After Effect of the Dog’s Trouble

1. The man’s dog is a rare one among
All the dogs in the community, the dog would
Go into the bush, hunt, and kill animals
 5 Characteristics We Should Learn From Dogs - Ace Green - Medium
2. And would bring the animals home for its
Owner to prepare to eat and if the dog
Kills a big animal, it would come home to drag

3. Its owner to the animal to be carried home
When it first does this, pulling its owner by the
Edge of his cloth the owner did not know

4. What was going on with the dog and was
Annoyed with the dog and beats it, but the dog
Never relents in pulling the edge of the cloth of

5. The owner until it pissed him off and then
Someone who has relationship with animals
And dogs advised the owner to follow the dog

6. It was then he started following him until
The dog led the owner out of the town to
The wilderness where the lifeless body of the

7. Animal he has killed lied and started waging
Its tail then the owner knows why the dog has
Been pulling him by the edge of his clothe for

8. Hours, since then, the owner never misses it
When the dog returns home and pulled the edge
Of his cloth he knows that his dog has killed

9. An animal that is bigger than it which he
Cannot carry home by itself and would follow
It to the place to carry the animal home.

10. As from this period the owner of
The dog never runs out of meat
And some of the animals he would sell off to

11. Make money if there are still meat
At home. Apart from providing daily
Animal for its owner, the dog is also serving

12. As a source of income for the man, when
People are complaining of no money or
When they run out of cash the owner

13. Never runs out of cash because it would
Always kill animals and would bring them
Home. Intriguingly it will never eat out of
 SB 1041- Save the Hunting Dogs | CRPA: California Rifle & Pistol ...
14. The animals it killed and was always
Contented with the ones the owner dishes
Out to it at home. In addition to doing this

15. This dog also serves as security for
The community, for it is “policing”
The community, a stranger cannot enter the community

16. After twelve midnight nor 04:30 a.m.,
Except the person has called the person
He or she wants to come and meet in the

17. Community to tell him or her of the delay
In his movement and he would be entering
The community late when this happens the

18. Person whom the visitor wants to visit
Would have been at the entrance gate of the
Community waiting for the person to usher the

19. Person into his house. That is how the person
Can enter the community at that periods of the
Day, else, the person would not enter and would

20. Have to turn back or go somewhere else
To go and wait till the day break completely
The dog has saved the community from thieves

21. On many occasions, this makes the people of the
Community to christen the dog, “community police dog”.
On many occasions had the thieves and notorious people

22. Made attempt at the life of the dog but they were
Unable to kill the dog because the dog hardly eats
Anything outside what its owners were given it

23. The dog who could go into the wilderness to kill
Without eating those things it killed other than bringing
Those home, nothing fascinates it in those things

24. Which those people think they can lure it with
And that was why it could be saved on countless
Numbers of times from being poisoned by its enemies

25. While another dogs and or animals eat those
Poisoned foods prepared for it and they would die
In its stead. People of the community started thinking

26. The dog must have some spiritual power,
But they discovered that it never has something
Like that and what has been saving it was simply

27. Its disciplined life, because it would never
Be moved by those things that they want to lure
It with. Thus, people having known that it hardly
 How to Pick the Best Dog Breed for You | Reader's Digest
28. Eats anything they give it except what comes
From its owner and having seen several of those
Things thrown at it wasting on the ground the

30. People of the community hardly throws things
At it again if anyone wants to give it anything
The person would take it to its owners to help

31. In given it to the dog. People started cherishing
The dogs and saying it is acting like humans.
However, unfortunate thing happened to the dog

32. One day when it went into the wilderness as
Its custom was to kill animals for its master. When
It was lying in wait for the animal it wants to kill,

33. Strong wind started blowing and a branch
Of the tree cuts off and fell on the dog where it
Was secretly lying for the animal. The impact

34. Of the fallen branch on the dog was powerful
It barked loudly, wailed, and couldn’t stand
Again, it crawls to its owner’s house but before

35. It could crawl home it has gotten dark and
The owner has been worried for this. When the
Owner sees this, it pained him and look for hot

36. Ashes and other things they were using in the
Island to take care of the dog, binding the area
With sticks so that it would not be moving and

37. The bones would be able to suture together
The dog would stay in-door for about three months
Before it fully recovers, during this time the owner

38. Started buying meat and running out of cash
And then he knows what the dog has been doing
For him. The people of the community also felt

39. Its absence because people they do not expect
Started entering the community without check,
Without fear. When the dog recovers from its

40 Troubles, it was not as active as before again,
For he hardly goes to the bush to hunt down animals
Again, even if it goes at all it would soon return home

41. Whether or not it kills animals. When its owner
Is chasing animals it would not assist in hunting down
The animal. The policing work of the community has

42. Been abandoned by the dog and the people started
Saying “like man like animal”, as humans caution themselves
After falling into troubles so do animals. The dog being an

43. Example, then they remember the good old times and
Are prayerfully looking forward to the time when they will
Get another dog like this dog in the community.

44. which will keep watch over the community.
Will it ever be possible to get such a dog again
In the community? The community members

45. Reasoned among themselves, while the owner
Asks himself the same question always, can I get
A dog similar to this again in life? Nothing is

46. Impossible people say, but this would be
Near impossible if not difficult he said to himself, for
Hardly could one get good things following itself in nature.


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