terms by Jesus Christ in the Holy Writ, and the name is Jesus Christ. He has not asked for some modifications to the name as we used to hear people say and talk about today in some parts of the world as if we belong to some heathens’ religions. What some base their words on for saying people should add some modifications to is that God calls himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But how many of those people today have we heard that God himself calls himself their God? Outside that, we need know that we are in a new dispensation and generation, and new generation, new testament is singularly based on Jesus Christ, new testament revolves round Jesus and Jesus alone.
The modifications which we are adding today that bring divisions and hatred amongst the brethren, it is the disciples, Apostles Peter, John, Paul and so on who ought to be fighting for such recognitions, they are those who ought to be wanting their names to be used to access the throne of God but they never did that, because they didn’t lose focus, neither did their followers did that too, because they know the world passes away and the lusts thereof.
If you will be using this article or the wordings there for prayer as well as your praying wherever you are you should be using the name above all names as your only name to pray unto your father and my father, and the name is Jesus Christ, not his titles neither any of the “god of some people’s names”.
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. (Joh. 14:13-14)
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (Joh. 16:23-24)
It is imperative that we pray with understanding as well as pray correctly so that our prayers be expressly answered by God.
He has promised to answer our prayers as a father (parents) answer his (their) children requests, he will answer your prayers in Jesus name. Amen.
As you continue you will also see that other translations are also used in the exposition.
May you be richly blessed in Jesus name. Amen.
Prophet Isaiah

Prayer Points Using Chapter 1 of The Book of Isaiah
"The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah; kings of Judah" (Isa. 1:1)
Pre-Prayer Ignition
David Guzik while writing on this verse says, Isaiah ministered from about 740 to 680 BC. He was the son of Amoz. Intriguingly he spoke to both kingdoms, northern and southern kingdoms which are Israel and Judah respectively. It was however appalling to note that the northern kingdom fell to the Assyrians in 722 BC, but this does not stop the man of God from continuing his prophecy as by the time this happens, he could face the southern kingdom to deliver the message of God for them.
This account could be found from the 2 Kings 15-21 and 2 Chronicles 26-33. Prophet Isaiah is a contemporary of prophets Hosea and Micah. However, it is good to say that by this time prophets Elijah, Elisha, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Amos had completed their ministry.
It would interest you to know that Israel have gotten to the Canaan land, their promised land of inheritance for 700 years by the time Isaiah starts his prophecies. It was the judges who ruled the land for the first 400 years. Those people combine about three or more offices together, namely spiritual (like High priest Eli and Samuel), military and political. After their rulership three kings ruled for 120 years, each for 40 years and those were first king, King Saul; second, King David and third King Solomon.
Sadly, in 917 BC, when King Rehoboam, the son of King Solomon, ascends to the throne, civil war broke out and the country split into two uneven nations (or parts), Judah to the south and Israel to the north.
After this incident, the northern nation had 18 kings and all of them did not satisfy Yahweh’s requirements of leaderships. While the southern nation has 11 kings, some of them are good while some followed the path of the kings of Israel. This was the situation until Isaiah began his ministry.
The superpowers during the times of Isaiah were Egypt, Assyria and Babylon and Israel was often caught in the web of wars between these countries.
There was national crisis in the northern nation of Israel when he began his ministry while Judah at the same time was experiencing several threats from nations because of their sins unto Yahweh.
It is intriguing to discover that the New Testament authors and speakers quote Isaiah more than any other prophets in history.
We could talk more about Isaiah than many other prophets of the bible. He was married and had at least two sons (Isa. 7:3 and 8:3). The headquarters of his ministry is supposedly to be in Jerusalem. (Isa. 22:1; 37:2; 38:5 and 39:3)
Matthew Henry in while explaining this verse says, he introduced himself as the author of this book by stating his name, Isaiah (or Jesahiahu) written in Hebrew as “ישׁעיהוּ    ישׁעיה”, (yeshayâh  yeshayâhûpronounced as yesh-ah-yaw', yesh-ah-yaw'-hoo). This name means Jah has saved, or salvation of the Lord. In the New Testament if is called Esaias. He is the son of Amoz, but his father is not Amos the prophet (the two names differ in Hebrew more than in English). Some of the Jews however think that his father was also a prophet. As it is widely believed that the sons of prophets are pupils of prophets’ schools. However, we rarely have biological sons taken after (or succeeding) their fathers as prophets.
What he saw was a vision what he saw when he was awake and heard the words of Yahweh.
He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open.” (Num. 24:4)
At the beginning of his visions, it was not verily descriptive until afterwards see chapter 6:1.
The prophets of the ancient times were called seers
(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.) (1 Sam. 9:9)
It is what he sees with the eyes of his mind, foreseeing clearly by divine intuition and hardly needs external approval neither support for what he has seen. In most instances they do not require the listeners belief for what they have seen, and heard God speak about unto them. An example of this is what prophet Elisha said when there was drought in the land.
Then Elisha said, hear ye the word of the LORD; Thus saith the LORD, To morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.
Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the LORD would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. (2 Ki. 7:1-2)
The vision he saw was centered on Judah and Jerusalem. It was on the two tribes and the city of Jerusalem, he rarely mentions Ephraim as did prophet Hosea. In addition, he mentions some other neighboring countries like Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Tyre.
His prophecy includes instruction (because it is their privilege according to the covenant made with Abraham); Reproof (because no child shall be without correction and still be a good and worthy child, yea ambassador of the parents) and Comfort and encouragement in terrible times.
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? (Heb. 12:6-9)
The date of his prophecy spans wide as he said starts from the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. The Jews believed that he died a cruel death as he was put to death by Manasseh when he was sawn asunder as he hides in the tree. (Heb. 11:37) From the year that Uzziah died (Isa. 6:1) to Hezekiah’s sickness and recovery was 47 years. It is being postulated that his ministry spans between 60 and 80 years. This thence means that he started young as a prophet and holds on to his office till a stricken old age. There is no age limitation to his office and ministry as it does happen to those in the office of the priests. He experienced both good and bad leaders, kings as prophet.
In Ellicott’s Commentary for English readers says “vision” is used for prophets and it is known during the old time as “seer”. However, the word “seer” seems to be of lesser use as time passes by because of those who have abused the gift. But it is no gain saying that a prophet during those days do not cease to be called seer.
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges says, the word vision is a collection of prophetic oracles. The seer (ḥôzeh) called prophet and all he is seeing is termed vision (ḥâzôn). The name of his father is mentioned to differentiate him from other Isaiah because about seven Isaiah were listed. Where his vision centered on was stated to show that he was not a general prophecy as if talking and or prophesying about other lands.
In Pulpit Commentary we read this about this book that Isaiah probably was not the writer of the book, but the book was compiled by someone who was close to him about his renown words of prophecies concerning Judah and Jerusalem. This work is a small collection out of his many works. This assertion was buttressed by the fact that there are mistakes in some of the writing which Isaiah himself if he had been the author could and would not have made. It is for this that scholars say that is why we could hear terms like, “Deutero-Isaiah”, “Trito-Isaiah” and “Isaianic School”.
Type of Death: Isaiah is assumable believed by the Judeo-Christians to outlive Hezekiah and was sawn asunder by his successor, King Manasseh, with a wooden saw after the prophet had hidden himself in a hollow tree from the angry king. (Bultema). He was believed to have been referred to by the author of Hebrews in the 37th verse of chapter 11 of the book.
Bultema adds that after all and said, Isaiah was a great man of God who “has the courage of a Daniel, the sensitivity of a Jeremiah, the pathos of a Hosea and the raging anger of an Amos. Moreover, he leaves all of them far behind in the unique art of holy mockery. His courage is of such a nature that he never, not even for a moment, shows himself to be weak or timid”.
This wonderful and fearless prophet saw things consistently during the reign of these kings of Judah which were compiled in his oracle for all and sundry to read and learn from as it is today.
Some Prayer Missiles
1. Oh Lord, make me consistent in my spiritual office in Jesus name,
2. Every demon of inconsistency, get out of my life and ministry now in Jesus name,
3. Give me clear revelations about myself and family oh Lord in Jesus name,
4. As from now, I begin to receive clear revelations about my endeavours in Jesus name,
5. Everything obscuring my gift, remove them now in Jesus name,
6. Give me good understanding/knowledge about my gift and office in Jesus name,
7. Everything I need that will make me matter in my office, Almighty God give me now in Jesus name,
8. Oh Lord make me courageous in faith in Jesus name,
9. Let me a life that is worthy of the Gospel oh Lord in Jesus name,
10. Oh Lord give me the needful wisdom to interact and deal with unbelievers as well as believers (the bad and the good people) in Jesus name,
11. Give me a distinctive and a unique ministry in Jesus name,
12. I receive the grace to live a distinct life in Jesus name,
13. Etc.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 2 of The Book of Isaiah
"In the future the mountain of the Lord's temple will endure as the most important of mountains and will be the most prominent of hills. All the nations will stream to it" -Isaiah 2:2
Pre-Prayer Tonic
John Gills in his exposition of the bible while writing on this verse says, Aben Ezra says, Kimchi and Ben Melech said as a rule, wherever the last days are mentioned in the bible, the days of the Messiah is intended. It would interest the reader to know that this word, the days of the Messiah began in the latter part of the Old Testament which to the Jews is called the last days, the time preceding the Gospel dispensation. The Gospel dispensation starts from the time of John the Baptist, till the time of Jesus and his disciples and would continue until the latter days (which include the rise and reign of antichrist, the perilous times, the spiritual reign of Christ, the destruction of the antichrist and the personal coming of Christ). (1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 2 Pet. 3:4-5)
The mountain of the Lord’s house should not be considered to mean Mount Moriah on which the temple is built nether the temple itself, so says, Kimchi. But this would have greater glory than all of those as we can say it has happened when Jesus was on earth preaching the gospel to all and which the disciples later took up and spread to all the world through the assistance of the Holy Ghost.
The mountain so said that would be exalted above other mountains and hills could not be physical mountain, but it is spiritual, and this is presented in Jesus Christ with so many undeniable miracles which he did which far outweigh all the miracles done on mount Sinai, Carmel or Tabor. The miracles continue till date with the existence and the establishment of the church.
All nations that would flow into it shows the heathen, the erstwhile unknown people to God now being known by God when they give their lives to Jesus as they embraced the gospel.
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. (1 Pet. 2:10)
In Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers it is said that Micah 4:1-4 is found to be almost identical to the following three verses of this book of Isaiah. He says that this may imply Judah’s prosperity as it happened during the days of King Solomon. (Mic. 4:4; 1 Ki. 4:25)
The synchronicity of the words in the first three verses of this chapter of the Isaiah and Micah 4:1-3 makes scholars have the following thought:
i) It may be that Micah borrowed the word from Isaiah or,
ii) Isaiah borrowed those words from Micah,
iii) They may have copied from an older prophet or
iv) They received independent yet identical revelations from God
it would however interest you to know that Micah like Isaiah prophesied when the following people were kings: Ahaz, Jotham and Hezekiah.
“The last days” in this verse should not be seen as finality but something being of remoteness, as Prophet Moses said in his account in the book of Deuteronomy (4:30; 31:29).
Benson in his Commentary adds that believers should know that Jews divide times (or dispensations) into three which are the followings: before the law, under the law and under the Messiah. The dispensation of the Messiah is considered as the last days, which is expected to remain until the consummation of all things.
It would be noted that Apostle Paul says, “for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. (Heb. 9:26) The end of the world “τελη των αιωνων” stated here is his days (1 Cor. 10:11) as differ from the time of the consummation, “επι συντελεια των αιωνων” that Christ appeared.
During this time the mountain of the Lord which is assumable the Gospel will become prominent and would be preferred by all as compared to the worship of small gods and idols. The prophet by this means that the worship of true God would be established on the ruins of idolatry, the real religion would swallow up false religions and the church of God would by that becomes prominent. This hewed out stone out of the mountain shall turn to a mountain filling the whole earth. All nations, the gentiles inclusive shall flow into it.
Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. (Dan. 2:34-35)
This prophecy is believed to be talking about the church which has surpassed all other known religion globally.
Barnes’ in his Notes on the Bible says that “in the last days”, “הימים באחרית which is be'achărı̂yth hāyâmı̂ym speaks of dispensations to come, “only future time” and does not connote a “particular” period. It points to the time of the Messiah. When apostles were using this time, they weren’t talking about the brevity of the time neither that the day of judgment would be near but that the great events of the world would closely come in. (1 Cor. 4:1-5; 2 Thess. 2:1-5)
Hengstenberg while talking on the synchronicity between Isaiah and Micah says Isaiah may have copied from Micah and the followings are given as his reason for the assertion
i) The prophecy of Isaiah is not connected with what goes before, while that of Micah is connected with what goes before and after,
ii) In Prophets messages, promises usually follow threatening. Micah is noticed to follow this order, but this is not so with Isaiah, because promise comes before and after the threatening
Can we say these prayers loud and clear?
1. Every mountain/hill hindering/blocking me should be removed now in Jesus name,
2. Power that withstands stress, power that lasts long Father give me now in Jesus name,
3. Give me the Spirit of endurance now in Jesus name,
4. Grant me the wisdom/knowledge to establish what people from other nations will be looking for in Jesus name
5. The blessings I need to establish what people from other nations will be looking for give me now in Jesus name
6. Take me out of oblivion that the enemies have place me in Jesus name.
7. Demons of failure competing with the Spirit of success and glory in me should enter into eternal bondage now in Jesus name
8. Place me where I would be evident in my office or career in Jesus name,
9. The grace to take your messages with me wherever I am going give me in Jesus name,
10. Give you word more power to thrive and spread in Jesus name,
11. Etc.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 3 of The Book of Isaiah
"For Jerusalem is ruined and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord to provoke the eyes of his glory" (Isaiah 3:8 (KJV))
Pre-Prayer Alert
In Barnes’ Notes on the bible, the prophet shows the cause of the state of things for the city. Jerome says this that, “these are the words of the prophet, and not of him who was chosen leader”.
Pulpit commentary says that the sin that cause their problem is partly the sin of speech and mainly of act.
Because of their sins, they move the Lord to anger, such that he starts to deal with them as he would deal with unbelievers.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. OH God do not let me go Against you in Jesus name,
2. Tame my tongue oh Lord in Jesus name,
3. I refuse to provoke the eyes of your glory on me to anger in Jesus name
4. Oh Lord send your angels to guide my deeds in Jesus name,
5. Heal me of all injuries I have inflicted on myself through my deeds in Jesus name,
6. Oh Lord, rebuild for me everything that has been destroyed through my utterances in Jesus name,
7. Give me the power of self control in Jesus name.
8. Etc
African Woman washing clothes

Prayer Points Using Chapter 4 of The Book of Isaiah
"When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning." (Isaiah 4:4(KJV))
Pre-Prayer Talk
This word follows what the Lord said would happen unto his people, for he said, “and it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem (Isa. 4:3). The people became holy because they have been washed from their filths, the blood within Jerusalem that was crying for vengeance like the blood of Abel has been removed by the judgment and by burning which in Hebrew word is “בּער”, bâ‛ar, meaning waste, to consume. The Lord unleash on his people and the nation terrible judgment laying the country waste, after doing this he became contented for the dross has been removed from their gold and now they can be called holy people, the people of the Lord, the People who should be blessed.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, wash me of all my filthiness in Jesus name,
2. Let your blood wash me clean of all infirmities, poverty, hatred etc in Jesus name,
3. By your spirit of judgment, purge my family, country, church clean in Jesus name,
4. Let your spirit of judgment vindicate me of all false allegations that the enemies are alleging me with in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord, proclaim my enemies' condemnation in Jesus name,
6. Oh Lord, arise in you fury (burning anger) against my enemies today in Jesus name,
7. Let your special protection be on my glory as from now in Jesus name,
8. Let your special protection be on me and mine as from now on in Jesus name,
9. Oh Lord be a defence to my glory as from now on in Jesus name,
10. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 5 of The Book of Isaiah
"Now I will sing for the one I love, a song about his vineyard; my beloved had a vineyard on a RICH & FERTILE hill.
"He plowed the land, cleared its stones, and planted it with the best vines. In the middle he built a watchtower and carved a winepress in the nearby rocks. Then he waited for a harvest of sweet grapes, but the grapes that grew were bitter" (Isaiah 5::1-2 (New Living Translation)) (note: Emphasis mine)
Pre-Prayer Words
This is neither a bible study nor a Preaching and I will not make it one. However, it is impressed in my heart to say these to clear some things about what we want to deal with.
All bible students should know that this place is talking about God and Israelites. Bringing it a bit closer, it is talking about A Lover and his/her investment/s. The investments are undoubtedly sure to bring forth dividends, (it is) they are lucrative investments which everyone looks forward to having/possessing/investing in. Relating it to you and I, we should not forget that we are God's vineyard, God is investing on us every day, for he expects us to bring dividends unto him through the fruits that we shall bring forth.
Shall we therefore pray some few prayer points?
1. Oh Lord, do not cease to watch over me,
2. As your investment on the planet, oh Lord, do not be weary of monitoring me in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord, do not lose interest in me... Recall that, when an investment is not bringing forth dividends as it ought to, investors would lose interest in the investments... Therefore you and I will say, oh Lord, do not lose interest in me in Jesus name,
4. As an investor loses interest in such investment, a time will come that he will decide to sell off the investments... Let us now say,
Oh Lord, do not sell me off in Jesus name,
5. This selling off essentially implies that God will hand the person over into the hands of the enemies (Judges 2:14), we will again say,
Oh Lord, do not sell me off into my enemies hands in Jesus name.
We should however recall that the chief enemy is the devil, when the Lord sold off Job into the devil's hands we all read of what came afterwards (Job 1 & 2).
Oh Lord, do not sell me off into the enemies hands in Jesus name.
6. Everything that makes my life non-lucrative to you, get them removed out of my life in Jesus name,
7. The fertility of my life that has been depleted, oh Lord replenish them,
8. I refuse to be infertile in Jesus name,
9. Demons of infertility get out of me in Jesus name,
10. Everything blocking you from acting on and in my life, clear them off my life now in Jesus name,
11. Let your word be entrenched in me oh Lord,
12. Let your gifts of the Spirit be entrenched in me in Jesus name,
13. The winepress in the nearby rock could be likened to a manufacturing site, this is because this is where the olive of the vines would be extracted and afterwards offered for sales.
Oh Lord bring good things out of my life for the world to see in Jesus name,
14. Oh Lord, make my life productive in all facets in Jesus name,
15. On the watchtower are monitoring team, soldiers, monitoring the coming in and going out of people and things those days (Joshua 2; Judges 9:50-53). Based on this ipso facto, Shall we therefore say this,
Oh Lord, let your angels assigned to monitor my life be strong and powerful ones in Jesus name,
16. All incapable/incapacitated angels assigned to monitor me in this my present status, I decree and declare in Jesus name that they should be replaced now,
17. The source of bitterness in me should dry up in Jesus name,
18. The seeds of bitterness sown into my life by the devil should be removed now in Jesus name (Matt. 13:25)
19. The tap roots of the trees of bitterness in me should be burnt to ashes by Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name,
20. Every area/aspect of my life bringing forth

