A Hymn: What I Am Confident Of

 A Hymn: What I Am Confident Of

(“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Php 1:6))

Composer’s Foreword: I do not know how to put my composed words into tonic solfa format, but having learnt however remotely how to compose songs using local Yoruba format, I decide to come with a work around on how to make my songs internationally acceptable, therefore, I have been mimicking some hymns which I believe anyone who knows how to sing such hymn globally would be able to sing along with me my composed song using the tune that I have used beneath.

Having said this, I sincerely invite you to join me in singing this newly composed song, because I know music yea songs is one of the things that makes heart merry lifting hearts out of the cauldron of darkness that the enemies may have subjected people to and draws heart closer to God and his blessings.

Praying, hoping and trusting that you will be blessed with the song as you sing along with me and if you do not know the tune, I sincerely trust that God will bless your hearts, homes and all that is yours as you read the wordings of the newly composed song.

The Tune of Hymn to Use

There is a stranger at the door

Let him in

He has been there oft before,

Let him in

Let him in, ere he is gone

Let him in, the Holy One

Jesus Christ the Father’s Son

Let him in.


The Composed Song

1. One thing that am sure of is

He ‘ll perfect it

Everything that concerns me

He ‘ll perfect it

The Lord has promised even that

He ‘ll perfect it

Yea everything that concerns me

He ‘ll perfect it


2. I am confident of this thing

He ‘ll perfect it

That my God is a good God

He ‘ll perfect it

This I am confident of

That he who starts a new thing

Even in my very life

He ‘ll perfect it


3. Though the storms of the earth rages

He ‘ll perfect it

Though darkness pervades my ways

He ‘ll perfect it

I relied ‘ven on his words

I know he ‘ll not disappoint me

I anchored my faith in him

He ‘ll perfect it


4. Yea when am climbing mountain

He ‘ll perfect it

Though I am in deepest valley

He ‘ll perfect it

In Him there is no yea or nay

His promises are yea an’ yea

‘Cause in Him is Amen and yea

He ‘ll perfect it


5. I know he is my Father

He ‘ll perfect it

And I am also his child

He ‘ll perfect it

Am not moved by devil’s pranks

Neither disturbed by his works

I have fixed my gaze on Him

He ‘ll perfect it


6. When earth and heavens shall pass’d off

He ‘ll perfect it

And I appeared before him

He ‘ll perfect it

Tears of my eyes ‘ll be wiped off

By my father and my Lord

He ‘ll welcome me to his glory

He ‘ll perfect it


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