A Song: Go Forward, Beloved of Christ


A Song: Go Forward, Beloved of Christ

Exo 14:15 And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:

Composer’s Foreword: The people of the Lord have been in the slavery land for long. When their burden became unbearable to them they started praying for deliverance and deliverer. After years of prayers, the Lord sent a deliverer to them.

After serious negotiations with their slave masters, which involve spiritual dealings with the people, their slave masters allowed them to leave their land.

However after leaving their land, the people had another mind, and they decided to pursue them so that they will be brought back to slavery.

The people of Israel never knew this unto they were about catching up with them, then they started panicking, and went to their deliverer to talk to him of the impending doom.

Their deliverer, prophet Moses talked to the Great Deliverer who replied that they should go forward and shouldn’t bother him with their much rhetoric.

Tola Ogundare stepping forward


I have composed this song to tell us that the Lord also desires for us as believers of the Gospel to march forward in all we are doing therefore he has surrounded us with numerous angelic beings to assist us and minister to us, we need not fear those who can kill the flesh but cannot kill the spirit.

In ensuring that we know the tune for the composition, this has been pre-recorded on the youTube and has been shared here.

I sincerely trust that the Lord will use this wordings of compositions to bless the souls of people globally.




The Tune to Use/Chorus

Go forward, b’loved saints of Christ/2x

‘Cause you ‘re surround’d by the angels of the Lord

All weapons formed ‘gainst you ‘ll never prosper (succeed)

Fear not, march on, for Christ is with you.


The Composed Song


Valleys before you shall the Lord raised up

Mountains and the hills shall the Lord made low

Yea all the rough grounds before you shall be leveled

Turning rugged places to a plain ground

Fear not, beloved for Christ is with you





God ‘ll remove obstacles on your path

Be it spiritual or physical obstacles

‘Cause he has loved you with an everlasting love

He indeed ‘ll give you victory on ‘very side

Fear not, beloved, for Christ is with you





Your enemies ‘ll be subdued b’fore you

They ‘ll not be able to withstand you all your days

‘Cause they ‘ll be smitten by the power of God

They ‘ll bow and lick yea the dust of your feet

Fear not, beloved, for Christ is with you





Surely they ‘ll gather t‘gether

But whosoever gathered t’gether ‘gainst thee

They ‘ll surely be defeated by the Lord

‘Cause our God oh Yahweh is the man of war

Fear not, beloved, for Christ is with you





Go forward, b’loved Christ’s with you

Enter your own promised land

Possess your possessions even in the Lord

Because Christ your Master has conquered the world

Fear not, beloved, for Christ is with you





By his blood no plague and evils

Cannot touch abode of his own people

Because he has put His mark on them

Indeed they ‘re eternally secured




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