Coal of fire

Prayer Points Using Chapter 6 of The Book of Isaiah
"Then flew one of the Seraphim (heavenly beings) to me, having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongs from off the altar.
"And with it he touched my mouth and said, behold, this has touched your lips: your iniquity (and) guilt are taken away, and your sin is completely atoned for (and forgiven) (Isaiah 6:6-7 (Amplified Version))
Pre-Prayer Words
This chapter opens another chapter in the history of the life and ministry of the prophet, it is defining moment. His eyes was opened to see the altar, “מזבּח”, mizbêach (pronounced as miz-bay'-akh) of heaven from which the symbolical creature takes out “רצפּה”, rits-paw' which is a hot stone, which he touched his lips with and declared that he has been cleaned, with his sins completely atoned for.
In life, we also have defining moment in all we do. Those defining moments and periods will always be remarkable in our lives, hearts such that we shall continue to remember them.
The most remarkable defining moment that anyone can have in life is when we give our lives to Jesus Christ. Anyone who has given his life to Jesus Christ will always live to remember the day, would always recall the period and would never let it off his or her heart for a second, even when the enemies wanted to come like a flood with its deceptions the person would never forget this defining moment. Even if you have been brought up in the moral way and Christian home before such that you cannot specifically mention the time you get saved like some other people, but the day you have decided to wholly live your life for Jesus, the memory of that period would keep coming back to your heart, such that making attempts at doing anything nasty you wouldn’t dare do it, because you have encountered God as Jacob encountered angels on his itinerary (Gen. 32:24).
Few Prayer Points:
1. Oh Lord, do not commit the matters of my life unto small angels again in Jesus name,
2. The answers to my prayers, Oh Lord assign them unto powerful and chief angels so that there will be no delay again in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord set the altars of my life, ministry, family, courtship etc on fire, continual fire that can never be put out in Jesus name (Leviticus 6:12-13)
4. We have to recall from the above bible quote that the coals cannot even be taken on a bare hands by the Seraphim, it was picked by tongs... Therefore let us say,
Oh Lord, make my life etc too hot for the enemies to touch as from thenceforth in Jesus name
5. Oh Lord, purify my life now in Jesus name,
6. Let my life be pleasing unto you for a separation in Jesus name,
7. I need a touch that will set me aside and apart from others in Jesus name,
8. Let your blood wash me oh dear Lord in Jesus name,
9. When the body of a child is clean, not smelling again, parents, elder ones will carry the child. This will therefore make us pray that
"Oh Lord, as from now onwards carry me in Jesus name" (Numbers 11:12)
10. A child that is carried could be fed.
Start feeding me yourself Lord in Jesus name,
11. In your word it is written that is Young lions do lack, but that would not be true of those who seek thee,
Oh Lord, I daily seek you, therefore I refuse to be among those who will lack in Jesus name,
12. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 7 of The Book of Isaiah
"Thus says the Lord God; "it shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass"" (Isaiah 7:7 (Easy To Read Version))
Pre-Prayer Words
Some countries have gathered together, and they have included and integrated child of Jacob into what they want to do so that they would succeed in what they want to embark on. What they want to embark on is waging war against the Judah, destroying her.
They included Ephraim because prophet Micah says, “…a man's enemies are the men of his own house. (Mic. 7:6d) and Jesus corroborates this in his word that, “and a man's foes shall be they of his own household. (Matt. 10:36), this would give them easy access to attack and unleash their terrors on Judah nation.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord arise and scatter all my enemies in Jesus name (Psalms 68:1)
You may think you have no enemy, I was also of the same opinion some couple of years back, but when enemies assault happened, I know better. May I tell you that for the singular reason of believing in Jesus Christ, you have an enemy and enemies. Therefore say this loud and clear,
Oh Lord, arise and scatter all my enemies in Jesus name.
2. Rain on my enemies your stones of destruction in Jesus name (Joshua 10:11)
3. Every evils devised against me should be cancelled in Jesus name,
4. Oh Lord, Powers terrifying me should be annihilated in Jesus name,
5. I receive boldness in Jesus name,
6. Let not my enemies triumph over me in Jesus name,
7. Everything in me that will make enemies triumph over me should be destroyed in Jesus name,
8. Demonic king set up to rule over my life should go into bondage in Jesus name,
9. Dethrone the demonic king ruling over my life/business/marital etc in Jesus name,
10. Do not let it be possible for my enemies to establish their kingdom in my life/ministry in Jesus name
OR say the prayer like this
Oh Lord my God, Make it impossible for my enemies to establish their kingdom in my life/ministry etc in Jesus name,
11. When a child of the devil is on throne in a place/country/family/courtship/establishment etc it will be easy for evil to enter and leave that place/family etc. Therefore we shall say at the top of our voices that,
The son of the devil shall not assume throne in my life/town/department/faculty/ministry etc in Jesus name
12. Wicked people who are in authority in my family/life that has make my life miserable and unbearable should be dethroned now in Jesus name (Proverbs 29:2)
13. Everything in place in my life that has make things difficult for me should be removed by fire now in Jesus name,
14. Evil counsels over my life shall not stand in Jesus name,
15. Evil devises over me shall not come to pass in Jesus name,
16. Let your good counsels over me stand oh Lord in Jesus name (Jeremiah 29:11)
17. Let your good purposes for my life come to pass in Jesus name,
18. Etc.

Points Using Chapter 8 of The Book of Isaiah
"Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought: speak the word, and it shall not stand for God is with us" (Isaiah 8:10)
Pre-Prayer Alert
This is one of the commonest verses that we were asked to know off hand when we were undergoing some deliverance school trainings.
When the Lord is with you, there is no counsel, (neither consultations nor pieces of advises (for that is what the counsel here means in Hebrew word)) the enemies give themselves that is taken against you that can stand. What matters is you ensuring that you know the Lord and you are always with him, always doing his will.
Many a one quote this today without knowing whom this Lord is. Some claim that this verse is working for them though they are yet to be saved, well it may work for you because God wants to use the means to draw you to himself, but if you remain recalcitrant, be it known unto you that it will no longer work for you.
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. The counsels of the enemies on me shall come to nought in Jesus name,
2. Send your fire of separation into the camps of my enemies in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord give my enemies tasks that they cannot complete in Jesus name,
5. Every spoken words of evil against me shall not stand in Jesus name,
6. The issued orders of my enemies on me shall not be effected in Jesus name (II Kings 9:19 & 22)
7. Let my enemies become disoriented in time and space in Jesus name,
8. Block the thinking faculties of my enemies in Jesus name,
9. In my journeys in life, Oh Lord, come and be with me in Jesus name,
10. What I will do that will push you away from me, do not let me do those things in Jesus name,
11. What I have done that has pushed you away from me oh Lord rectify them for me,
12. Forgive and pardon me of all that I have done that has pushed you away from my tabernacle in Jesus name,
13. Help me to continually do what will draw you closer to me in Jesus name,
14. Oh Lord show my enemies that you are indeed with me in Jesus name.
15. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 9 of The Book of Isaiah
"The people who walked in darkness; have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness (and) the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined" (Isaiah 9:2 (Amplified Version))

