Nothing is as Simple as it Looks

1. Before now he has been
Seeing life in a simple
And plain manner and like
Watching movies or reading story

2. Books he has been thinking
Everything is simple. But he
Starts thinking otherwise when
He finds it hard to meet with

3. His obligations, when he cannot
Fulfill his responsibilities for his
Parents, his siblings, among his
Peers he often has been found

4. Wanting. Then he thought of
What to do to bring
About the changes and he
Registered with a forex broker

5. Quite appalling to discover that
His first business went south
He was talked to and counseled
By experts that he can do it

6. Then he decides to give
The trade platform another trial
Alas, woe betide him again
As the loss he made now

7. Was more than the earlier
Loss which befall him. What
Ought he to do? For he
Does not wish to give it

8. A trail again. The face that
Is being repeatedly slapped would
Leave the eyes injured if not
Totally blind after some time he reasoned within ‘self

9. Then he makes attempt at
Starting a blog site, and which he did
But this has been his third year
Of starting the blogsite with no

10. Dime entering his purse he
Has been spending and spending
Buying and renewing domains; buying
Data to be able to work

11. yet it is as if
Water is being poured into
The basket some people are
Making it while he is there

12. Languishing in poverty the aim
Again has been defeated for he
Had thought even if it would
Take time for him to start

13. Gaining he was not thinking
It could run into a year
Now it is over 36 months and
Still counting nothing has changed

14. He considers other option which
Is trying to advertise some
Of his works on social
Media it has been said

15. That we are in technology
Age, failure to join them
Would leave the person far back
As others make appreciable progress

16. He started the advert on
Several of the media that
He has signed up with
But this too has not yielded

17. Positive changes as the people use
To say that advert is the
Manure, the fertilizer for a business
Growth, but it is as if this

18. Fertilizer has expired for him
And it is not working as he
Had hoped it would. Can
He say it is working at all?
19. No, it is surely not working
Things have been bad, he is
Trying his best to make
Things work, to make things better

20. But they are not. Then
He remembers a professor’s
Common quote, that says,
“Nothing is as simple as it looks,

21. “Everything takes a little time
Longer and if anything is
Going to get wrong at all
It will get wrong

22. “At the least expected moment”
This he has found to be
Very true and now he
Has put his mind at rest

23. Not willing to pursue anything
Again, leaving things to get
Themselves resolved having tried his
Best. The next is waiting, watching, and seeing and perhaps receiving.


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