Don’t Know How They Come About it

Don’t Know How They Come About it
An incident happened in Okeloke town about 12 years ago after the successful completion of the governorship election of the town. Okeloke town is a town sandwiched among about 6 other towns within the republic of Eyiowuawi.
Governorship post is the most fiercely contested for office in Okeloke town it is usually taken as a do or die affair in the town.

Out of the 46 political parties in the town, only two of the parties were prominent in the town and it is ascertained that it is one of them that would win the election, because the people of the town do not vote for candidates, but they vote for parties. Assuming it is candidates that they are voting for, it is sure that none of the fielded candidates for the office of the governor by both leading parties in the town would win.
The parties’ candidates have taken the social media like a storm campaigning for their candidates and parties, and some have taken added steps of going to the grassroots, knocking at the door posts of people that they should be voted for and or vote for their candidates.
The campaign period lasted for three months, after which the election was conducted.
Some people wanted to vote for individuals but because the people have suffered so dearly in the hands of the governor on seat, people had indoor deliberations and concluded that they need to choose out of two evils before them.
They cannot go for parties that people do not know so that their efforts won’t be in vain, thus, they decided that they would choose among the two prominent parties’ candidates fielded for the post.
After their deliberations, they left for their respective destinations and to return at a selected date kept close to their chests.
the representatives of the parties started meeting with people whom they knew have attended the summit and were convincing them to let the table swing in their favor.
This continued for weeks and they date when they are expected to meet ticked and they met again.
After heated argument, they all resolved that they would vote for the opposition party’s candidate. Thus, all the members are enjoined to tell their people of their choice and they should tell those who have been following the unpopular candidates that they should join their hands together to vote out the party on seat.
What they agreed at makes sense to majority of people, their singular aim is to chase off the seat the party controlling the town any other person could come on board. Since this was their aim, majority of the people of the town except few ones toed their lines of thought and decided to join them in ensuring that they voted out the party on seat so that they would not continue to suffer under them.
The opposition party was voted for enmasse by the people of the town, while the party on seat had limited votes.
Enormous joy enveloped the town when the results of the elections were announced.
The ruling party members were not satisfied with the result and they were crying foul when there was none. Thus, the party headed for the court to seek redress. After five months of rigorous court sessions, the court upheld that the election was freest, fairest and the most credible election in the town. The wish of people should stand, they have voted for the party of their choice.

e-Twenty-one Position
Few months after the swearing in of the new governor, rumors started making round that the newly sworn in governor would not finish his term as the governor of the town because the e-twenty-one of the town have met and have resolved that they would by all means relieve the newly sworn in governor by their power.
I was in Kekele village when the news got to me of e-twenty-one position to the wish of the people. I asked the person who told me that who are those called e-twenty-one within the town? The person who briefed me about the news did not know those who are called e-twenty-one.
As time passes on, the news of the position of the e-twenty-one started moving from villages to villages within the Okeloke town, but none of those who were spreading the rumor or news knew a member of the e-twenty-one. The closest anyone could tell me of the e-twenty-one was that e-twenty-one simply means electronic twenty-one, he couldn’t state further what that means.
My Travelling to the Center of Okeloke Town
My father sends me to the center of Okeloke town to get for him some building materials because we cannot get it at the big towns closer to our village and my father is about to complete his own building in the village.
When he told me that I would be the one going with the commercial transporter to the center of Okeloke town to get those things for him I was elated and I said to myself, I will use the opportunity to ask from some friends who have migrated to the center of what I am hearing in the village and what the word means and those who make up the e-twenty-one.
I cannot wait for the day to break because the journey was on my mind, I desire to know the truth to know what is happening in the center.
Before we got to the center of the town, I have called some of my friends that I would be coming to the town and would love to see them. They were also happy to know that I will be coming and volunteered to come and meet with me where I would get those materials.

My Friend’s Information
Before we get to the center, I used to send messages to them of where we were on the journey. When we got there, before I finished paying for the goods, I have come to buy at the warehouse of the merchant store, one of them has arrived and we started talking before they load the material into the vehicle.
I asked him of what I heard in the village and he said it was true for that was the rumor making round in the center. Who are those people called e-twenty-one I asked him? He said they were electronic twenty-one as I have been told. And what electronic twenty-one means is that they were influential people on the social media, they are those who are rich on the internet and you know that internet is the key thing in the world now, those people are stunningly rich according to people’s analysis they talk in billions of the town’s currencies and millions of American dollars he said.
Do you have a clue about any of them I asked him? He replied me that whatsoever he tells me cannot be said to be authoritative but from what people are saying about whom those people are, most of them are not living in the republic let alone the town, except may be one of them according to the gathered rumor.
I asked to know who the person was, and he scratched his head to remember the name of the person after a while he remembered the name of the person and said the person is called Aladeadura.
After he has said this, we played a while, went to the eatery to eat before we started our journey back to the village.
I thank him profusely for telling things about who those people are, because in the village where I live, I hardly come by such information.
After we parted I kept on thinking about whom those people were, powerful people, indigenes of the town who are unknown to all. My friend says they have been influential all along and have taken prominent role in all the governorship elections that have taken place in the town in the time pasts and their grouse of the last election was that the people’s vote really counted unlike before that they manipulate things in their favor.
Who is the Aladeadura? I started asking myself, my friend says he is the only one people presumed live in the republic out of all the twenty-one that make up the e-twenty-one. I need to know this person, I started telling myself.