King James version says,
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. (Isa. 9:2)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Hebrew word for people here is “עם”, am (pronounced as am) which means a tribe, troops or attendants, flock. God here is talking about people of the same mind, people of the same intents like believers in Jesus Christ, because we are Jesus’ flock.
It is noticed that those flock though walk, “הלך” translated as hâlak (pronounced as haw-lak') meaning march, move, run (along), travel but the path in which they haw-lak' (walk) in is chôshek (phonetic spelling kho-shek') חשׁך” places. This kho-shek', which is the word used for darkness here means, path of misery, destruction, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness and death. The flock are though walking, but the path which they trek is path of sorrow, it is path of ignorance, little wonder that they perish along the path as the bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, for their ignorance.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. (Hos. 4:6)
From the above meanings we see that the people who walk walked in ignorance, they walk in sorrow, they walk without knowing where they are heading for, they walk in fear of the known and the unknown, for they do not know what would become of them later, and unto these kinds of people of the same mind and purpose, something happened, and what is it that happened? What happen is that they see a great light.
Hebrew word for seen here is râ'âh, “ראה”, (raw-aw' as phonetically spelt) which means behold, consider, discern, gaze, perceive, view, visions.
Great in Hebrew is “גּדל    גּדול”, gâdôl  gâdôl (phonetical spelling is gaw-dole', gaw-dole'), which means exceedingly, much, more, high, long, loud.
Ore” is the pronunciation of אור”, ('ôr) which is light in Hebrew language which means illumination, (lightning, happiness), bright, clear, day-light, morning, sun.
The flock of people who walk dejectedly, those who walk without purpose, those who walk in ignorance started seeing great illumination, they started perceiving something strange where they are, and they know that their times and days of suffering are over.
As those who walk in absolute ignorance started perceiving deliverance so do those who live in shadow of death, (צלמות), tsalmâveth (tsal-maw'-veth) as being called in Hebrew which means grave, shade of death, calamity. In other words those passing through calamity, as Job did passed through, those passing through hard and difficult times like Jabez, those who thought there is nothing left for them in the world, those who prefer death to living, those who are hopeless started having a sense of relive because where they are light started shining upon their paths.
Resorting to amplified edition, we shall see that those who walked in darkness are those who see great light. This supposedly mean that such people have had glimpse of light at one time or another, perhaps in the time past. Using a sleeping man as an example of this, we know that when a person who sleeps started opening his eyes, it would be gradual to allow for accommodation to take place on his eyes lest the intense ray of light destroy the lens and the retina and the eyes becomes totally impaired.
With this at the back of our minds we shall discover that to those who have seen lights before light is shown unto them in its intense form to clear their doubts to give them more hope where they have become hopeless. While those at the shadow of death, those without light, without knowledge, light is shone but not in its intense form lest their eyes become damaged.
It is the same with us, those who have been saved can receive more light, while those who are to be brought out of the shadow of death, those who are to be brought into the knowledge of Jesus they would receive smaller lights, they would receive the knowledge of God before they will be asked to feed on solid foods, they will be asked to see intense lights, intense and powerful illumination.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord take me out of the darkness of my work place/family/friends/colleagues etc that I have been walking in, in Jesus name
2. Oh Lord, let your great Light be shone on the darkness of my life/marital/ministry/work etc in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord remove everything that has put me in darkness in Jesus name,
4. Forces compelling me to walk in darkness, I decree that the Angels of God arrest them all in Jesus name,
5. My God and my Lord, get me out of the shadow of death now in Jesus name,
6. My heavenly Father, let your light continually shine on me in Jesus Name,
7. On the dark spots of my life, shine your light in Jesus name,
8. Oh Lord, I refuse to grope again in Jesus name (Deut. 28:29)
9. Let darkness cover my enemies as from now in Jesus name, (Joshua 24:7)
10. If one is in darkness what is in its front or what lies ahead of the person shall be hidden from that person... We shall therefore say,
Oh Lord, every power that hides what I ought to do from me should be destroyed now in Jesus name, (Proverbs 4:19)
11. Every Power that makes me ignorant of the step which I ought to take should be annihilated by fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name, (John 12:35)
12. Oh Lord let my hidden treasures be revealed unto me in Jesus name (Isaiah 45:3)
13. Oh Lord, let your light reveal everything that ought to be mine but which the enemies have hid from me in Jesus name,
14. Oh Lord. Let your light shine on everything that belongs unto me in Jesus name,
15. Oh Lord, send all those that put me in darkness into darkness in Jesus name,
16. Let your darkness pursue my enemies oh Lord in Jesus name,
17. Every rulers of darkness that keep me in darkness should be dethroned now in Jesus name (Ephesians 6:12)
18. Oh Lord use your power to translate me from darkness into light in Jesus name, (Colossians 1:13; I Peter 2:9)
19. Oh Lord the chains of darkness on my feet that tied me to a stationary position in darkness should be broken now in Jesus name (II Peter 2:4)
20. Let the reserved darkness for my enemies come upon them suddenly in Jesus name (II Peter 2;17)
21. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 10 of The Book of Isaiah
"And the light of Israel shall become a fire and His Holy One a flame, and it will burn and devour (the Assyrian's) thorns and briers in one day" (Isaiah 10:17 (Amplified Version))
Pre-Prayer Lightning
The light of Israel who is the happiness of Israel has been known as man of war, but herein he is presenting himself in another form, he is presenting himself as a fire and a flame of fire that will consume and devour the enemies of the Lord.
Jesus Christ is said the be a consuming fire in the New Testament.
For our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:29)
Our consuming God will also defend us, but he will not overlook any form of iniquity in our lives.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Say this loud and clear, Oh ye my Light burn to ashes every thorn in my life/family/ministry etc in Jesus name,
2. Oh ye my flame, consume every fetters and chains of the enemies on me in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord my God, everything that says I will not matter when it matters destroy them now in Jesus name,
4. Oh Lord my fire, devour all my enemies round about in Jesus name,
5. My flame and my fire, devour the hiding places of my enemies in Jesus name,
6. Wherever enemies are laying siege for me, oh Lord my God, rain on them your fire of destruction in Jesus name,
7. Oh Lord, consume every impurities in me in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 11 of The Book of Isaiah
"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9)
Pre-Prayer Insight
This is said to be talking about the future event, the great event that would happen in the future, the reign of Jesus in the world.
On another note it is talking about the redemption that Jesus would bring to the world which would liberate us, the gentiles from the pangs of hell fire.
The verse is talking about the limitless nature of the word, because the word would spread wide and far. This essentially is happening now as the word of God is penetrating the nooks and crannies of the world.
Some Prayer Missiles
1. OH Lord remove every thing inflicting pain on my body in Jesus name,
2. I stand on you the Holy Mountain and I declare that no demonic agents shall be able to hurt me again in Jesus name,
3. All assigned mechanisms of the enemies for my destruction shall fail in Jesus name,
4. Oh Lord fill my life with your knowledge in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord, dip/immerse me into the ocean of your knowledge in Jesus name,
6. Oh Lord, I refuse to be a mediocre in your word in Jesus name,
7. Oh Lord, I refuse to be a mediocre in my chosen filed and career in Jesus name,
8. Oh Lord, let my family have a full knowledge of you in Jesus name,
9. I declare in the name of Jesus that demons of mediocrity should get out of me now in Jesus name,
10: etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 12 of The Book of Isaiah
"And in that day you will say, I will give thanks to You, O Lord; for though You were angry with me, Your anger has turned away, and You comfort me" (Isaiah 12:1 (Amplified))
Pre-Prayer Words
God in judgment always remembers mercy he is not like men who would not temper justice with mercy. Though his people have moved him to anger before, yet he remembers that they are humans, flesh, fallible, and he reconsiders his position on them when they repented and turned to him.
He will equally reconsider his position on your plight if you can repent and turn to him today. He is waiting for you, expecting you to come to him, please do not tarry, come to Jesus today and you will be accepted.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, turn away your anger from me/my family/my work/my academics in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord those whom you are using to punish me stop them from punishing me any further today in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord, arrest all those you are using to punish me in Jesus name (Gen. 13:14),
4. Oh Lord, Visit those whom you have used to punish me in your wrath in Jesus name,
5. Almighty God, let your destruction come upon those you are using to punish me at unawares in Jesus name,
6. My God and Lord, whatever it is (they are) in me that is pushing you again me, that is moving you to anger on me, oh Lord, get those things out of my life now in Jesus name,
7. Oh Lord, send your comfort to all areas of my life now in Jesus name,
8. Oh Lord, I have choose to receive your comfort in all I do as from now on In Jesus name,
9. Oh Lord, I bless you for the comfort you have sent to me,
10. Oh Lord, I lift you up because you have turned away your anger from me,
11. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 13 of The Book of Isaiah
"Behold the day of the Lord is coming!- Fierce, with wrath and raging anger - to make the land (and) the (whole) earth a desolation and to destroy out of it its sinners" (Isaiah 13:9 (Amplified))
King James Version says,
Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. (Isa. 13:9)
Pre-Prayer Flash
Jehovah in a bid to make his land pure, sanctified, worthy of where he has put his name to be, decides to come and visit those who have desecrated his abode in his wrath and anger.
Those who are handling the name of the Lord unworthily would equally be visited in wrath one day by the living God who cannot behold iniquity.
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. Oh Lord, let this be the day of your fierce anger on my enemies in Jesus name (Numbers 12:9-10),
2. Oh Lord, let your raging anger consume my enemies in Jesus name,
3. Let the house of my enemies become desolate now in Jesus name,
4. Destroy all enemies causing havoc in my house oh Lord in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord, let the works of my enemies be destroyed now in Jesus name,
6. My Father and Lord, block all the source(s) of income of my enemies in Jesus name,
7. Oh my God, wherever my enemies turn to, let them meet with the angels of destruction in Jesus name
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 14 of The Book of Isaiah
"For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will again make Israeli his special people, and will put them in their land; and the man from a strange country will take his place among them and be joined to the family of Jacob" (Isaiah 14:1)
Pre-Prayer Words
MERCY is called Hesed in Hebrews which means God's faithfulness within the covenant relationship. This thus suggests that before someone has (or receives) full mercy from the Almighty Lord, such a one would have been in relationship with Him, God. Have you been in relationship with God? If you have not, then an opportunity has presented itself unto you today and I hope you ought to know when an opportunity presents itself so that you grasp it with all you have gotten. This is an opportunity which I strongly advice that you will not let it slip you by. What is the opportunity? The opportunity is you accepting Jesus into your life... Repent of your sins, confess your sins to God, leave those sins, that is do not go back into it those sins again... Shall we offer these prayer points as we are now on the same page with the Lord?
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, shower your mercy on me in Jesus name.
Some may want to look down on God's showering and think it will not be enough, but His showering cannot be compared with the world's shower system... However, if you like you may put rain there...
Oh Lord shower (rain) your mercies on me in Jesus name,
2. Let me ways be permeated with God's mercies in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord, make me fit for your mercy in Jesus name,
4. Almighty God, make me a candidate of your mercy as from thenceforth in Jesus name,
5. The grace to be one of your special candidates (ones) let me receive such grace now in Jesus name,
6. Oh Lord put me in my land of destiny in Jesus name,
7. Things chasing me out of my land of destiny Oh Lord destroy those things now in Jesus name,
8. Let opportunities from strange lands, strange/unknown quarters be opened unto me now in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 15 of The Book of Isaiah
"A message concerning Moab: village Ar of Moab is in ruins, destroyed in a night raid. Village Kir of Moab is in ruins, destroyed in a night raid" (Isaiah 15:1 (The Message Bible))
Pre-Prayer Words
Moab emerged from an incestuous union of Lot's daughters with their father...They were Nomads but eventually settled down to become a country. They had been formed as a nation before Israelites got delivered from the hand of Egypt but they did not treat Israelites well when they were going to the Canaan land and in fact hired a prophet, Balaam, to curse them... All these grieved God and asked Israelites not to deal with them till 10th Generation and after which He, God, told them to be cold to them. After this Elimelech went and sojourn there (land of Moab) and his sons married the daughters of Moab. (This also may be part of the reasons why God dealt with Elimelech by killing him and his children.) but God still pay attention to them primarily because of His magnanimity and secondarily because of His interaction with Lot, because he was adjudged to be righteous (II Pet. 2:7) (See also Gen. 19:37; Numbers 22-24; Deut. 23:3-6; Nehemiah 13:11; Ruth 1:22)
Some Prayer Points
1. Every demonic prophet assigned to curse me, oh Lord let them fail in Jesus name,
2. Almighty God, turn the curses of demonic prophets on me to blessings now in Jesus name,
3. The teachings of demonic prophets to my enemies to pull me down oh Lord do not let it work on me in Jesus name,
4. Deliver me from strong leadings/inspirations leading me astray in Jesus name,
5. Every spiritual terrorists assigned to come on me at night oh Lord send your angels to rain fire on them in Jesus name,
6. Make your hedge of fire around me oh Lord in Jesus name,
7. Deliver me from all terrorists (marital, academics, financial, relationship etc) in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 16 of The Book of Isaiah
"And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the plentiful field; and in the vineyards there is no singing, nor is there joyful sound; the treaders tread out no wine in the presses, for the shout of joy has been made to cease" (Isaiah 16:10 (Amplified))
King James Version says
And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the plentiful field; and in the vineyards there shall be no singing, neither shall there be shouting: the treaders shall tread out no wine in their presses; I have made their vintage shouting to cease. (Isa. 16:10)
Pre-Prayer Lightnings
The book of Hebrews says, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb. 10:31) When the people of God did what he does not want, part of his judgment was to visit them with drought. He decided that he will not make their vineyards to yield its abundance again thus resulting in little or no production of wine.
Wine and oil which are byproducts of vine bring gladness to the heart of man and make their face to shine as stated in the following books of the bible.
And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? (Jdg. 9:13)
And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart. (Psa. 104:15)
But these works are denied them because God does not let their vine to yield its abundance.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord take your gladness away from my enemies camp as from today in Jesus name,
2. What my enemies look forward to, to bring them joy, let those things start bringing them sorrow in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord my God cause the voice of song to cease in the midst/gathering of my enemies in Jesus name,
4. Let the investments of my enemies yield them no dividends again in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord, cause my enemies fertile lands to become infertile in Jesus name,
6. Oh Lord, let your rain of destruction fall on my enemies properties/works of their hands in Jesus name,
7. Oh Lord, send your angels of destruction to destroy the works of my enemies in Jesus name,
8. Oh Lord turn the successes of my enemies to sorrow for them in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 17 of The Book of Isaiah
"The mournful, inspired prediction (a burden to be lifted up) concerning Damascus (capital of Syria, and Israel's bulwark against Assyria). Behold, Damascus will cease to be a city and will become a heap of ruins" (Isaiah 17:1 (Amplified))
Pre-Prayer Words
Damascus was a city of Syria, watered by rivers Abama and Pharpar (II King 5:12). It is a watered land and because of this it is exceedingly fertile, as compared to other neighbouring desert in that region. But because of their disposition to Israel God says he will deal with the city such that it will become desolate, it will no longer be reckoned with as city again.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord let songs of lamentation be Raised up in the camps of my enemies in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord what brings joy to my enemies, let those things start to bring sorrow unto them in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord, the things of joy, happiness of my enemies, turn them to things of sorrow in Jesus name,
4. Almighty God, let the existence and subsistence of my enemies turn to nothing in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord, raise enemies against my enemies today in Jesus name,
6. Oh God let the kingdom of my enemies be plundered in Jesus name,
7. The flowing river or stream brings comfort to the nearby plants and even animals living nearby will have good breeze... Therefore let us say this loud and clear, Oh Lord let the source of comfort of my enemies dry up now in Jesus name,
8. Let the lives of my enemies be stinking as from now on In Jesus name,
9. Father, make my enemies possessions and abode heaps of ruins in Jesus name.
10. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 18 of The Book of Isaiah
"Everybody everywhere, all earth-dwellers: when you see a flag flying on the mountain, look! When you hear the trumpet blown, listen!" (Isaiah 18:3 (Message Bible))
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
God plans to draw all people to himself by showing them signs that they will notice. When they see this sign, they are admonished to behold the sign.
Today the sign which he wants to show us is in Jesus Christ, when we see this sign, we are enjoined to look at the sign, but sadly some do not behold this sign, this Jesus that was hung on the cross at Calvary for the sins of mankind.
You may as at yet not behold this sign, this Jesus, you are yet to believe him, you need to have a rethink and believe him today.
Some Prayer Points
1. After the final of a football match, the flag of the team that won will replace the flag of the title holder the same goes for the title holders in wrestling/boxing...
You and I have been contesting for something for quite a while and after we win, our flags of victory will replace the flags of the initial title holders. Let us therefore say,
Oh Lord make me victorious in my undertakings in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord, cause the flag of my victory to be erected for the world to see in Jesus name,
3. The flag of my career/business/family/relationship etc that has been lowered Oh Lord, raise it up again.
An insight to this prayer is this, we will recall that individual countries have their own flags and for no reason should it be lowered except on national tragedy/disaster.
In the same wise is the flag of our careers it ought not to be lowered at all, but the enemies have brought some things along our paths that caused the flags our careers etc to be lowered. We need to call unto God to raise it up again.
4. Tragedy that has betide me or my business/career/relationship etc that makes the flag of my career/business to be lowered oh Lord make me overcome those tragedies in Jesus name,
5. Let me get to the mountain of my career in Jesus name
Make me a success in my career in Jesus name,
6. Almighty God command your angels to blow the trumpet of my life/ministry etc in Jesus name
7. Oh Lord give me a mouth in my chosen profession in Jesus name
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 19 of The Book of Isaiah
"And I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians, and they will fight, everyone against his brother and everyone against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom" (Isaiah 19:2)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Egyptians are one of the enemies of the Israelis during this time, but he promises to deliver his people from their hands by stirring them up against each other such that they would not have time for them again. When they do not have time for them, then his people would be freed.
David Guzik while talking on this place says, the civil war that broke out in Egypt has been prophesied by Isaiah as a sign of God’s judgment on them. “Not many years after this time, it was divided into twelve several kingdoms between whom there were many and cruel wars, as is related by the historians of those times” (Poole)
Those antagonizing you, thine enemies who are disturbing you, God can send confusion into their camps such that they begin to fight themselves while you be left alone, while you become free.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord stir up my enemies against themselves in Jesus name,
2. Raise up enemies against my enemies oh Lord in Jesus name,
3. Let disorderliness enter the house (camp) of my enemies now in Jesus name,
4. Let my enemies neighbours' wage war against themselves In Jesus name,
5. The established kingdom of the enemies over me should be pulled down in Jesus name,
6. The weapons of warfare of my enemies should be used against themselves in Jesus name,
7. Let my enemies strategies of warfare fail them in Jesus name,
8. Etc.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 20 of The Book of Isaiah
"And they will be full of fear, and will no longer have faith in Ethiopia which was their hope, or in Egypt which was their glory" (Isaiah 20:5)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Because of the enormous power which the enemies of Israel wield those days, they made them their glory and hope. But God promises to remove this by doing what they do not expect such that they will be full of fear and thereby remove their trust in those countries.
When we trust somebody or people too much, we tend to take our focus off God and start focusing those people, forgetting that they are arms of flesh which would fail us.
Little wonder that in some instances like this, God would let those people disappoint us, he allows those people to disappoint us, not because he does not like us but because he does not want his glory in our lives to be shared with others.
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. Oh Lord, let fear subsume my enemies as from today in Jesus name,
2. Let my enemies hopes be dashed as from now in Jesus name,
3. Turn the expectations of my enemies to nought in Jesus name,
4. The glories of my enemies should be turned to shame in Jesus name,
5. Pull my enemies down from their attained heights of success/glory in Jesus name,
6. Let my enemies meet disappointments in all they have relied on in Jesus name.
7. In all ways that I have shifted my focus from you to mortal man, father deliver me in Jesus name,
8. Help me to always put my trust and focus on you oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 21 of The Book of Isaiah
"My mind reels (and) wanders, honor terrifies me. (In my mind's eye I am at the feast of Belshazzar. I see the defilement of the golden vessels taken from God's temple, I watch the handwriting appear on the wall-I know that Babylon's great king is to be slain.) The twilight I looked forward to with pleasure has been turned to fear (and) trembling for me" (Isaiah 21:4 (Amplified))
King James Version says,
My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted me: the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear unto me. (Isa. 21:4)

Pre-Prayer Talk
During this time, Babylon is called the desert of the sea because of the of its outlay. The great plain of this empire was divided with lakes and marshes making the people to call it desert (or wilderness) of the sea.
In verse two of this chapter we read of Elam and Media, these are the ancient names for the people of Persia, and it will interest you to note that this is the Modern-day Iran.
This Persian empire conquered the Babylonian empire as prophet Isaiah has seen in his revelation that the armies marched on Babylon.
We need to let this sink into our hearts that “God oft maketh use of one tyrant to punish another; as here he stireth up the Persians to plunder and waste the Babylonians. So, the Persians were afterwards in like sort punished by the Macedonians, the Macedonians by the Romans, those Romans by the Huns, Vandals, Lombards, Saracens, Turks: all whom Christ shall destroy at his last” – Trapp.
Trapp says this of verses three and four that, “nothing is more hopeless and crestfallen than a wicked man in disaster: for why? His life and hopes end together”.
The illustration of the prophet while receiving this revelation was that of a woman who travailed, a person who has a serious pain like that of a woman who wants to give birth. When a woman travails during parturition it would seem as if the woman is about to die, this is the feeling of this man for the troubles that would come on Babylon as he was in this revelation because the revelation terrifies him greatly.
As if that was not enough in the next verse he talks about the “panting”, his heart pants, he was heavily breathing like a sprinter who is running a race, like an animal running and looking for water to drink.
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. (Psa. 42:1)
Fearfulness affrighted him, he was made afraid by fear itself, someone who is supposedly neither afraid nor moved by things easily was readily moved here such that his night of pleasure was no longer time of pleasure again, his time of enjoyment and relaxation was changed, spoilt by what he saw.
When we receive word of destruction on some people, towns and or countries, we cannot but become terrified by what God plans to do unto those unyielding enemies of God.
Some Prayer Points
1. Every bible student knows what happened to Belshazzar (Daniel 5)... Shall we say this loud and clear? Oh Lord let my enemies make costly mistakes in Jesus name,
2. Almighty God, Let the chief of my enemies make a mistake that cannot be atone for in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord let the spirit of error enter into my enemies lives in Jesus name,
4. As your child, oh Lord usher me into the new day (realm) of progress, miracle, blessings in Jesus name,
5. Every good thing in my life that the enemies have stolen, oh Lord retrieve and restore them back unto me in Jesus name,
6. The ungodly king reigning in my family or lineage, causing set-backs, disasters, denials etc should be deposed by fire now in Jesus name,
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 22 of The Book of Isaiah
"On that day I 'll replace Shebna, I will call my servant Eliakim son of Hilkiah.
"I 'll dress him in your robe. I 'll put your belt on him. I 'll give him your authority. He 'll be a father-leader to Jerusalem and the government of Judah" (Isaiah 22:20-21)
Pre-Prayer Words
Jerusalem is a city on a hill which surrounded by other hills. Other hills that sorrund Jerusalem makes her location among the three valleys. This city is the center of worship to God and it is the place of abode of some prophets of old in Israel, Isaiah not exempted.
Wolf says this of this chapter that, “it is strange to find a prophecy against Judah in a section that deals with the nations. But since Judah had chosen to behave like her neighbors, and to desert the Lord, she deserved to be judged”.
From verse 15 of this chapter all through to the last verse (which verse 25) it shows God first pulling down the arrogant and selfish person before he lifts and enthrones someone who is selfless, dedicated, obedient and loyal to his wills and laws.
The fist character and person who was dealt with first by God in this prophetic declaration was Shebna written in Hebrew as “שׁבנה    שׁבנא”, shebnâ'  shebnâh (phonetical spelling is sheb-naw', sheb-naw') and it means growth. (2 Kings 18:18; Isa. 37:2)
This Shebna (meaning growth) was a steward in the palace of King Hezekiah and he holds position of honor and responsibility in the kingdom then. However instead of bringing growth into the town as the meaning of his name was, he did not as he promotes selfishness as one of the King’s chief assistants.
He used his position of honor and responsibility in the country to make for himself a fanciful and a prestigious tomb. Histories of the land had it that anyone who made such a sepulcher then wields significant power and wealth. This that he did typifies what majority of the inhabitants of Jerusalem were doing then which God did not like because they were obsessive with their personal interests while neglecting the things of God.
His self-interest did allow him to give attention to prophet Isaiah’s prophecies let alone believe in them, thus he continued with building that sepulcher. However, the prophecy came to pass as he was not buried in the tomb because he was carried away as a slave where he died.
Shebna’s life is typical of the story shared by Jesus in the gospel according to saint Luke 12: 16-21 in which the land of a wealthy person yields its dividends in multiples that year, this man distanced himself from the gospel and would not accept the gospel. After his recalcitrant posture and his selfishness, his life was cut shut suddenly thus, all his possessions were inherited by another person. Shebna too died in a strange land, and wasn’t buried in his tomb, which became a sorrow to him because all his selfishness turns to nothing before the Lord.
We have also come to the world, if we do not have Jesus in our lives, we shall die like fools die, and all we possess will become someone else’s.
Wolf says this of this judgment, “the king of Judah at this time was Hezekiah – a good king – so the condemnatory judgment fell on the next person in line. Shebna and the populace in general did not share the godly principles of King Hezekiah”.
The second character was Eliakim who was mentioned in about 6 places in the bible, 2nd Kings 18:18, 37; Isaiah 36:3, 22.
Eliakim, “אליקים”, written in Hebrew as 'elyâqı̂ym and pronounced as el-yaw-keem' means God of raising. This Eliakim was different from Eliakim the son of Josiah who was a marionette king enthroned by king Pharaoh (2 Ki. 23:34).
This man, Eliakim, was an assistant of King Hezekiah like Shebna he was however not selfish, his heart was right with the God of Israel, because he wasn’t living after the flesh like Shebna. For this God recognizes and calls him his servant. This he did not say about Shebna.
His position was not as profound as the position of Shebna on earth, what could be read about him was that he was over the household in the palace. He wasn’t famous on earth but in heaven and before God he was renown.
God promises to replace Shebna with Eliakim because of his heart towards God. In addition to making him occupy the position of Shebna, he also said he will give him the key to shut and open in the following verses.
These prophecies by prophet Isaiah shows Jesus coming to replace the ancient ways of salvation which has not been so effective. Outside that it wasn’t very effective, it is discovered that those people who were handling the position then were like Shebna in their actions and behaviors because many of them are selfish, they are arrogant all they were after was theirs’ and Israel alone, but God wants the salvation to spread and get to the uttermost parts of the world, this, they could possibly not do, because of their disposition and self-centeredness.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord replace the arrogant servants hindering/preventing my files to get to appropriate quarters in Jesus name,
2. The position not meant for my enemies but which they are occupying, remove them from such exalted positions in Jesus name,
3. Let those who will be favourably disposed to me get to positions of authorities in Jesus name,
4. Let me get to the position of authority in Jesus name,
5. Make me father to the nations in Jesus name,
6. The cloth/garments that match the position of authority that you have placed me, clothe me with those garments now in Jesus name,
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 23 of The Book of Isaiah
"He says, "never again will you rejoice, O daughter of Sidon, for you have been crushed. Even if you flee to Cyprus, you will find no rest" (Isaiah 23:12 (New Living Translation))
King James Version says,
And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou have no rest. (Isa. 23:12)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
Tyre is an ancient city, situated upon the sea, and for many ages one of the most celebrated cities for trades and merchandise in those parts of the world.
Albert Barnes’ says, this city was distinguished for its: enterprise, commercial importance, luxury, magnificence. Limited cities, if there are any at all, in antiquity, were more well disposed in commerce than her. She was the natural seaport of Palestine and Syria favorably located for commerce with all cities and states bordering the Mediterranean and yea the entire known world.
A lot of the tribe of Asher bordered upon it (Jos. 19:29) at this place it is called “the strong city of Tyre”. Tyre is rarely an enemy of Israel. King Hiram of Tyre supplied David and Solomon timbers more than enough for the building of the temple and other projects. Sailors were given to King Solomon by Hiram, through which they established their commerce on the sea. It is sad to however discover that despite all of these, Tyre gave King Ahab one of the worst kings in Israel jezebel to be married to, who controlled Ahab, brought idols into Israel and raised priests for her idols, through which the country went against the will and laws of God.
Tyre is located to the north of Israel, the leading city of Phoenicia. It was the great maritime power of the ancient world which occupies an important harbor and center for shipping and was synonymous with commerce and materialism. It is called the Babylon of the sea, because they have far greater commercial empire than one would expect for its size and her military power.
The city was in two sections: inland and island cities. The inland city was conquered by Assyrians and Babylonians as prophesied by Isaiah while the island city was conquered by alexander the great in 332 BC.
One of the special things about this city is that money rules there. The merchants of this city are princes and their traders are honorable of the earth. All that was needed to become honorable and or leader then was a success in business but not being good man neither honest man.
God decides to humble and judge Tyre the city which for its uncommon success has been full of pride and self-glory this happened when Assyrians and Babylonians turn the city to ruins. Jennings says, pride, pride, pride, is that basic sin to which God is ever opposed, and man is ever expressing.
Tyre is called virgin in this verse because of her beauty pride, successes, lasciviousness and because they had never been plundered neither overcome by any, but when their pride was to the heavens, they were deflowered, ransacked, plundered, destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. After their destruction as being stated by the prophet they seek for refuge under their colonies and town dependent on them like Chittim which is the present-day Cyprus, but as the prophet said, they did not find rest there.
Albert Barnes’ says that it is probability that Nebuchadnezzar carried arms to Cyprus where Citium city was located, there the Tyrians took refuge at first. Megasthenes (lived about 300 years before Christ) says that Nebuchadnezzar subdued greater parts of Africa and Spain, extending his kingdom to the Pillars of Hercules (see Newton, on Prophecies, xi. 11).
Some Prayer Missiles
1. Oh Lord let the voice of joy and rejoicing cease in the camps of my enemies in Jesus name
2. Oh Lord crush the source of income of my enemies in Jesus name
We should remember that money brings power, but when the source of income of someone is crushed, the associated power that the person ought to have will be lost too,
3. Let the land of my enemies become desolate in Jesus name,
4. Desecrate the market places of my enemies in Jesus name,
5. Let my enemies become restless or say what will make my enemies restless, let those things happen to them in Jesus name,
6. Let the mark of failure be inscribed on the bodies of my enemies as from now on in Jesus name,
7. Take off my enemies their glories in Jesus name,
8. Take off their sources of inspiration/joy/progress in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 24 of The Book of Isaiah
"The earth suffers for the sins of its people, for they have twisted God's instructions, violated its laws and broken His everlasting covenant" (Isaiah 24:5 (New Living Translation))
King James Version says,
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. (Isa. 24:5)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Judgment of the Lord is talked about in this chapter and the tribulation that shall precede the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Because many would die, this will make the earth look as if it is empty. Verse two of this chapter shows that no one would be immune against the onslaught that shall be released on the earth, this thence makes it sensible for the Lord to remove his believers from the earth before this happens.
What brought about the judgment upon the earth (ארץ), called 'erets (pronounced eh'-rets) which is a solid, firm land, world at large is clearly started in this verse, and it is that they have defiled her, which also means pollute, corrupt in Hebrew word חנף”, chânêph (khaw-nafe') that is used here. The inhabitants (in Hebrew writing, ישׁב), yâshab which is dwell, remain, settle. Those who have settled down in the world have pollute their place of abode, where they are dwelling, contrary to the view and mind of God.
The form of the defiling is stated as we read the verse on and it is, (עבר), âbar (aw-bar') which means cross over, make partition, alter, transgressed the given (תּרה    תּורה), tôrâh  tôrâh (phonetical spelling is to-raw', to-raw') which means precept or statue (especially the decalogue or Pentateuch), the law of God.
After going over the torah-torah of the Lord, flagrantly ignoring the Pentateuch of the Lord, they did not stop there, as they châlaph (חלף) his chôq, (חק). Meaning they slide by, pierce, change the enactment, custom, decree, ordinance of the Lord which has been given them from time immemorial.
To cap it up, they (פּרר), pârar, (phonetically, paw-rar') (which is defined as break, violate, frustrate, disappoint, dissolve) his ôlâm  ôlâm, (phonetically, o-lawm', o-lawm', (עלם    עולם) (eternity, eternal, perpetual)) which he has berı̂yth (pronounced as ber-eeth' (בּרית) (meaning league, covenant)) with them.
David Guzik while writing on this verse says, all of God’s covenants are everlasting. (2 Sam. 23:5; Psa. 105:10; Jer. 50:5; Heb. 13:20)
The people changed God’s law to suit their purpose, instead of changing to fit into his law they altered the Law of God to their purpose.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. The sins of our fathers have caused us problems, therefore let us say this word of prayer, Oh Lord forgive us the sins of our fathers bringing problems on us in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord, make it uneasy for me to twist your instructions in Jesus name,
3. Everyone who can break your covenant that would have negative effect on me oh Lord, stop such a one from breaking your covenant in Jesus name,
4. The punishment meted out to me for the sins committed by my predecessors/forefathers, oh Lord remove those punishments on me now in Jesus name,
5. Wash my family clean with your blood in Jesus name,
6. Powers or forces that make my predecessors violate your laws which have been appearing or manifesting in me, Oh Lord destroy those powers now in Jesus name,
7. The grace to stick to your ordinances give me now in Jesus name
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 25 of The Book of Isaiah

