The Battle He Always Lose
1. He is an orator, good analyst
Of events, good in argument and
When he projects that something will
2. Happen, his projections are
Always accurate. Years back
When in college no one can
3. Outmatch him in argument
He always wins his argument.
This makes him study linguistic
4. He is now married to his heart
Beat while in the university, six
Months into their marriage an
5. Argument broke out among them
In an attempt to win the argument as
He used to do years back in the school
6. What he did not expect happen,
For problem developed among
Them, the wife started nagging

7. It took them a while to resolve
This issue among themselves.
On another occasion that argument
8. Developed among them, the same thing
Happened after he won the argument again
As from then he resolved within him that
9. If he wants to enjoy his marriage
Whenever there is argument he will
Always allow his wife to win the argument
10. As from the time he made the
He has been peacefully living with his
And whenever any form of argument
11. Rears up its head in his family, he
Has known that it is a battle that
He must not attempt to win even if
12. He has all the facts to win the
Argument he won’t present them
Because he knows that married life
13. Is different from single life,
Allowing peace to reign is supreme
In the family for there is peace in
14. Allowing peace, building, and maintaining
A family requires wisdom, while
With one’s spouse, one needs to know that
15. There are certain battles that one
Cannot and must not win if indeed
One wants to continue to live
16. Together as husband and wife. This
He has identified and that he is
Doing for the growth of his family.
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