Searching for Aladeadura
My mind could not give me rest about this electronic person. Who could the person be? Is he a male or female? What is he doing that makes him break into the ranks of crème-de-la-crème of the people of the world without leaving our republic much so being an indigene of Okeloke town?
I got myself registered in different social media with the aim of coming across this Aladeadura one day.
It was appalling that despite registering in different social media and trying to be up and doing in all of them, I never for once come across the person called Aladeadura on any of the social media.
Then people started introducing forex to us in the land that it is through such fora that those people operate, but the money to start forex business I cannot afford because the work I am doing cannot even feed me let alone trying to sink such money in an investment, an investment that people said is volatile, even more volatile than the spirit that is contained in the first aid box in our house. Even if I saved for two years without spending a dime out of my monthly stipends, even my money wouldn’t be able to start forex trade business.
I kept my fingers crossed, my eyes wide opened, my intelligent working so that whenever I come across a name like that, I will know what to do.
On one of the prominent social media I found an Aladeadura there and tried to go through his profile but what I discovered was that this Aladeadura was simply a pastor in a church and in fact his church is not located in the republic, but the Aladeadura that I am searching for is said to be residing in our republic, Eyiowuawi republic.
Left Active Searching for Him
After about three years of searching on the social media but without getting to know the person called Aladeadura, I left the searching and started concentrating on some other things. Though, I still maintain my internet profiles and links but I was not active on those media like before because I discovered that I am spending a lot of money and time on those social channels with nothing forthcoming nothing is being added to my financial life and sometimes I will go a borrowing to ensure that I keep my data intact.

Relocation and the Discovery
After my father completed his building project, he decides to open a warehouse in the neighboring village, where he would be sending his farm products to, storing them there and would be selling there. He decides to take the market closer to his customers.
After the warehouse was completed, he asked me to go to the town, Goblet town to be the manager of the warehouse.
Two years after getting to Goblet town, one day someone comes to purchase some farm products from me, and someone who knew the person called him Aladeadura. I started thinking within me that could this be the Aladeadura that I have used the better part of 4 years ago to search for?
The man and Aladeadura exchanged pleasantries after which the man left for where he was going.
After selling things to him, I excused the man to know if I can ask him some questions and he said there wouldn’t be any problem with that.
I told him that I heard someone called him Aladeadura now, and he said that has been his nickname since his childhood days, but few people know him with that name except those who knew his childhood days. Adding that the person who called him that, they attended the same secondary school together.
It is good to know that sir, I told him adding that it has been my earnest desire to know a man whose name resembles that of his in the past 5 years ago.
“Why are you looking for the man?” he asks
“I was told he was one of the e-twenty-one in our town, and that he alongside with others wields great political power because of their internet wealth.
The man laughed on hearing me say this and said, “oh I see”.
“Or do you know someone who bears that sir?” I asked him, adding that, “because my source says this Aladeadura is the only one amongst the e-twenty-one in our town who lives in the town and or the republic.
“Well what I can say is that I do not know that kind of person, but people have been pointing fingers to me that I am the person, but I do not believe I am because as you are seeing me now, do you see anything spectacular in me? Do you see anything different in me from others?” I shook my head when he asks this question.
“So, I do not know the criteria they are using for such e-twenty-one influential people within the town”
“Uhm”, I said
“I suppose that an influential person would be rich, would be someone who can travel to other parts of the world easily, but as you see me, I have not even gotten close to any international airport all my life”,
“But I was told that those people are forex brokers, that they are always on the internet 24 hours per day”
“Well, again that is not true, yes, I do have different internet pages, but I don’t do forex trades and neither have I make a dime from any of the social media, now how they come with such I don’t know”
“Or maybe they are using some other means to measure it that you do not know”
“Well, maybe, maybe, but if I belong to such category, I really need my status to change from this present one. I have about four siblings still seeking for employment now, I cannot get them connected will I wield such power and not be able to secure employment for my siblings at the least? Let’s assume I am satisfied with my position which I know I am not, I should at least be able to connect my siblings to people that matters so that they will give them good job after their degrees” Aladeadura says.
“Uhm. That is sensible sir. I understand this.”
“It is either it is a lie, or those people are referring to someone who is yet to be known to us in this republic, that is all I can say about that”, he enthused.
“Thank you, sir, for taking your time.”
“No, it is a pleasure, It is always good as the bible says that we should seek out the truth lest so that we shall not keep on holding on to lies and fallacies”, he said as he shook my hand and leaves the warehouse.


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