Pre-Prayer Talk
He started this chapter by praising the Lord for all he has done. He believes that what he has done will make the strong and mighty people of the world to equally praise the Lord.
Removing the dross from the earth would open way for another chapter in the world which is feasting with his people on his mountain. We know that Jesus talks about feasting with the believers later in the upper room while talking with the disciples and Apostle John while talking in his book of revelation talks about the marriage supper of the Lamb. (Matt. 26:29; Rev. 19:9)
By this time, that we shall dine and wine together, the next verse, verse seven talks about the action that would follow which is him taken the veils off the people’s eyes. It should be noticed that in the Old Testament veil covered the gentiles eyes while the eyes of the Israel were opened unto God. However, at this dispensation, the spiritual eyes of the gentiles have been opened by the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, while the spiritual eyes of many of the Jews, Israelis, are veiled so that we shall be saved. (2 Cor. 3:15-16)
Therefore, it is of import that we who are gentiles think about this wonderful word of redemption, seizing this opportunity and give our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The verse under look for this prayer shows what would happen in the future, which indubitably has been done by the Lord Jesus Christ and it is that death would be swallowed in victory. Apostle Paul would say something related to this in his epistle to the Corinthians that after believers have been caught off this world, God would by this show the devil and death what he has done, what he has accomplished which is taken the powers that death has. (1 Cor. 15:54; Heb. 2:14-15)
This shows that Freud was myopic and did not know the power of God when he says, “and finally there is the painful riddle of death, for which no remedy at all has yet been found of death, nor properly ever will be”.
Trapp says, “ever since death ran through the veins of Jesus Christ, who is life essential, it is destroyed or swallowed up; like as the bee dieth when she hath left her sting in the wound”.
He will wipe away all tears from the eyes of his people, his beloveds, this work would not be commissioned into the hands of any angel, but it will be done by himself. Apostle John says this will happen in the new world and heaven (Rev. 21: 4). What a comfort this will bring to our hearts seeing that God himself comforts us.
At this time, the rebuke (חרפּה), cherpâh (pronounced as kher-paw') which means disgrace, reproach, shame with which people shamed the people of God would no longer be there, for God would have turned those shame on the enemies of his people.
If you wish to experience this glorious moment, you will indubitably have to give your life to Jesus Christ, for this is the time that our eyes have been opened to know the true and living God, being for this God would bring us glory which has eluded our lives for long.
Some Prayer Arrows
1. Oh Lord swallow up every evil things troubling my life in Jesus name,
2. Almighty God my Creator, wipe away my tears in Jesus name,
3. My God and my Lord, put an end to my shame in life... Or... Put an end to my shame amongst my peers/colleagues in Jesus name,
4. The demons of death pursuing me about, Oh Lord swallow them up now in Jesus name,
5. The demons of failures assigned to monitor my life, get them swallowed up now in Jesus name,
6. The source of my repeated tears in life let it dry up in Jesus name,
7. The hands that secretly whip me, let those hands be withered off now in Jesus name,
8. Oh God speak to the situations of my life in Jesus name,
9. To the shame with which my enemies ridicule me on them,
10. Etc.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 26 of The Book of Isaiah

Another translation:
"Indeed the Lord knocks down those who live in a high place, he brings down an elevated town: he brings it down to the ground, he throws it down to the dust" (Isaiah 26:5)
Pre-Prayer Talk
What will happen at the later times after the Lord has decisively dealt with the enemies of Judah is that a new song will break forth from their lips, of the wonder working power of the Lord that is enmeshed in his salvation, (ישׁוּעה), yeshû‛âh (pronunciation yesh-oo'-aw the word which is defined as aid, victory, prosperity, deliverance).
They will sing of his wonders, the powers of the Lord that has turned the erstwhile weak nation, sinful nation into a powerful one that the enemies cannot withstand. Intriguingly, God has made his walls or (חומה), chômâh (kho-maw' by pronunciation) as it is called in Hebrew which means to join for protection and bulwarks or (חל    חיל), chêyl  chêl (khale, khale by pronunciation) in Hebrew meaning army, intrenchment, trench that of yesh-oo'-aw, salvation which will allow for just and truthful people to come in.
While dwelling with the Lord in this new place they surely will be without troubles neither fear because God keeps them in as much as they continue to put their reliance on him.
As he does this for his people, those who put their trust and reliance solely on him, he will sink to the ground and below the ground those with lofty looks, the proud ones and nations.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord knock off my enemies and distractors in Jesus name,
2. Those using my glory oh Lord knock them down now Almighty God in Jesus name,
3. Those at the high places who do not want me suceed, oh Lord bring them down by fire in Jesus name,
4. Almighty God, as from now, let my enemies be worthy of nothing else except ridicule in Jesus name,
5. My Jesus, let my success shame the proud and arrogant people in Jesus name,
6. The kingdoms of the devil that rose against me should be brought down now in Jesus name,
7. Those you have knocked down on my case, my God and Lord, suffer them not to rise again in Jesus name
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 27 of The Book of Isaiah
"In that day sing ye unto her, a vineyard of red wine.
"I the Lord do keep it: I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day" ((Isaiah 27:2-3 (KJV))
Another Translation:
"In that day it will be said, a vine-garden of delight, make a song about it.
"I, the Lord, am watching it; I will give it water at all times: I will keep it night and day for fear that any damage comes to it" (Isaiah 27:2-3)
(For understanding, verse 2 is stated here)
Pre-Prayer Words
Some Christian writers have complained about the use of Leviathan in this chapter, but we need to know that authors of old and presently do see things in relation to their environment, to what they know, to what they have heard of. It would not be an error to say that prophet Isaiah too do hear some mythological stories during his day, though he heard them, but that does not mean he believed neither rely on them as those of us who do hear several things today that is not scriptural, we do not have to block our ears to what is being said, we can hear them and sieve them, and via this God could talk to us, using it as illustration of what he will do.
God uses the leviathan to show the enemies of Israel, Judah and how he will deal with them, that they shall be punished and destroyed after which he will not sleep in watching his city night and day.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. (Psa. 121:4-6)
This is the promise of the Lord for those whose hearts rely on the Lord solely, they shall be protected by day and by night by the Lord God.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord let me be a delight to watch, to interact with anywhere I go on the planet in Jesus name,
2. Everything that is not delightful in me, Oh Lord remove them now in Jesus name,
3. Let no one nor nothing have power to pluck me out of you or garden in Jesus name,
4. I refuse to lack your water in my life in Jesus name,
5. I have been lacking your water before now, oh God do not let me lack it again,
6. Water my dried life/business/family/relationship etc in Jesus name,
7. Guide and guard me continually oh Lord in Jesus name,
8. Let no damage come to my life oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Every damaged thing in my life, remove them now in Jesus name,
10. Let your eyes be on me perpetually oh Lord in Jesus name,
11. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 28 of The Book of Isaiah
"In that day shall the Lord of Hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of His people" (Isaiah 28:5)
Pre-Prayer Word
Chapters 28 through 35 talk about Judah.
Ephraim used here is another name for the northern nation of Israel. This is because the tribe of Ephraim takes the major population of the northern nation.
The remnant of the people who erstwhile have been full of shame because of their numbers, because they cannot confront their enemies will have reasons to boast again because of what the Lord will make happen unto them. What the Lord will do for them will make them happy and they will be proud of their God again.
Some Prayer Points
1. I have handed over to you my all, come and crown them with brilliant successes in Jesus name,
2. My pursuits in life is in your care and custody, Almighty Lord give me breakthroughs in them all in Jesus name,
3. Glory simply defined is what reveals or proclaims someone. One may be a medical doctor and his glory may be in "acting" (Drama) etc. When this glory is crowned, then the person would start to matter, the person would start to be known globally... Shall we from this simple illustration therefore say,
Oh Lord get my glory crowned now in Jesus name,
4. On another instance, when a bottle of coke (Coca-Cola) is crowned then the content would not be able to spill out, pour off, therefore let us say this in an unmistaken terms,
Oh Lord get my glory protected in Jesus name,
5. Diadem according to Oxford Advanced Dictionary means "a crown worn especially as a sign of royal POWER"... Shall we therefore say this?
Almighty God, put your sign of POWER in my glory as from today in Jesus name,
6. Oh God my Lord, get my glory inscribed upon in Jesus name.
How do I mean? This I mean, when a King (in the ancient times and presently in some places) or President inscribes on something, then the people cannot molest or abuse that thing, they will treat the thing with utmost care...
Get my glory inscribed upon oh God in Jesus name,
7. I put on your beauty oh Lord in Jesus name,
8. I go about in your beauty oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 29 of The Book of Isaiah
"But suddenly, your ruthless enemies will be crushed like the finest of dust. Your many attackers will be driven away like chaff before the wind. Suddenly in an instant.
"I, the Lord of Heaven's armies will act for you with thunder and earthquake and great noise, with whirlwind and storm and consuming fire" (Isaiah 29:5-6 (New Living Translation))
King James Version says,
Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly.
Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. (Isa. 29:5-6)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Ariel, (אריאל), 'ărı̂y'êl, which is a symbolical name for Jerusalem, and which could also be said to be named after Israel is seen to be put under curse in the first verse of this chapter. Woe, ((הוי), hôy as written in Hebrew with the meaning of ah! Alas! Ho! Woe!) has been pronounced on Ariel the city of God for what the Lord will do unto her.
This is the only place where Ariel is used to mean city, at other places where Ariel is used it means name of a person. (Ezr. 8:16) There is argument about the meaning of Ariel for some says it means lion of God, while others say it is altar for burning. (Ez. 43:15-16)
God desires to pull down this city, humble them by allowing her enemies to triumph over her, but the enemies used in punishing them will also be dealt with.
The enemies may be triumphing for a while, but they cannot continue to do that forever because God would arise to defend his people when the enemies least expect and then the destructions of the enemies would be catastrophically.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord, as bulldozers (bulldoze) or removes obstacles on its way, remove all enemies who stand as obstacles on my way to glory in Jesus name,
2. Let the angels of heaven crush down my enemies in Jesus name,
3. Let my attackers be driven away like chaff before the wind in Jesus name,
4. Let un-imagined troubles fall on my enemies suddenly in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord, act for me with thunder and earthquake where ever evil ones are gathered against me in Jesus name,
6. Let the whirlwind of destruction come at unawares on my enemies now in Jesus name,
7. Let your storm of destruction be mingled with fire to destroy the associations of my enemies in Jesus name.
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 30 of The Book of Isaiah
"Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes" (Isaiah 30:20 (NLT))
Pre-Prayer Talk
Irrespective of how the people of God have moved their God and leader to anger and he is dealing with them, beating them, he promises that he would not leave them without adequate and proper instruction.
For the punishment the people of God were serving (or passing through) itself is designed by God to bring them back to him, it is designed by God to make them see themselves, see their errors and repent and come back to him.
Some Prayer Points
1. Whatever I am doing that entitles me to adversity food and suffering for drink oh Lord open my eyes to those things now in Jesus name,
2. As you have opened my eyes to those things oh Lord, give me the grace not to do those things again in Jesus name,
3. What I will do that will make you give me adversity as food and suffering as drink, oh Lord do not let me do those things in Jesus name,
4. Where ever and on whatever I have closed my eyes to your teachings cause me to know those things and areas now in Jesus name,
5. The grace to accommodate and accept your teachings oh Lord give me that grace now in Jesus name,
6. Give me a learning heart oh Lord in Jesus name,
7. Give me an understanding heart to your words in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 31 of The Book of Isaiah

Pre-Prayer Words
In this verse, we shall note that a step leads to another, God herein walks in a systematic (or stepwise) fashion but not disorderly. The apostles also encourage that we do our things in orderly fashion because this is characteristically of our God and Lord.
The author uses an illustration of birds, “צפּר    צפּור” called, tsippôr  tsippôr (phonetically spell as tsip-pore', tsip-pore') fowl, sparrow to tell the people of God what he desires to do.
Those small birds would fly, which in Hebrew is “עוּף”, ûph (oof as it is being pronounced) meaning they will cover with wings the city as birds do, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, (Matt. 23:37f).
God is taken them back the memory lane, to remember how he covered the surface of the earth in the wilderness with food for them when their fore-parents cried for food in the wilderness.
And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. (Exo. 16:13)
This he promises to do, to cover the entire face of the nation with those small birds. If you have ever watched sparrows or those small birds’ movement, or flights, you will see that they move in flocks such that in this part of the land when they move like that, they sometimes occlude the rays of sunshine, causing artificial darkness until they move away.
This is how God intends to fly and cover the nation, to put them under his wings like hen that gathers its broods under its wings (Luk 13:34).
When hen does this, eagle, and predators wouldn’t have access to the hens’ chickens. Eagles on seeing this fly away, they wouldn’t dare to come nigh because they know that when they do so, the hen would attack them. In other words, when hen is in this position, the hen is battle ready for war with the enemies, the predators.
God uses this as an illustration of what he intends to do to defend his own children, his own people who have for a while been suffering in the hands of their enemies.
The Lord here is written as “יהוה”, yehôvâh (pronounced as yeh-ho-vaw') in Hebrew language which is the name which the people of Israel call God.
The host in the verse in the Hebrew word means mass of persons (especially organized for war), soldiers which is “צבאה    צבא”, tsâbâ'  tsebâ'âh (phonetical spelling is tsaw-baw', tseb-aw-aw').
By these definitions, we shall see that the Lord of Hosts corroborates the position of the birds hovering and flying over the country to mean that Jehovah will come like army, will come with his hosts to protect his own people.
Defend in Hebrew is “גּנן”, gânan (phonetic spelling gaw-nan') which means to hedge about, to protect. Strong’s Hebrew dictionary says, this word, defend, can also be used as this Hebrew word “על”, which is al, which is a preposition, above, over, upon.
Yahweh through his servant, Prophet Isaiah is showing the people how God would come to protect his people, he will come like army, come with his soldiers, make a hedge round his people, his country by hovering over them against their enemies.
After the successful protection from their enemies, which we know that protection is the first and basics of many of the advancements in life, he will then move to the next phase which is delivering them.
Deliver is the Hebrew word, nâtsal, “נצל” (naw-tsal' as it is being pronounced) which means to snatch away, to pluck, to recover, to rescue, to save, to take out.
Jehovah tsaw-baw', tseb-aw-aw' promises to snatch them away from the hands of those who have erstwhile been holding them captive, he will take them out of those people’s hands, recover all their possessions from them.
As he pâsach (paw-sakh'), passes over, “פּסח” which is defined as skip over, (or to hop from a point to another) he will “מלט”, (maw-lat') which means to bring forth young, release or preserve the nation, his people.
Preservation of something is essential in life. His delivering his people by passing over them, by rescuing them, by defending them would bring about the much desired preservation of his wills, his laws, his culture.
God also wishes through Jesus Christ to do these for us, put us under his wings, arising to fight our enemies, defending us, delivering us and preserving us for his name’s sake.
Some Prayer Missiles
1. Oh Lord, I need your protection in all my endeavours in Jesus name,
2. The "defending" according to the grammarians shows continuation of the act and art of defending the city. Using the security personnel as an example, when they are guiding someone, they will keep doing it and in case the enemies come in large number, they will quickly call for support from their base. This corroborates what the bible says in Isaiah 59:19b.
It is imperative for us to know that no trouble or no enemies can overwhelm God because it is God that is directly involved here. However, the enemies can push us to grieve the Lord and when that happens we incapacitated God by that action as the Israelites and David did. Therefore let us say,
Oh Lord, do not let me grieve you in Jesus name,
3. In anyway that I may have been grieving you away from me, oh Lord give me the grace to make corrections in Jesus name,
4. Deliver me oh Lord from the flesh that wants to destroy me in Jesus name (Rm 7:24)
5. Deliver me oh Lord from my enemies (either strong or weak) in Jesus name,
6. Deliver me from failure, debt, set-backs etc in Jesus name,
7. When the Lord passed over the land of Egypt, He preserves His children while the enemies were annihilated. (Ex. 12:23)
Oh Lord preserve me in Jesus name.
8. When fire passes over something, it would remove everything in it that would not make it well preserved.
Let your fire pass over my life to remove everything that is not allowing my life to be well preserved in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 32 of The Book of Isaiah
"The fool (the unbeliever and the ungodly) will no more be called noble, nor the crafty (and) greedy (for gain) said to be bountiful and princely" (Isaiah 32:5 (Amplified))
Another translation says:
"A fool will no longer be called honourable, a deceiver will no longer be called principled"
While King James Version says,
The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. (Isa. 32:5)

Pre-Prayer Talk
Because we do not see beyond our noses in the world, we often missed it in judgment, arrogating what we should not arrogate to a person to him or her, calling vile person whose Hebrew word is “נבל”, nâbâl (phonetical spelling naw-bawl') which means stupid, wicked (especially impious) liberal. English Dictionary defines impious as a person who shows no respect for God and religion.
For our lack of telescopic eyes, our lack of microscopic eyes, seeing deep into the intents of men, we call people who are stupid and wicked, those who have no respect for God neither things of God, “נדיב”, nâdı̂yb (pronounced as naw-deeb'). Liberal, nâdı̂yb, in Hebrew means magnanimous, willing hearted, voluntary.
We misjudged those people, we honor them in our midst, we put them at the position of authorities within the church (especially) and referenced them outside as the chief the person to look upward to. The position we place those people in the church is what is affecting the church today such that the gospel is being abused, looked down upon by the outsiders and through them the Gospel have lost its potency in some places. Apostle James says this of such people, that they drag leaders to the court when they feel that their position is being threatened.
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? (Jas 2:1-7)
We can see the position of the church, the position of some families because of this?
As if our misjudgment is not enough, the writer continues by showing us our disposition to the churl persons “כּלי    כּילי”, kı̂ylay  kêlay (kee-lah'ee, kay-lah'ee is its pronunciation) which means someone who withholds, niggardly, mean person in the society and most especially in the church of the Living God.
The word “said” in Hebrew is “אמר”, 'âmar (aw-mar' in pronunciation) which means certifying, avouch, declare, utter report
The Hebrew word for bountiful here is “שׁוע”, shôa(sho'-ah is the pronunciation) which means freedom, noble, opulent (extremely rich)
Our grave misjudgment makes us boast, sometimes vowing on their behalf, sticking out “our necks” for the niggardly persons as being extremely rich in our midst. This is terrible error on our part as humans and if the people of the world is doing this, if people are doing that in their family settings, in their companies, apostle James corroborating what God is saying through his servant here says this shouldn’t be in the church of Living God, because they are those who draw us before the judgment seats of the world, they are those who blaspheme the name of the Living God.
How do they blaspheme the name of the Lord? They subtly blaspheme the name, such that it takes a spiritually discerning person to know that the name of the Lord has been blasphemed when they are talking among us.
Now, God again here says he shall expose them, he shall make them of no effect among us.
The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. (Isa. 32:5)
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. The fools in my family, work, career etc parading themselves as nobles, oh Lord get them exposed in Jesus name,
2. The fools of my family etc being placed at the exalted positions, oh Lord, Pull them down by fire in Jesus name,
3. Those deceiving me and calling it principle, Oh Lord, send deceivers to deceive them too in Jesus name,
4. The greedy ones who are preventing good things to come along my path, oh Lord expose and disappoint them now in Jesus name,
5. Iotum of greediness in me should bbe burnt by fire of the Holy Ghost now in Jesus name,
6. Everything that the fools in my family is using to ride me, to ride us, to silence us in the family Almighty God let those things begin to fail them in Jesus name,
7. Turn to nought the principle of my deceivers in Jesus name,
8. The power and gift that the enemies can no longer deceive oh Lord give me now in Jesus name.
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 33 of The Book of Isaiah
"What sorrow awaits you Assyrians, who have destroyed others but have never been destroyed yourselves. You betray others, but you have never been betrayed. When you are done destroying, you will be destroyed. When you are done betraying, you will be betrayed" (Isaiah 33:1)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
Assyrians the raised-up country to rule the world at this period is said to be destroying others as well as being a betrayer. The Holy one who sees all these, is herein saying that when they do not expect that they would be visited, when they do not expect they would be betrayed it will happen to them as a recompence to all that they have done.
Some people in the world whom we thought to be our friends too, sometimes betray us, they do what we do not expect, and this usually grieves us, especially if we have given those people all we have got.
As God did unto the Assyrians, he will also do to those people who are betraying us what we have to do is remain calm and continue in our faith.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. The sorrow you have kept for my enemies should be powerfully released on them now in Jesus name,
2. Send destroyers to destroy my destroyers in Jesus name,
3. Send betrayers to betray my betrayers in Jesus name,
4. Turn the intelligence of my betrayers to nought in Jesus name,
5. Disappoint the enterprise of my destroyers on me in Jesus name,
6. Let the spirit of deception enter into the lives of my enemies counsellors to lead them astray in Jesus name,
7. Do not let my enemies escape the traps of destruction set for them in Jesus name
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 34 of The Book of Isaiah
"For it is the day of the Lord's revenge, the year when Edom will be paid back for all it did to Israel" (Isaiah 34:8 (NLT))
Pre-Prayer Talk
“Every day is for the thieves, but one day the owner (of the farm) would catch the person”. This is a proverb in this part of the world to which this author comes from. Farming is the major profession here those days, the plantations of the farmers are usually being stolen by the lazy ones, but having been doing it for days, months, one day the farmer would catch them and when they are caught, they will be made to face the full wrath of the law of the land.
The enemies of Israel have been disturbing them for long, they have been harassing them, but God sent his servant to them, that what their enemies have been doing for long he sees, and he has decided that he would repay them back because their cup their sin is full before him.
Sometimes our enemies actions on us may continue to go unaccounted for because their cup is yet to be full before God, but when their sinful cup is full before the Lord, he will arise to save us and will pay them back in their own coins.
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. Oh Lord let the time of avenging me of my enemies be ripe in your presence in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord for all the evils that my enemies have done, Pay them back in full
3. Oh Lord, let the cup of wrong-doings of my enemies overflow in your presence in Jesus name,
4. Oh Lord pity not my enemies again in Jesus name,
5. Let your bowels of mercy be shut against my enemies in Jesus name,
6. Oh Lord, pull down my enemies at the echelon positions they have attained in Jesus name,
7. Let your swords be pursuing my enemies day and night in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 35 of The Book of Isaiah
Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you. (Isaiah 35:4)
Pre-Prayer Notifications
When the enemies are threatening, one cannot but be fearful, because one has evaluated one’s status, one has evaluated one’s position and discovered that those enemies are stronger than the person. This is akin to what happened to the people of God, they examined themselves checked themselves through and through, and they discovered that they cannot match their enemies strength for strength. They perhaps have sent people to their enemies as Jesus said that, “or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace (Luk 14:31-32) but their enemies do not listen, their enemies would not bulge, therefore fear grips their hearts.
While they are in this position, the Lord told them that they should not be afraid because he will fight for them, he will save them.
Are you afraid? God is saying that you shouldn’t be because he is going to fight for you, he is going to deliver you.
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. Oh Lord remove the spirit of fear from my heart in Jesus name,
2. Demons of fear, get out of me now in Jesus name,
3. The spirit of boldness enter me now in Jesus name,
4. Oh Lord, visit my enemies with your rod vengeance in Jesus name,
5. Save me from all enemies in Jesus name,
6. Let me start hearing encouraging words on what I am doing or pursuing in Jesus name,
7. Surround me with positive minded people in Jesus name,
8. Surround me with creative minds oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Give me words of encouragement oh Lord in Jesus name,
10. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 36 of The Book of Isaiah
"Behold, you are trusting in Egypt, that broken reed of a staff, which will pierce the hand of any man who leans on it. Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him" (Isaiah 36:6)
Pre-Prayer Notifications
It is appalling that the people of God condescend so low, such that they ignore to put their trust in the Lord and went and put their trust in the arm of flesh, arm of man. Maybe because of what they were seeing, what they were seeing make them lose the sight of God, they lost the bigger picture and they regretted their actions because what they thought would happen did not, as they were conquered by their enemies.
How mistaken are we too in this respect, for we also lose sight of God in some instances and rely on the arm of flesh which often time resulted in our abysmal fall and failure.
Some Prayer Ballistics
1. Let my enemies' trusts fail them oh Lord in Jesus name.
2. Oh Lord, deliver me from every thought that makes me put my trust in man in Jesus name,
3. Yoruba people used to say, "ọmọ inú ọká lo nseku pa ọká..., translation the ovoviparity of a cobra leads to its death...
Shall we say, Oh Lord, let those my enemies trust, bring injury to them in Jesus name
Or say it like this,
Oh Lord, let those my enemies trust destroy them in Jesus name,
4. Send your fire of destruction to destroy the instruments of my enemies in Jesus name,
4. Help me to always put my trust in you oh Lord in Jesus name.
6. Everything shifting my focus from you, father deliver me from those things in Jesus name,
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 37 of The Book of Isaiah
"They said to him, thus says Hezekiah, this day is a day of distress, of rebuke, and of disgrace; children have come to the point of birth, and there is no strength to bring them forth" (Isaiah 37:3)
Pre-Prayer Notification
God raised up Nebuchadnezzar to be the chief ruler of all the nations of the world during this time around 700 BC because it is God who makes rulers, it is God who raises leaders up from all the nations of the world, the bible says, “for promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. (Psa. 75:6-7)
God raised him up, gave him enormous power such that no nation of the world could face his armies in battle. He has conquered Jerusalem because the sins of the people continued un-abated and he sets it in his mind to conquer Judah too since they have not repented from their sinful ways despite having good prophets who tell them the ways of the Lord.
Since they have chosen to follow their path, the sinful path, God decided to break their arms by sending Nebuchadnezzar to them to lead them away as slaves.
Before the war would break out, Nebuchadnezzar sent his servants to Judah to announce to them his mission, to tell them that he is coming to lead them away as slaves.
However, the servant sent was arrogant in his presentation such that they had no footing before the Lord to make the war because the people of God led by Hezekiah sent people to Prophet Isaiah that the sent man has called their God to the battle. Yes, they agreed that they had sinned, but the arrogancy of the man in question should go unaccounted for the king says in his message to the prophet.
The prophet also did consulted God, and God upturned his decision to hand over his people unto the hand of the enemies at that point in time to show the enemies that he is yet God who decides what happens in the affairs of man.
Some Prayer Missiles
1. Save me oh Lord on the day of trouble in Jesus name,
2. Any power anywhere that says I will not bring forth good things in life, annihilate those powers now in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord give me the grace to deliver all post dated pregnancies of good things I have been carrying about in my spiritual wombs in Jesus name,
4. Endow me with the strength to put to bed the pregnancies of good things in Jesus name,
5. Some have never conceived any good thing in life, such a one would say this, Oh Lord give me the grace to start conceiving good things about myself, my career, my family etc in Jesus name,
6. Disgrace my disgrace oh Lord in Jesus name,
7. In the Labour room of good things that I am, let your angels deliver me of the multiple pregnancy of good things that I carried into that room in Jesus name,
8. Abort all the multiple pregnancy of evils that the enemies have on me in Jesus name,
9. Do not let the arrogancy of my enemies go unaccounted for oh Lord in Jesus name,
10. Let my enemies enter serious error in Jesus name,
11. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 38 of The Book of Isaiah
"I squawk like a doomed hen, moan like a dove. My eyes ache from looking up for help: Master, I'm in trouble! Get me out of this!" (Isaiah 38:14)
Pre-Prayer Talks
King Hezekiah of Judah has been sick nigh death and prophet Isaiah was sent to him to deliver message to him that he will die, but he turned and prayed to the Lord. After his prayers, God sent Prophet Isaiah to him to tell him that he will be healed.
After he received the message, he was recounting the past all that he had passed through how he has been looking upwards unto God, looking for his deliverance but which seems as if it is not going to manifest.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord do not let my cries go un-attended to before you in Jesus name,
2. Troubles that make me squawk, oh Lord separate me from those troubles now in Jesus name,
3. Do not let me look up in vain unto you oh Lord, send me help now in Jesus name (Ps. 121:1)
4. All oppressing forces, oppressing my family and me, let your fire of destruction come on them suddenly in Jesus name,
5. Send helpers to me from where I least think of in Jesus name,
6. The bible says, the name of the Lord is a strong tower, Oh Lord be my safety place now in Jesus name (Proverbs 18:10)
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 39 of The Book of Isaiah
"At that time Merodach-baladan son of Baladan king of Babylon sent (messengers with) letters and a present to Hezekiah, for he had heard that he had been sick and had recovered" (Isaiah 39:1)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
From the preceding chapter we shall read that this King, King Hezekiah (whose name in Hebrew is “יחזקיּהוּ    יחזקיּה    חזקיּהוּ    חזקיּה”, chizqı̂yâh  chizqı̂yâhû  yechizqı̂yâh  yechizqı̂yâhû, (pronounced as khiz-kee-yaw', khiz-kee-yaw'-hoo, yekh-iz-kee-yaw', yekh-iz-kee-yaw'-hoo) which means strengthened of Jah, lost his strength and he took ill nigh death. He appealed against God’s decision to take him off the land of the living and additional years were added unto his life.
After he has been healed, kings and rulers from different countries of the world started sending messages to him, to greet him.
For whatever reasons, that is not very clear in this book, when the messengers sent by King Merodachbaladan got to him with the king’s presents, King Hezekiah showed them around the palace, letting them see secret things in the palace and this grieved the Lord.
From the above, we shall see that in as much as we are yet in the flesh, we shall take ill sometimes, also that we should learn to keep some secrets because it is not all whom we think are our friends who are really our friends.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord do not let gift move me against your will
2. Those who have entered my territories through their gifts, Oh Lord give me the power to chase them out of my life in Jesus Christ name,
3. Give me wisdom that supersedes that of the enemies in Jesus Christ name,
4. Make me sensitive to the leadings of the spirit in Jesus Christ name
5. The gifts I will receive that would bring troubles to me, do not let me receive them in Jesus name.
6. Let me be discreet in dealing with outsiders in Jesus name,
7. Oh Lord, don’t let me over labor myself in Jesus name
8. From all my sicknesses, let me recover oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 40 of The Book of Isaiah
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. (Isaiah 40:29)

Pre-Prayer Nuggets
This verse is a wonderful verse, an inspiring verse, that I will like us to see how wondrous it is using different examples showing that God is wonderful and marvelous.
From Mathematicians point of view, we shall see the wonder power of God in this verse in the sense that God does not start his word from zero but begins from numbers above zero, before he now moves to those who are in zero level. You will recall that mathematicians would start their numberings from zero and on like that. When God created the world he started from zero, but in this case he did not start from zero.
The verse says he gives power to those who are faint, using the mathematical illustration as above you will see that it means that those who are fainting have some power in them before, but as at the time that God is addressing them, their powers are going down and he has to at first address that. Or say, someone who has about $10:00 on him before, and he expects to increase the amount, but for some reasons he couldn’t and instead of the money increasing, it is diminishing, this person is the person who is first addressed before addressing the person who has no money on him or her. Therefore, I said God did not start from zero level but addressed the issue from the top.
From the psychologist point of view, he ought to start from the basic needs, but he did not start from the basic needs here, he rather starts from the apex down, down like that.
If we again look at it from the military point of view, we would say that he addressed those who are powerful, those who have been trained to battle, on how to fight wars, but who for some reasons have been growing weak, becoming feeble, he addresses them, he looked into what it is that their problems are and get those things resolved, before moving to those who want to enroll, those who want to join the military freshly. Bible scholars know that God is a man of war and the name is Lord.
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. (Exo. 15:3)
May I again talk from the great shepherd’s point of view? Talking from Jesus’ point of view we shall recall that when he came to the world, he said he has been sent to the lost souls of Israel, but not for the entire world. When he was sending the apostles out, he expressly told them that they should start from Jerusalem before they go to the entire world, the gentiles, those of us who are aliens to God’s commonwealth, those of us who are no people to God before, those who of who are nothing before God, those of us who are slaves as far as God was concerned before were not started with, but he started with those who have knew him, to bring them back unto himself.
These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matt. 10:5-6)
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matt. 15:24)
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Act. 1:8)
From this we could see that he started from those who have some knowledge about the way of the Lord before moving to those who do not know anything about the Lord.
As you read through this, I know a question would be running through your mind, and the question is why did he do this? Why did he start from top down (psychologically speaking)?
To answer this, I want to paint a word that one of my professors used to tell us when we were in University that when we are battling with a problems, and it seems as if the problems are a complicated one, we were told to always ensure that we pause, look at some of the things we know about the problems and from the things we know, we should gradually move to the unknowns about the questions or problems.
How does this relate to this? When God starts from someone who has power before but who is now faint, it will be easier so to say to address the person, because the person is at the verge of faith before unlike the person who hasn’t been at the verge of faith before. He started from someone who knows him, someone who will quickly grasp what he is saying before moving to someone whom he will take from zero level or in some instances from negative level to where he wants him or her to be.
Take the instance of a business person for example, it is easier to talk business with someone who has some ideas about business than someone who for all his life has no inkling about business. It is true that, those who do not have inklings about business can also be raised to the level we want, but the questions the person would be asking, the person who has ideas about it may likely not ask such questions.
I want to use a proverb that is being said in the part of the world that this author comes from to show us what the Lord means here, or what the Lord is saying here, the reason why he starts from up down. The proverb says, “someone who is not standing cannot lift another person up”. You can also think about the proverb, you will see that a person who is sleeping cannot raise another person up, it takes a person who is on his or her feet to lift another person up.
Yahweh who is wisdom himself shows us his wealth of wisdom in what he says here, starting from the top, because when he starts from those people, when he gives power to those whose power are going down, when he gives power to those who are “יעף”, yâ‛êph (phonetical spelling, yaw-afe') which is those who are weary, those who are fainting, restoring those people, his work would be limited, his work would be reduced, because those people too would be able to raise one or two people up.
We can see example of this in what Jesus said unto Peter before he denied him thrice.
But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. (Luk. 22:32)
God worked it from up down. How magnificent our God is!
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Give me power to make it in life,
2. Give me power to resist the devil in Jesus name,
3. Power that the arrows of the enemies cannot penetrate give me now in Jesus name,
4. Power that would shield me from all forms of attack of the enemies give me now in Jesus name,
5. Increase my might in you oh Lord in Jesus Christ name.
6. Renew my power oh Lord in Jesus name,
7. Strengthen me at all my areas of weaknesses in Jesus name,
8. When you strengthen me, let me be of use to you oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. I refuse to disappoint the aim for which you want to strengthen me in Jesus name,
10. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 41 of The Book of Isaiah
"You will be a new threshing instrument with many sharp teeth. You will tear your enemies apart, making chaff of mountains" (Isaiah 41:15)
Pre-Prayer Talk
It is God’s will that you and I be an instrument of honor in his hand, in his house. When we become an instrument of honor in his hand, with him behind us, we shall be able to do what we cannot do, because he will teach us, instruct us, equip us to do exploits, to do wonders for him.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, transform me to a person too dangerous for the demons to confront in Jesus name,
2. Give me the power that tears enemies apart in Jesus name,
3. Power to subdue and or pull down all mountains before me, oh Lord give that power now in Jesus name,
4. The necessary instruments that I needed to destroy all obstacles before me, oh Lord give me that power now in Jesus name,
5. Arm me with necessary weapons of warfare against enemies in Jesus name,
6. Turn my enemies to nought before me in Jesus name,
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 42 of The Book of Isaiah
"And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not: I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. Those things will I do unto them, and not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
Blind knows some things through smell, through what they touch (their sense of feelings). Now the scripture is saying that God promises to lead through the way they have never been to before, through the way they have never perceived before through their other functioning senses.
Outside this Yahweh continues in his promises that he will make darkness light before them. They are already in darkness by the virtue of their blindness, but he promises to do something wonderful for them, something that they did not expect, something that they do not dream of, as he will turn their darkness into light. This darkness that would be turned into light could mean that he will open their eyes as it did happen unto the man in the book of John chapter nine. However, on the other hand, it could mean that in the way he will lead them through he will make it so plain, so clear unto them such that there won’t be any ambiguity there, such that they will know it even from wherever they are.
Outside making things clear unto them, he equally added that he is going to make crooked things straight before them, those things that they knew ahead of their interactions with the Lord to be bent, he will make them straight, he will make those things easier for them to access and deal with.
To cap it all, he promises to always be with them, he promises to never forsake them. We have heard of how people neglect the indigent people, we have heard of how those who are close to blind people forsake them, but he says he won’t do like that, because he knows them, he is aware of their status and he will not allow anything to stand in between them and him.
It will interest you to know that in the world we are all blind. We are blind because we do not know what tomorrow holds for us. We always say tomorrow will be good for us by faith, but outside that we do not know what tomorrow holds, or better still we do not know what the next hour has for us. For assuming we know what the next hour holds for us, some of us would not work again, some of us would not labor again, we would wait for the time that we know that everything we touches would turn to gold. But by this God supersedes us as he knows what each second has for each and everyone of us in the world, irrespective of our color, race, sex, location and multitude.
Since he knows all of this for us, this is what he is saying to us that we as blind people in the world who are walking through the world base on experiences, base on what someone says and or do not say and other things, he says he will lead us through unknown paths, through a path where we have not had an experience of before, through a thing that we have not done before because he sees the end from the beginning, he knows all about us. Outside that he promises to make our darkness light, he promises to make those things that have been wearying our hearts light, he promises to remove those loads that we are carrying. He is saying that those things that we do not know how to go about them, he will make a way for us to go about them, he will make a path for us in going about those things.
And in case we have known some crooked things, some things that we know are impossible to be corrected or navigate through he says that is no problem for him as he will do them for us, he will remove the “im” in those impossibilities and turn them to “possibilities” for us because with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luk. 1:37)
We therefore need to rely on this God for he will sure do whatsoever he says.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, reveal hidden things about myself, family etc unto me in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord reveal unto me what will transform my life in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord give me the grace to practice what you have revealed unto me in Jesus name,
4. Take me through un-trekkable path to glory in Jesus name,
5. Turn my darkness to light oh Lord,
6. The crooked things, aspects of my life oh Lord straighten them.
7. I have handed my life over to you oh Lord, do not forsake me in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 43 of The Book of Isaiah
"But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel" (Isaiah 43:22)
Pre-Prayer Words
Jacob used here means an individual entity while Israel means the nation... Sometimes some of us after congregational prayers do not make attempt to personally pray, and this is not good enough.
As a person we need to call upon the Lord, we need to make our hearts desires known unto him, if we do that in the name of Jesus, he has promised to answer us.
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (Joh 16:23-24)
We need to make use of this presenting opportunity and privilege that the Lord has given us, to call unto him in the name of Jesus.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord give me the spirit of prayer in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord enable me to constantly pray in Jesus name,
3. Things disturbing my personal relationship with you should be removed in Jesus name,
4. Grace to always see you as being there for me, give me in Jesus name,
5. Ignite my family/groups to pray more oh Lord in Jesus name,
6. Demons of weariness disturbing us from praying leave us now in Jesus name,
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 44 of The Book of Isaiah
"That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish" (Isaiah 44:25)
Pre-Prayer Note:
To understand this place we have to read the preceding verse, 24, this will reveal to us the identity of the person speaking.
Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself (Isa. 44:24)
From this 24th verse, we can see that it is the Lord, “יהוה”, yehôvâh (yeh-ho-vaw'), which means a self-Existent one, is the one speaking. This self-existent one, is the one who redeems, he is the only redeemer none apart from him.
The yeh-ho-vaw' who calls himself גּאל”, gâ'al (gaw-al') here translated as redeemer in English means a purchaser, next of kin, avenger is the one who forms us, makes all things (living and non-living), stretches the heavens and spreads the earth by himself without an assistant. This gaw-al' now says, he frustrates the tokens of the liars on us, turns diviners made, when they discovered that their works on us is null; and the wise men were turned back for shame because all their knowledge on us did not work. What else could anyone want more than this in the world?
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord, frustrate the plans of the liars on me in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord frustrate the association of the enemies on me in Jesus name,
3. Those diviners monitoring my life, my stars, my glories, let them fail and fall on me in Jesus name,
4. Ahithophel was a wise man during king David's reign, but God put him to shame on king David...
Oh Lord put the demonic wise men to shame on me in Jesus name,
5. Let the knowledge of the wise men on becomes nought in Jesus name,
6. Turn back demonic wise men from pursuing my glory oh Lord in Jesus name.
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 45 of The Book of Isaiah
"Thus saith the Lord, the labour of Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia and of the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be thine; they shall come after thee; in chains they shall come over, and they shall fall down unto thee, they shall make supplication unto thee, saying, surely God is in thee; and there is none else, there is no God" (Isaiah 45:14)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
Egypt, Ethiopia and Sabeans to the Israelites then were ends of the world. In other places those places, countries and tribes were considered to be the ends' of the world then, unlike now that the technology, Scientists and Geographers have given us new view of these things because of what the Lord says that knowledge shall increase... Despite these, we are without reservations sure that those countries are still far places they are not like neighbouring states to us. Based on this shall we say this first prayer.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, blessings from the ends of the world, let them come to me in Jesus name,
2. In other words, we can say it loud and clear in this format, Oh Lord, blessings from distant places, blessings from unknown places, cum quarters let them come to me in Jesus name
3. We ought to know that there is a possibility of someone getting something but the thing not being the persons'.
(Take as instance, if Mr. A gives miss B one million naira to help him get a car. The money though in miss B account or house is yet not miss B's as such cannot use it anyhow.... Or again, consider miss F who wants to travel, Miss F's best friend is miss P. Thus, miss F asked miss P to help her see to the welfare of her love, Q, until she returns. Q is not miss P's spouse irrespective of anything she may did for Q while miss F was away, or better put irrespective of the qualities she liked in Q and had hoped her spouse would possess.)
Having taken this, here is the prayer point
Oh Lord, send to me blessings that shall be mine in Jesus name,
3. We can again say, Oh Lord, enough of me being a caretaker to someone else's blessings, send my blessings unto me in Jesus name,
4. Again, we can say this loud and clear, oh Lord, enough (or I am tired) of being a mere custodian, a mere overseer of those things that are not mine, give me what I can legally call mine today in Jesus name,
or say,
Oh Lord, give me what people shall say yes, this is his' in Jesus name,
5. Everywhere I go oh Lord, let your blessings follow me in Jesus name,
6. Let your blessings trail my movements or journeys in life in Jesus name,
7. "Chains" in this verse means, compelled, authorized... Thus shall we say this in clear terms,
Authorize blessings to locate me in Jesus name
8. Authorize your blessings to start residing or living with me in Jesus name,
9. Give me authority over what I have oh Lord in Jesus name.
(For more clarifications, we know that if one does not have authority over something it means the thing has authority over the person and that thing will be controlling the person. This is what this prayer means.)
Oh Lord, let me the controller of what you shall give me or have given me but do not let them control me in Jesus name
10. Say this with a purposeful mind.
I refuse to be controlled by money, but, I shall be controlling money/blessings in Jesus name.
(It is because some of us cannot control money nor some of our blessings that is why we cannot attend mid-week services in our churches/denominations. When we can control those things we will be able to serve the Lord better.)
Oh Lord as from today, I shall be the controller of my blessings in Jesus name
11. The yokes on me that make money to be controlling me, oh Lord break those yokes now in Jesus name,
12. Let people begin to see you in me in Jesus name,
13. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 46 of The Book of Isaiah
"And even to your old age I am He: and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you" (Isaiah 46:4)
Pre-Prayer In Brief
Some believers do say they do not know the mind of God for their lives, they do not know what God has in plan for them. This is one of the promises of God for you as the Israel of God (Gal. 6:16d). As God has been watching over you when you were young, when you were nobody, when you are alien to the commonwealth of God, he promises to do more now that you are his’, he promises to take care of you even until your old age and he will deliver you from all enemies.
This would not be true for those who do not believe the Lord, at a point in time later he will leave them just as we know that when a person has been trying to get someone but when the person couldn’t be gotten, or when the person remains recalcitrant, unyielding the person would be left alone. That is what the Lord will also do for those who fail to repent, to yield to his call, he will leave the person alone. But for a person who has not accepted and yielded to the call, he will continue to see to the person’s welfare, he will continue to assist the person, he will continue to be the person’s shield.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord, your promise of longevity, let it be fulfilled in my life in Jesus name (Psalms 91:16)
2. The promise of longevity as seen in the book of Psalms 91 is in association or in symbiosis in mutualism with sound health.
So let us say this clearly,
Oh Lord, let these good promises be married unto me in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord, graduate me from a level of being carried by angels to the level of You, personally, being my carrier in Jesus name
(For more insight, there is difference between a minister of the republic or nation overseeing or carrying a thing and the president of the nation carrying that thing.)
Move me to another level oh Lord, the Level of being carried by you in Jesus name,
4. Let me enjoy your continual deliverance in Jesus name,
5. When others are complaining of neglect, let me be in your safe arms oh Lord in Jesus name
6. Etc


Prayer Points Using Chapter 47 of The Book of Isaiah
"Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me: I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children" (Isaiah 47:8)
Pre-Prayer Words
Every bible student will agree with me that all through the bible, man (we have) has not been encouraged to be given to pleasure (I Tim. 5:6) but we have been admonished to live soberly and in sobriety as God's children.
It was because our fore-parents (Adam and Eve) wanted to live in pleasures that was why they ate the fruit, the forbidden fruit and destroy their future, broke the covenants, brought about gaps between us and God.
May I add that, God does not say we should not eat out of the fruits of our labours, in fact, when someone does not eat out of the fruits of one's labour, such is considered a curse by God. In other words, when one laboured and others entered in there to eat what the person has worked for, for years, such development until otherwise proven shows that such a one is under a certain curse which she or he needs to call unto God for to be broken or destroyed.
So, it is the heart desire of God that we eat out of the works of our hands, it is God's heart delight that we enjoy what we have laboured on and for.
However, when we or people failed to see other things apart from pleasure, that is what God is against, when people do not have time for other things other than satisfying their in-ordinate ambitions, satisfying the flesh, then the Lord will be angry because we have by that provoked Him to jealousy.
Thus, taking your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse/business partners etc out during birthday, special days like Christmas/New year etc days does not in anyway move God to anger.
On the contrary wise, it has been noticed that pleasure has been our albatross as Nigerians because many of us love pleasures than actually working and this is why we have not been able to make appreciable discoveries in this part of the world unlike in the advanced climes. In the advanced circuits, they know how to balance things.
Shall we say these words of prayers?
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord let the marriage between me and excessive pleasure end in divorce today in Jesus name,
2. Demons of carelessness get out of me now in Jesus name.
Often times we talk about careless on part of women as if careless is directly proportional to women alone and inversely proportional to men. But, I want to say, that there are careless men too and that a careless man cannot be a good head at home.
So shout at the top of your voice that, demons of carelessness, get out of me now in Jesus name,
3. This verse again shows us that God reads the contents and utterances of our hearts. This is why we need to fill our hearts with good and positive thoughts always. Shall we say this in clear terms?
Purge my heart off dirty thoughts oh Lord in Jesus name
4. The grace to always fill my heart and mind with positive thoughts Father give me now in Jesus name,
5. Connections between me and negative thoughts be broken now in Jesus name.
We ought to remember that connections come in different ways and through different people: wife, children, relationships etc
Break the connections between me and negative thoughts oh Lord.
6. Severe the relationships between me and those bringing negative thoughts across my path in Jesus name,
7. We see pride in this woman's heart according to this phrase, "I am and none else beside me".
Let us cry out that oh Lord deliver me of the demons of pride in Jesus name,
8. Powers of pride over my life lose your grip now in Jesus name,
9. The spirit of humility enter my life now in Jesus name,
10. Let my enemies' lives be opened unto Demons of pride now in Jesus name,
11. Demons of pride enter into the lives of my enemies in Jesus name,
12. Debase or reduce my enemies from their exalted positions in Jesus name,
13. Let the angels of death visit my enemies' families today in Jesus name,
14. Let my enemies become a widow/widower/childless in Jesus name,
15. Destroy everything that my enemies trust in Jesus name,
16. Etc
desert traveler

Prayer Points Using Chapter 48 of The Book of Isaiah
"And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out" (Isaiah 48:21)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Yahweh is amazing in his ways, actions and deeds. Yahweh cannot be predicted neither limited. The earlier we know this the better.
The author of this book herein tells the readers, Israelis and us, the wonderful works of God after delivering the Israelis from Egypt. He chose to lead the children of Israel through the impossible path and he ensured that he look after them. He never let them suffer while passing through the path he asked his son, prophet Moses to lead his people to take.
We can also be sure that when God is on our matter, he will not let us suffer, wherever and however he is leading us, he will personally see to it that we do not lack anything good, he will see to it that all that we needed for our sustenance at the road he is leading us through will be supplied us.
Some Prayer Points
1. In the desert of my life, I refuse to be in want in Jesus name.
Say during this recession, I refuse to lack good things in Jesus name,
2. Out of least expected places, persons, quarters, let good things, blessings etc be coming unto me in Jesus name,
3. Make hard things simple for me oh Lord in Jesus name,
Simplify those hard or difficult things for me oh Lord in Jesus name,
4. Make good things happen unto me oh Lord in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord continue to lead me in Jesus name,
6. I refuse and reject the leaderships of the enemies in Jesus name,
7. I surrender myself to your leadership in Jesus name,
8. Let me not wander in life oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 49 of The Book of Isaiah
"And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword, in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft: in his quiver hath he hid me" (Isaiah 49:2)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
This is wonderful works of God, he doesn’t produce a dummy, he produces and gives birth to sharp children. You maybe reserved, you may not be quick to utter words out, that also is what the bible enjoins that we should do, be quick to hear but slow to reply or respond.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: (Jam. 1:19)
But whenever you speak, you speak with authority, because your words would be sharp and piercing. Another interesting thing here is that, while doing this the devil cannot do anything to you because you have been hid in his shadow (Psalms 91), you secured, you are protected.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. Oh Lord give me the grace to put my mouth down for your modifications/refining in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord, inherent powers in me that make me struggle with your dealings with my mouth destroy them in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord give me words that enemies or demons cannot withstand in Jesus name,
4. Let your power back every of my utterances/words as from now on In Jesus name,
5. Let me ever be under your protection in Jesus name,
6. Refine my mouth with fire for the tasks ahead in Jesus name,
7. Keep me in your power house oh Lord in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 50 of The Book of Isaiah
"For the Lord God will help me: therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed" (Isaiah 50:7)
Pre-Prayer Nuggets
The Lord used here is “אדני”, which is 'ădônây (pronounced as ad-o-noy') meaning my Lord, it has the same root as this word, אדן    אדון”, (which is called 'âdôn  'âdôn) with this pronunciation aw-done', aw-done', the meaning of which is sovereign, controller (human or divine), master, owner. But in this case, we are talking about divine controller. The author says, he knows that the controller would help him. In other words, is certain of what he is saying, he is not doubting that he will be helped.
Help here in Hebrew word is “עזר”, which is âzar (with this pronunciation aw-zar') and it means to surround, protect, assist (aid), succor.
Confounded is said to be kâlam in Hebrew word (“כּלם” (pronounced as kaw-lawm')) which means to taunt, to insult, to be put to confusion, reproach or shame.
The writer knows that he cannot be put to shame because his controller would assist him, for he has always been assisting him and he cannot now leave him, because he will do this for him, he doesn’t have to fear, because he won’t be put to shame, he won’t be confused by anyone. Since he cannot get to be confused, that is why he has set his face like a flint, “חלּמישׁ”, challâmı̂ysh, (khal-law-meesh') which is an extremely hard substance, a rock.
A rock stands always, it does not fear anything. Like a proverb that is being said in the part of the world to which I belong that, “a rock neither eats nor drinks but overcomes all enemies”, so is the word that this man is expressly stating here, that because he knows that the Lord God, which in Hebrew word here is, “יהוה” which is yehôvih, (phonetically yeh-ho-vee') will âzar him he has no reason to fear neither give the thought of what the people surrounding him would say for a second. Thus, he stands unmovable resting his oars in the Lord.
Some Prayer Bullets
1. In all my undertakings oh Lord, I receive your help in Jesus name,
2. Oh Lord, I refuse to lack your help in all my undertakings in life in Jesus name,
3. Oh Lord, let the help I will receive from you confound my confounders in Jesus name,
4. Oh Lord humiliate and disgrace everything and anyone that wants to humiliate me in Jesus name,
5. Whatever wants to shift my focus, get them destroyed in Jesus name,
Nuggets into the next prayer:
According to scientists and researchers, stones (flint) are bounded together internally by strong lattices, thus collision between the components that make up the stone is reduced. However, when the temperature increases, the lattices (bonds) become energized and thus there will be increased collision. The collision in some may be so high such that it leads to the breakdown of the stone.
On another note, when rain falls and the stone is being carried away by the torrents of the water, the stones will start rubbing their bodies on other objects which will lead to the breakdown of some parts of the stones.
Shall we therefore say:
6. Oh Lord whatsoever wants to change me from doing your will, destroy those things now in Jesus name,
7. Almighty God, still the storms of the world that may make me lose focus in Jesus name,
8. I refuse to be put to shame oh Lord in Jesus name,
9. Etc.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 51 of The Book of Isaiah
"For the Lord shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord: Joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody" (Isaiah 51:3)
Pre-Prayer Note
We shall recall that this prophet prophesied when his people have been going into errors, they have been grieving the Lord and he has been repeatedly warning them to desist, to repent and come to him but they did not until what he has been repeatedly warning them that would happen happened and the country, was destroyed. We need not forget also that he prophesied for Judah and Jerusalem. Jerusalem here is being referred to, as “ציּון”, tsı̂yôn (phonetically spell as tsee-yone'). This city that has been destroyed by the enemies who have come to attack them, God is promising that he would comfort the place, restore it back to its position.
You may have been like the inhabitants of this city before, going against the wills of the Lord such that he, God, has allowed enemies to come and attack you, they have unleash on you several things such that your land, your heart has become desolate, but if you can repent, and turn to him, and call on him, he will do wonders in your life, he will comfort all your waste places and all those things you have lost would be restored.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. (2 Chron. 7:14-15)
Some Prayer Arrows
1. We will recall that wars had led to several destructions to the land, as such the Lord decided to comfort/console His people, the nation of Israel. Shall we say this in clear words?
Oh Lord, let me be due for your words of consolation in Jesus name,
2. Your comforting Spirit let Him fill my life in Jesus name,
3. How can a wasted place/life/career/relationship etc be comforted? It is by repairing, reconstruction, restoration... You and I will say these loud and clear,
(a) Oh Lord restore my life/career/relationship etc in Jesus name,
(b) Oh Lord, reconstruct my life,
(c) Oh Lord make my life better than yesteryears,
(d) Oh Lord change the damaged things of my life,
(e) Etc
4. Breath the breath of life to the dead things/situations etc of my life/ministry etc in Jesus name,
5. Oh Lord make my dry land become land on which waters flow in Jesus name,
6. It is no hidden the fact that irrigation is characteristically of the gardens in Israel. Therefore let us say this in an unmistaken terms:
(a) Get my life irrigated with your blessings in Jesus name,
(b) The land of my life should be irrigated with God's uncommon waters of miracles in Jesus name,
7. Oh Lord, let the voice of joy and gladness continually be in my home in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 52 of The Book of Isaiah
"For thus saith the Lord God, my people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause" (Isaiah 52:4)
Pre-Prayer Note:
For this prayer to be effective, you and I need to be sure and doubly sure that we are Christ's. In other words, we must e entirely saved. Have you been washed by Jesus blood? Are you saved? If you have not given Him your life, another opportunity is presenting itself to you now to give your life to Jesus Christ. How, you wan want to ask?
(a) Know yourself a sinner,
(b) Repent of your sins: this repentance involves you not going back into it again,
(c) Confess those sins to God via Christ,
(d) Start meditating on the Word of God,
(e) Leave companies of people that are dubious and associate yourself with those who will be of help to you spiritually,

1. Oh Lord demons oppressing me, your child without getting permission from you should go into everlasting captivity today in Jesus Christ name, (Job 2)
2. Demons that took permissions from you before oppressing me should be refrained or stop today in Jesus name,
3. Powers oppressing me without a cause oh Lord destroy them now in Jesus name,
4. Powers oppressing me without a cause oh Lord disgrace them,
5. People oppressing me annihilate them now in Jesus name,
6. Laws put in place to oppress me, oh Lord revoke that or such laws in Jesus name (Daniel)
7. Associations/Gatherings established to oppress me, proscribe those associations now in Jesus name,
8. Transform my life/ministry etc in the land I am sojourning in, in Jesus name,
9. Do not let me regret in my land of sojourning in Jesus name
10. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 53 of The Book of Isaiah
"Therefore, will I divide him a portion with the GREAT, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong: because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors: and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12)
Pre-Prayer Nugget
Everyone wants to be great... Everyone wants to be renown...,but many if not all of those who so want to be cannot give it all it takes to attain such status. Many of those who were great those days gave it all it takes to become one. Are you equally willing to do that? Give it all it takes?
The most crucial requirement to becoming great is accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. Have you really do that? If you have not then, you are trekking on the cliff carelessly and it is ostentatiously clear that if anyone treks carelessly on the cliff, such a one will fall into the ditch...ocean...and then how would such a one attain the so called greatness she or he wishes to attain at the deepest depth of the sea and perhaps in the belly of the fish as it did happened to prophet Jonah. Disturbingly, such a one may not receive such a grace that prophet Jonah received, in the wise that, for the person being in the belly of the fish it may mean that the person has been killed by big fish living in the ocean. How sad would it be!
It is verily obvious that the person can not and would obviously not be remembered again. The person would be forgotten.
I therefore implore you to give acceptance of Jesus Christ a top priority in your life now... Shall we therefore offer some words of prayers?
Some Prayer Arrows
1. Every power that does not want me numbered, called among the great of my time, go into oblivion of darkness now in Jesus name,
2. Every powers of repression bringing havoc unto me, be thou destroyed now in Jesus name,
3. My spoil among the strong, oh ye angels of the most High God, bring them unto me now in Jesus name,
4. My sufferings in faith should not go un-rewarded in Jesus name,
5. Before my enemies, oh Lord, reward me abundantly in Jesus name,
6. Let your extravagant blessings be released unto me now in Jesus name,
7. In life, Lord, I have chosen to have the best in all I lay my hands upon, do not deny me this in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 54 of The Book of Isaiah
"Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded: for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth; and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more" (Isaiah 54:4)
Pre-Prayer Outlook
Fear is essentially a spirit which the devil sends to people’s hearts (minds) and when it enters it begins to develop the chemicals of fear which would be released to the internal environment of the mind and with the release of other ionic compounds and enzymes of fear, this fear becomes established in the system of the person, thus cutting off the spiritual blood flow of faith to the needful areas of the person's life.
As time goes on with this fear development, it becomes metastatic thereby spreading to other parts of the person's mind's systems destroying the faith in the person. When this happens, the followings cannot but be noticed:
1. Failures (repeated ones) in all endeavours of the person,
2. Antagonising God and the Gospel with time. This could either be subtly done or overtly done,
3. Backsliding,
4. Death: physical one and a times spiritual resulting in Hell-Fire.
From this you and I shall see that fear is dangerous and should not be allowed for a second in our lives.
Shall we thence say these words of prayers?
Some Prayer Swords
1. Demons of fear in me, get out now in Jesus name,
2. Oh thou word of God, deliver me from thoughts of fear in Jesus name,
3. The spiritual Chemotherapy of God should heal me of all metastases of fear now in Jesus name,
4. Years ago, during Pharmacology class, we were made taught that there is also a cryo-therapy to heal cancers... (Cry-o-Therapy is healing by heat, high temperature)
Therefore say this loud and clear,
(a) I subject myself to Cry-o-Therapies of heaven now in Jesus name,
(b) Thou surgeon of heaven excise (remove) the tumors or cancers of fear from me now in Jesus name,
5. Set me free from every words of fear heard that has imprisoned me all this while in Jesus name...
Some it was because of what they have heard that is stopping them from conceiving, becoming pregnant, since they got married. Yes, they have prayed and prayed, fasted and being fasted for but yet nothing to show because of the words heard that has imprisoned them, kept them in servitude.
Somme ought to have start their ministries/businesses/get a spouse etc but because someone somewhere had told them that if they do that, they will see what will happen to them as such, they have been imprisoned by this words of fear since then... Why not shake yourself off these words by praying that,
Oh Lord, set me free from every words of fear that have imprisoned me for ages in Jesus name,
6. The difficulties or upheavals of my life that repeatedly bring fear unto me, oh Lord remove them by your power now in Jesus name,
7. Powers of fear on me should be destroyed now in Jesus name,
8. Let the spirit of boldness enter my life now in Jesus name,
9. The power to be strong and bold always oh Lord give me now in Jesus name.
10. Etc
It will be noticed that I have only addressed fear here... I have not used other points of the verse to pray, that could be added as well as other prayers on fear as being laid on our hearts by God.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 55 of The Book of Isaiah
"For you shall go out (from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil unto the homeland) with joy and be led forth (by your leader, the Lord Himself, and His Word) with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands" (Isaiah 55:12)
Pre-Prayer Hint
Sin leads one to exile (spiritual or physical). Everyone believes that man has fore-fathers and majority believed that those fore-parents were living well until they give in to sin, the devil's deceptions which resulted into their exit from their place of peace, joy, comfort etc to place of trouble, cries, torments, heart-ache etc.
Since we are their children's children and only got here through "pollination", dispersal, therefore we also carried along or inherit those troubles, cries, torments etc. This is the general nature and course of sin.
You and I may have at a time or another be in peace, progress etc but today we aren’t again. Why? This tells us that you and I are yet to be saved.
Until you accept Jesus, all these will continue, thus, I in the STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS ADMONISHING THAT YOU ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST NOW.
You may want to say why did I afore time have it all rosy but not now? You had it all rosy then because God wants to use that media to pull you to Himself.
Do not sweep this words, post under the carpet as one of those postings by some Jesus' fanatics, but seriously give it a thought and yea, accept it.
This translation shows us the effect of sin on man, Us.
Shall we, having digested this, say the following words of prayer in loud and clear terms?
Some Prayer Arrows
1. In the bondage of sin that I am in, Father lose me or set me free now in Jesus name,
2. Take me (my business, wife/hubby, children, career etc) out of the land of slavery into the land of freedom (academics, marital, relationship, career, political etc) in Jesus name,
3. When one leaves a place with joy, it thence connotes that what the person hopes and or prays would happen to him or her happened... And or even greater things than that happened. Therefore let us say the followings:
(a) Oh Lord what I have long been over-due for let them be released unto me now in Jesus name... (Yours may be promotion at work place, getting married, having a child, securing a job etc)
(b) Let your fulness of joy be my portion in Jesus name (John 16:24)
4. I secede myself from under the leaderships of the terrorists (devil) in Jesus name,
5. I hand over myself unto you and your tutelage, leadership oh Lord in Jesus name,
6. Mountains and hills mean problems, challenges.
(a) Let us say, oh Lord remove all the mountains and hills before me now in Jesus name,
(b) Let those things I considered mountains and hills work for my progress in Jesus name,
7. Trees mean hinderances, what blocks or separates one from moving into the next phase of one's life, endeavour or pursuits.
Let us say, those things that separate me from my glory should be removed by God's fire in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 56 of The Book of Isaiah
"Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve Him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, everyone that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant.
"Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar, for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people" (Isaiah 56: 6-7)
Pre-Prayer Tit-Bits
It is no gain saying that we, those of us who do not belong to the twelve tribes of Israel are called aliens, we are strangers to God’s promises and covenants. However, a word of hope is being spoken to us here, that if we can join ourselves to the Lord, if we can serve him, he promises to bring us to his holy mountain, he promises to bring us into where he has put his name to be.
You can become a part of this promise by accepting Jesus Christ into your life, he is the only way to God, he is the Only One given the grace to bring man back to God. You may have for long been ignoring this, but you need to reconsider this and give your life to Jesus so that you will be married to him.
Some Prayer Swords
1. I have joined myself to you oh Lord, let me enter into my rest in Jesus name,
2. I have joined myself unto you oh Lord, let me enter into your holy of holies in Jesus name,
3. I have joined myself unto you oh Lord, let my prayers be answered in Jesus name.
4. I have joined myself unto you oh Lord, remove everything that stagnates me in Jesus name,
5. I have joined myself unto you oh Lord remove everything that brings me shame,
6. I have joined myself unto you oh Lord remove every thorns in my life, ministry etc in Jesus name,
7. I have joined myself unto you oh Lord, remove the marks of poverty on my body in Jesus name,
8. I have joined myself unto thee oh Lord, let me have all round favour in Jesus name,
9. Etc.

Prayer Points Using Chapter 57 of The Book of Isaiah
"When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee: but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them; but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain" (Isaiah 57:13)
Pre-Prayer Tit-Bits

Sometimes in life we become confused when cornered by some problems despite putting in all into God's services. At this juncture, so many unscriptural things become introduced to us and we become tempted to take, and use, yea apply those things. Some would not be a victim while others would become victims and would start using those things, substituting them for the Jehovah Lord as does the run-away son aka Prodigal son in Luke 15. But even at that God would lovingly be waiting for the child's return as the father of the run-away child was.
May be you have also backslidden because of what you have experienced and such things (or experience) become too much for you, become excessive such that it overwhelms you and you have no other thought other than toeing the path you had once campaigned, yea preached against. I want you to know that there is yet hope for you, God is yet waiting for you to have you back unto Him if and only if you can retrace yourself back unto Him today and now, I mean if and only if you can only come back unto the Lord Jesus Christ.... PLEASE RETURN TO CHRIST JESUS NOW leave and ignore devil's deceptions.
However, if you have not joined forces with the evil, this word is admonishing you to jettison the plan of going that way, this word is encouraging you to stick to the way of the Gospel, the right way and you will be comforted after you have stayed, after you have defeated the devil.
Shall we therefore say the following words of prayer loud and clear in faith?
Some Prayer Arrows
1. Take away my heart from everything and everyone I have trusted for help and deliverance to you and you alone in Jesus name,
2. Banish and destroy before me every false or pseudo-deliverances introduced to me in Jesus name,
3. Let your wind carry away those introducing false things to me in Jesus name,
4. Destroy false idols and gods of my family in Jesus name,
5. Idols of my father's and mother's house compelling me to come to them, oh Lord destroy them now in Jesus name,
6. Deliver me from the demonic powers operating in my father's house in Jesus name,
7. Let the ancestral demons of my family fail on me in Jesus name,
8. Zero shall be the effects of the ancestral demons on me in Jesus name, (or the trials of ancestral demons on me shall not be fruitful in Jesus name)
9. Help me oh Lord to put my trust in you in Jesus name,
10. I have put my trust in you oh Lord, I shall possess the land of my blessings in Jesus name,
11. I have put my trust in you, I shall possess my goodly possessions in Jesus name,
12. I have put my trust in you oh Lord, I shall possess your blessings in Jesus name,
13. Oh Lord, because I have trusted you, I shall inherit your covenants in Jesus name,
14. The grace not to trust in vanities again give me oh Lord in Jesus name,
15. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 58 of The Book of Isaiah
"And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not" (Isaiah 58:11)
Pre-Prayer Counsel
A pilot that is without a compass would soon direct the airplane into dungeon. When the Lord is a man’s compass, he will keep guiding the person as long as the person resorts to him, asks him of the way forward for his life.
God desires to continually guide you and I, not a guidance for a second or a minute, but a continual guidance which is full of comfort because when others are suffering, we won’t suffer, but we shall live in peace, in plenty.
Some Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord my rest days on earth shall be full of your guidance in Jesus name,
2. Plug me into the socket of your continual flow of current of guidance oh Lord in Jesus name,
3. When others lack your guidance, I refuse to lack your guidance in Jesus name,
4. Drought aka recession cannot but come, but those who know God would not feel its impact because the followings:
(a) Their ways of lives have not changed,
(b) Their God was not affected by worldly systems,
(c) They are in the circuits of the Godly systems etc
Shall we then say:
(i) Oh Lord, I am in your financial circuit, I refuse to know drought in Jesus name,
(ii) Oh Lord, I have been placed in your garden amongst the worldly gardens, let me continually receive the flow of water from you in Jesus name,
(iii) Because I am within your confines, satisfy my soul oh Lord in Jesus name,
5. I refuse to be dry of ideas in Jesus name,
6. Bones, anatomically and biologically speaking provides support for animals... Shall we say,
(a) I refuse to be without support in Jesus name,
(b) My supports (financial, marital, academic etc) shall not be broken in Jesus name,
(c) The ligaments joining my supports together shall not tear in Jesus name
(d) etc
7. Oh Lord, dont let the waters of my success fail in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 59 of The Book of Isaiah
"For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities we know them:" (Isaiah 59:12)
Pre-Prayer Counsel
Sin separates man from God,
Sin breaks relationships,
Sin allows devil to enter our lives, businesses etc,
Sin gives devil an upper hand in our lives,
Sin makes us one of the conquered territories of the devil,
Sin breaks covenants between God and man; as well as between man and man...
The greatest of all sins is failure to accept Jesus Christ into one's life... Have you given the matter of salvation a thought in your life? Or are you seeing salvation as one of those religious rites that must be fulfilled weekly?
Salvation is not a religious rite but it is what you and I need to do to get back to God...
Take as an example, assuming someone travels out of his/her domain to a far place... After a while, the person was through with what he has travelled for... Before the person could get back to his or her place the person would have to travel back, but now that he wants to return, he discovered that he has neither cash on him nor his credit card to pay on the spot (POS) for the journey back.
The alternatives left are begging, using other dubious means. Let us assume that the person does not want to do the alternatives, that then means that the person would stay for a very long time at that position until help comes the way of the person.
That is what happened to mankind. To return to God we need help for we have long been stranded at where we were before Jesus came on board.
For the person to get the desired assistance, the person must open up to people around to assist. We have also been stranded in the world and getting back to heaven has been a mirage until God sends Jesus for all.
Our part now is opening ourselves up to God by allowing Jesus Christ to lead us back to God.
That is what salvation brings. Stop fighting God. Stop rejecting Him. Give Him your all right away and you will be free from the kingdom of the devil.
Prayer Bullets
1. Scientists call something multiplier... Our sin brings more troubles unto us, it is again terrible or terrifying when these sins are in multiples:
Let us say,
Oh Lord forgive me my sins in Jesus name,
2. I plead the blood of Jesus upon those sins standing up against me before you in Jesus name,
3. I plead the blood of Jesus on those sins standing up against my blessings to hinder them from being released unto me in Jesus name,
4. Remove my transgressions far from me oh Lord in Jesus name,
5. The leverages of sin into my life should be blocked in Jesus name,
6. Strong-holds of sin in my life should be destroyed in Jesus name,
7. Destroy the establishments of sin in my life now in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 60 of The Book of Isaiah
"And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I had mercy on thee" (Isaiah 60:10)
Pre-Prayer Talk
When God is annoyed with a man everything will collapse for the man, nothing would work for the man, at this time people will be deriding the man, they will be mocking him, asking of him where is his God?
My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?
As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy God? (Psa. 42:3 & 10)
The people will continue to pierce the life of the person with their words such that they will weary the man out with their words.
This is akin to what happened unto patriarch Job when God allows the devil to try him. (read the book of Job)
But when God is no longer annoyed with the person, when he starts to favor the person, then all things would be falling into places for the person. This is what the author is saying here, that though God has been annoyed before, he is no longer annoyed again and he is ready to favor and have mercy on you, on all who call upon him sincerely but who has been troubled before. Have you suffered before? Then, God says the time of your favor is here when people will become your servants, those whom you do not even know.
Some Prayer Points
1. Let people from far places start helping me in Jesus name,
2. Let people I do not know defend my cause before the authorities in Jesus name,
3. Let the powerful people rise up to help me in Jesus name,
4. Take off me your hand of punishment in Jesus name.
5. Let your favour bring mercy unto me in Jesus name,
6. The shut doors of mercy against my life, business, career etc should be opened by your favour now in Jesus name,
7. The grace to start enjoying your mercy, oh Lord give me that grace now in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 61 of The Book of Isaiah
"I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God: for he hath clothed me with garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels" (Isaiah 61:10)
Pre-Prayer Talk
Having seen the Lord, having known the Lord, having been saved by the Lord, having been anointed of the Lord, he cannot but be joyous, he cannot but leap up for joy in the Lord who is his salvation.
The type of joy that overwhelms the man is a great one, because of the wonders which he has seen the Lord do for him. What are some of those things that bring about this kind of joy to this person? Two things are mentioned as being the things that bring the kind of joy into his heart; one of them is that he has been clothed with garments of salvation and the second is he has been covered with the robe of righteousness, God is seeing him as standing upright before him.
When we experience these two things on a daily basis in our undertakings, we cannot but always leap up for joy.
God is ready to give you the garment of salvation if you can come to Jesus today and you will always leap for joy as Isaiah says here.
Prayer Bullets
1. My joy in you shall not dwindle in Jesus name,
2. Voice of great joy shall not cease in my family,
3. Reasons to always be joyous in you shall not cease from my abode inn Jesus name,
4. Let your grace cover my life as water cover the sea oh Lord in Jesus name
5. Let your righteousness cover my life inside out in Jesus name,
6. Decorate my life with your righteousness oh Lord in Jesus name,
7. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 62 of The Book of Isaiah
"And they shall call them, the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called, sought out, a city not forsaken" (Isaiah 62:12)
Pre-Prayer Insight
To understand verse twelve more, we need to read what verse eleven says.
Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. (Isa. 62:11)
The daughter being talked about in verse eleven is “bath” (“בּת”) in Hebrew which means apple (of the eye), daughter. The word “bath” comes from the same root as “בּנה”, bânâh (baw-naw' in pronunciation) which means to build, to obtain children, repair and (בּן), bên (bane in pronunciation) which means son, youth.
From this root word we could see that the people there included men, women, children, adult and youths. The people in this verse is “עם”, am (am is the phonetic spelling) and it means troops, attendants, a flock, men, nation.
The people of the Lord have been forsaken and neglected before because of their sins which made the Lord to sell them into the hands of their enemies, but he is saying that they shall be sought out, they shall be given a new name, which is the city, the flock not forsaken.
If you have been saved, washed by the blood of Jesus, you should know that yours is this promise, you will be sought for where you have been neglected, where you have been looked down upon as if you are not in existence.
Prayer Points
1. Let your power of holiness fill my life in Jesus name,
2. From my low estate, bring me out oh Lord in Jesus name,
3. I shall make positive impact in the land of the living in Jesus name,
4. Powers that want me forgotten shall be forgotten in Jesus name,
5. Take me out of my hiding place to the open in Jesus name,
6. The grace to perform exceptional feat, Father give me now in Jesus name,
7. I shall not miss your reward in Jesus name,
8. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 63 of The Book of Isaiah
"In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them: and he bare them and carried them all the days of old" (Isaiah 63:9)
Pre-Prayer Words
Often times when believers fall into problems we think God does not know, we think God is un-affected by what we are experiencing or passing through, but this verse says otherwise, the verse shows us that God shares in our pains and griefs when we are passing through them.
In th
e condition/predicament, that we are in, at that point in time we need to know that the Lord does not only see us but He is also having the same feelings that you and I are having.
When a person understands something, or maybe I should say when a person has an experience of something the person would not act as those who lack the experience. Many homes are at the verge of destruction or collapse (and some have collapsed) because of the inexperience position of a partner.
When someone does not have experience about something the person would be viewing it from the angle of what it supposed to be, but immediately the person has an experience of the thing, he would not say that again and sometimes would feel sorry for acting rashly and wrongly in the times past.
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Heb. 4:15)
Another thing that I will like to say from here is that, apart from having the experience, he is also passing through the difficult times with us.
Take as instance a person who asks his family members to go on marathon fasting, if the person absolves himself from the fasting, he wouldn’t know what those people are passing through during the fasting periods, but when he partake in it, he would know how to talk to them better and in humble manner.
A person who is living in another country where there is no recession, when the people of other countries who are passing through hard times because of recession are talking to him, he may not understand what they mean because he was not where they are, he was not experiencing what they are experiencing.
Apostle Paul while being transported to Italy passed through hard times with others such that for days, they did could not eat anything because they were afraid, they do not know what the outcome of their trip would be. But they were comforted by apostle Paul because he had passed through the trouble with them, he had felt what they feel. (Acts 27)
In the same vein is the Lord passing through those times with us and he will bring about solution at the right time.
Prayer Points
1. Oh Lord, send your angels before to deliver me from my troubles in Jesus name,
2. I need the assistance of your angels oh Lord, send them to assist me in Jesus name,
3. Every of my assigned angels that is not working effectively, receive grace to effectively work on my behalf as from now on in Jesus name,
4. I refuse to lack angelic assistances in my life in Jesus name,
5. Let your saving love save me today in Jesus name,
6. Keep carrying me oh Lord in Jesus name
7. Oh Lord carry me to your bosom in Jesus name,
8. etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 64 of The Book of Isaiah
"Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence" (Isaiah 64:1)
Pre-Prayer Explanation
This is a prayer of the saints imploring the Lord to rend, “qâra” ((קרע) phonetically spell as kaw-rah') in Hebrew, which is to cut, to tear the heavens, “shâmayim  shâmeh” ((שׁמה    שׁמים) phonetically spell as shaw-mah'-yim, shaw-meh') in Hebrew, which means to be lofty, sky (which may include where the celestial bodies revolve).
The author who earlier in his documentation says his eyes have been opened to see the Lord sited on the throne cannot but bring to mind what he had seen and ask the Lord to tear the heavens, removing all hinderances on his path and come down to the rescue of humanity.
In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. (Isa. 6:1)
Some authors believe this is talking about the advent of Jesus into the world to save humanity from their sins. For he removes everything that has been a clog in his coming to the world to redeem man from the way and come for our salvation.
When he comes, it sure that those things he created would dare not stand before him.
Prayer Bullets
1. On my predicament, oh Lord tear the heavens in Jesus name,
2. Speak to the mountains before me oh Lord in Jesus name,
3. Every of the hinderances before me be removed now in Jesus name,
4. When we confront mountains alone the mountains would not disappear, but when we confront the mountains of our lives with the Lord Jesus, those mountains would give way...
Let us say this by faith, as we use our inner eyes, the eyes of our faith to behold ourselves standing by Jesus, that Lord, I am by your side this you know, therefore I command all ye mountains before me to fizzle out, in Jesus name,
5. In the same vein talk to those seeming problems in your life that all ye troubles that have been troubling me for long I declare and decree that you disappear in Jesus name,
6. Oh ye firmament of hinderances to my glory be removed In Jesus name
7. Everything on my path to breakthrough, be removed now in Jesus name,
8. Let it be pleasing unto you oh Lord to come and deliver me in Jesus name,
9. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 65 of The Book of Isaiah
"They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord and their offspring with them" (Isaiah 65:23)
Pre-Prayer Talk
If anyone has ever worked and receive no reward for the labours of his/her hand, such a one would know how important this prayer or word of promise is...
If we see anyone who has studied hard for an exam but instead of success recorded failure, such a one would know the importance of this prayer...
Were we to find anyone who has put in so much efforts into his/her relationship
- Love relationship as example to others - but instead of being appreciated or loved back such a one is neither appreciated nor loved back, such a person would know how important this prayer is... If anyone has pioneered a company/church/ministry etc but instead of reaping the rewards of his/her work, someone else reaps (is reaping) the reward, such a one would know how vital this word of covenant is... And that it should be keyed into always...
Few Prayer Points to Be Prayed:
1. Powers that make me labour in vain be paralysed now in Jesus name,
2. Demons that make me labour/toil for nothing, enter into eternal bondage now in Jesus name,
3. Hidden and or known Covenants that make me labour for nothing, be broken now in Jesus name,
4. I refuse to bring forth for trouble in Jesus name,
5. My children and I shall not be in the world for trouble in Jesus name,
6. Seeds of troubles in me, be thou annihilated now in Jesus name,
7. Seeds of troubles in my career/ministry/relationships etc be destroyed now in Jesus name,
8. The hidden seeds of blessings in me, start germinating in Jesus name,
9. The seeds of blessings in my career/ministry etc start manifesting for all to see now in Jesus name
10. Etc

Prayer Points Using Chapter 66 of The Book of Isaiah

Pre-Prayer Briefing
The author of this book addresses those who fear the Lord, those who place the word of the Lord at the pinnacle of their hearts. Those who place the word of God at the apex of their hearts are sometimes hated by people who do not love the truth and they would be waging war against them, because they are children of the bondwoman they are born after the flesh.
But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.
So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. (Gal. 4:23, 29-31)
As the bible says that the flesh antagonizes the spirit, so does the children of the bondwoman antagonizing those who are the children of the free woman, the children of God. They cannot fathom how and why the children of God should be prioritizing the Gospel, the word of God in their hearts.
Sometimes those who persecute the believers, those who place God at the apex of their hearts are those who have been associated with the name of Jesus, as this author calls them brethren.
“…Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, let the Lord be glorified…” (Isa. 66:5b)

The Hebrew word use for brethren in here is “אח”, 'âch (with this phonetic pronunciation, awkh) whose definition is brother, kindred, like, other. In other words, someone who is like the person, one’s sibling. We shall all recall that all the Israelis are genetically related, therefore the author talks about brethren.
Bringing this to our time, those who have believed in the name of Jesus have been spiritually connected with one another all over the globe. We are in the spirit, genetically connected. We are connected by the cord of Jesus’ blood. Those people are called our brethren this day.
The author continues by saying that the brethren “hated” those who put the word of God at the apex of their hearts. The word hated here is “śânê'” in Hebrew (שׂנא) (pronounced as saw-nay') which means to hate, an enemy, foe, utterly hate. This means that those brethren have turned to be their brethren’s enemy. Why do they become their brethren’s enemies? They became their brethren’s enemies because they place the word of God at the apex of their hearts. Is this not what happened between Joseph and his brethren? He was hated by their brethren despite being the children of the same father.
As we also are children of the same father, Jesus, some of our brethren who have gone back to the world hated us for continuing to be in the faith, for continuing to hold on to the faith which they were once part of. Apostle Paul in his epistles talk of someone who has gone back to the world because he loves the present things of the world more than the gospel.
For Demas hath forsaken me, having LOVED THIS PRESENT WORLD, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. (1 Ti. 4:10 (Emphasis mine))
The author of the book of Hebrews says they are those who have been enlightened once, but who now have fallen away.
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. (Heb. 6:4-6)
Since they have fallen off like a leaf that dropped off a branch of a tree which has no life in it again, so do those people, they do not have in them life, again, there is no “zoe” of God in them again thus they become our utter enemies, antagonizing every of our moves in the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Because we have been hated by them, they cast us out of their sights, they ensure that we are not appreciated in the world, neither counted to be anything.
(OF WHOM THE WORLD WAS NOT WORTHY:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.(Heb. 11:38 (Emphasis mine))
One of the definitions of worthy is “having qualities that deserve your respect, attention or admiration”. Because we have been utterly hated by them, they considered us as people not having qualities that deserve to be respected by the people of the world. For this, we are cast out, send from among them as the man who was healed by Jesus in the book of John chapter nine was casted out from the synagogue.
They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out. (Joh. 9:34)
Jesus also says, if the owner of the house be called Beelzebub, the inhabitants of the house shouldn’t expect to hear anything less.
It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? (Mat. 10:25)
As if casting us out wasn’t enough, they started to mock us, let the Lord they call, let the Lord that they claim to be serving glorify himself in their lives they seem to be saying.
But God while continuing with this word through his prophet says that it is not that he is blind neither deaf as to see and hear all that is transpiring, he sees everything and to show that he sees everything he through his prophets re-assure the people that their sadness shall be turn to joy, and they shall not be ashamed.
“… but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed" (Isaiah 66:5c)
All that we are passing through in the Gospel the Lord sees and he is reassuring us that we shall not be put to shame, he is reassuring us that our sadness shall be turn to joy. Do you place the word of God at the apex of your heart? This word of promises is for you now and ever. Amen.
Having said some things about this verse, shall we pray some prayers?
Prayer Bullets
1. Make honouring your word easy task for me as from today oh Lord in Jesus name,
2. Give me the grace to always honour your word in Jesus name,
3. I am suffering for your name's sake; oh Lord, come and comfort me in Jesus name,
4. Deliver me from those who pretentiously love me in Jesus name,
5. Put those who pretentiously love me to shame on my matter in Jesus name,
6. What will silence my enemies do that thing for me now in Jesus name,
7. Arise to help me oh Lord in Jesus name,
8. Appear to my joy and to the shame of my enemies and those who hate the Gospel in Jesus name,
9. Let me find solace in you oh Lord in Jesus name,
10. Be glorified on my plight oh Lord
11. Etc


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